Mystic Dominator

Chapter 143: Cufflinks Culture

After the church review is over.

The next morning, Ronald got his own documents.

A well-written information identification form with little nutritional value, and a small card that is easy to carry, two small things stuffed into an envelope, and thrown into the mailbox in front of the pension this morning.

At first glance when unfolding.

Ronald had a sense of sight in his heart that this was the 'prescription drug list from another world'.

In order to prevent ordinary people who are not [seeds] from accidentally getting this thing and then checking it, the content written by the church is cloudy, and even people who don't know it will never understand the meaning even if they hold it in their hands.

In a sense...

Is this the same thing?

And during the period before and after the review, Ronald naturally didn't stay at home without work.

Except for some news in the city in his own way.

He also learned more about the various conventions and knowledge on the mysterious side.

With the quite trustworthy Patricia by his side this time, he finally had a teacher who he could ask at will.

In more than a week, his cognition level on the mysterious side has reached the level above the qualified line. Even if he encounters a riddler who talks around like Arida again, he will no longer be everywhere like when he first crossed. Show your feet.

But there is one thing that is a pity.

Unlike the smooth acquisition of mysterious knowledge, Ronald encountered some troubles in the process of inquiring about the news.

—Or should I say.

Got nothing...  

At least in his news circle, there was not a little girl who suddenly appeared and injured her shoulder blade in Burrenwich City.

Of course, things are also prioritized.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the collection of knowledge and intelligence on the mysterious side is not the most important thing.

Because the first thing Ronald has to face is an invitation.

An invitation sent to me a week ago.

——The Bureau of Investigation celebrates the banquet.

Today is the day when the Bureau of Investigation held a celebration banquet, and it was also the time when Ronald and Patricia made an appointment to go out together.

According to the rules of this world banquet.

The specific entry time should be one hour before dinner today and the time period before nightfall.

If you plan to enter the venue on time at the opening.

Then in another hour or so, he should have walked up to the third floor like a gentleman and invited Patricia to set off.

bang bang bang —

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door in the corridor on the second floor.

Is it Patricia?

Although a little surprised, Ronald quickly walked to the door and opened the door.


"Ms. Hudson!?"

The invitation came to an abrupt end, and Ronald's confident words were snapped back into his throat.

-the reason is simple.

The one who appeared outside the door at this moment was not a girl with beautiful white-blond hair, but a landlady who walked up the stairs with her hands behind her back!

Under the watchful eyes, he was thinking of tonight's banquet.

Ronald was a little nervous involuntarily.


Seeing Ronald's body stiffen in front of him, the landlady didn't even start teasing.

She just smiled gently, and then asked in a natural tone:

"Mr. Ronald."

"Didn't I hear you say that you are going to the banquet today?"

"You have only been living in Burrenwich for more than a month, so there must be a lot of things that need to be prepared."

"I'll lend you this thing from my side first."

While speaking, the landlady reached out and handed Ronald a wooden box.

"This is......"

His eyes were hesitant, but Ronald took the box anyway.

Immediately, staring at Ronald with a somewhat dazed expression, the landlady explained:

"This is a pair of cufflinks I kept when I was young, and I rarely use them now. If you don't have any suitable ones, you can try them with them."


"Thank you so much!"

Ronald immediately thanked him.

During the time he lived in this world, he already knew a lot of local people's living customs, including common sense about dressing up.

In the dress etiquette of this world.

In addition to the gorgeous clothes, necklaces and earrings that ladies pay attention to;

On the men's side, cufflinks are a very important accessory, which almost means a person's face.

When attending various formal occasions, people who have the conditions will specially customize different cufflinks to use respectively to express their status and the seriousness of attending the occasion.

Right now, the landlady brought this pair of cufflinks to the door in person.

For Ronald, it was definitely a very kind and friendly help.


"I'm very optimistic about you, young man."

"Come on."

For Ronald's thanks, the landlady didn't say much, just showed a kind smile.


Reaching out and patted Ronald's arm, the lady walked downstairs.

It wasn't until the figure was about to disappear at the corner of the stairs that she dragged a long voice and said again:

"Mr. Ronald."

"I wish you and Miss Patricia a happy evening."


Standing at the door and watching the landlady out of sight.

Ronald waited for a few seconds before going back to the room and closing the door.

He solemnly placed the box on the desk and opened it, a pair of diamond-shaped metal cufflinks immediately appeared in front of him. The blue and silver-white cufflinks lie quietly on the backing made of sponge and flannel.

Delicate pattern inlays, handcrafted textured details, just the right size and weight. UU reading www.

No matter how you look at it.

Everyone can understand that this is a carefully selected high-quality jewelry.

After staring like this for a few seconds, Ronald turned his head and walked towards the wardrobe.

With the cufflinks Mrs. Hudson lent her, it's time to change the clothes she prepared.

After all, today is the home court of the Bureau of Investigation.

Considering the style of the mysterious side, Ronald's choice of clothes was not too exaggerated.

A set of white shirts, a pair of brand-new leather shoes, a simple yet beautiful hat, a pair of stockings as white as snow...


"just forget it......"

After thinking about it, Ronald gave up his plan to wear these socks.

Although men in this world always wear this stuff on formal occasions, he, who came from the 2nd century, is still a little unacceptable in his heart.

He switched to long pants and socks, turned around, took out the cufflinks from the table and put them on the shirt to tighten, and finally put on the newly bought light-colored coat.

—Ronald looked into the full-length mirror.

The self-cultivating clothes fully showed the tall and straight figure of the young man, and on the flawless handsome face, there was a kind smile in the meticulous spirit.

Especially a pair of dark gray pupils.

In this extremely rare color, the calmness in the depths of the eyes endows the youth with more charm.

At this moment, Ronald realizes something.

He probably knows why he is so popular with ladies...

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