Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1464: awakened prisoner

Minutes are fleeting.

The three of Ronald walked through the streets and alleys of the city.

When he happened to pass by a watch shop, Costat let go of his palm on the unconscious man, and said to Ronald behind him:

"Sir, the effect of the potion has been removed, this guy is about to wake up."


"This guy finally woke up!" Hearing the voice, Nicole was the first to get up.

She took the unconscious spellcaster from Costa, and placed him on the window sill of the watch shop window and sat down.

"Hey! Old man, wake up!"

The potion effect in the unconscious person's body has been removed by Kostat, so there is no need to give him two slaps at this moment. Just as Nicole called, he slowly opened his eyes.

" am I here..."

The caster who just woke up from a coma first saw Nicole's smiling face in front of him, and was about to ask questions.

But when he subconsciously observed the surrounding environment, he saw Ronald and Costa standing beside him.

The face of the awakened person changed drastically immediately, and his eyes changed from bewildered to sober in just an instant.

"Ronald! Ronald Adler!"

"Why did you monster appear here!"

The emotionally awakened person is about to stand up and prepare to cast spells to protect himself.

However, at this moment, he felt a strong pressure coming from his shoulders.

The girl's slender hands held him in place, motionless. At the same time, the extremely high level of magic power is also invading his body, making him unable to mobilize spells to resist.

Is it the girl in front of me?

Only then did the awakened realize that Nicole who was holding her shoulders was not a good thing.

Although the girl looked smiling.

But just judging from the strength and magic power, he is also a guy that should not be underestimated.

Even under the premise that he is not imprisoned and then fights fairly, he may not necessarily be able to win in the opponent's hands.

At the same time, Ronald, who was called a monster again, spoke in an uncomfortable tone:

"Sir, I suggest you calm down."

"If you take a good look around, you'll see that this isn't the prison you're supposed to be in."

Ronald's reminder, as well as his own experience, made the awakened person quickly have a clear understanding of his situation.

After a few seconds of thinking.

As his thoughts gradually became clearer, he sighed and responded honestly:

"Okay, I know what's going on now."

"Several of you should have a lot of conflicts with the Nine Precepts Secret Society. Now that you rescued me from that damned cage, there must be something that needs help, right?"

"Page 6, Volume 11, Page 260." Nicole recited the incantation of the polygraph tester openly.

Then she let go of the other person's shoulder, carved different runes with both hands, and asked bluntly:

"It's very simple. I want to know where the Book of Interpretation is."

"Just tell me the relevant information and prove its authenticity, and you will be free immediately to do whatever you want."

The awakened person raised his eyebrows, and the "Book of Interpretation" stirred his nerves.

However, he did not immediately answer this question directly, but questioned the strength of the three of Ronald:

"With all due respect—with only the abilities of the three of you, it might be a bit out of the blue to want to steal the Book of Interpretation here."

"You want to extract information from me?" Nicole has seen countless criminals in her work as an investigator for several years, and she didn't even use spells to assist her. She could see through the opponent's purpose as soon as she heard it.

The awakened person whose true purpose was revealed did not hide it.

He stared into Nicole's eyes, and replied in a frank and sincere tone:

"When I came out of that cage, I naturally needed all kinds of news. Otherwise, I would be arrested immediately after I came out, and everything would be meaningless."


Hearing this answer, Nicole turned her head and looked at Ronald.

After the two exchanged views through their eyes, the investigator girl turned to the awakened person sitting under the window:

"First of all, let's be clear, we are not going to steal, but to rob directly!"

"Just yesterday, your president left the city with the most core subordinates. Now no one can guarantee when they will return to this city, and no one can stop our actions."

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

"So my suggestion is—you'd better tell us the news as soon as possible, so that you can buy more time for your subsequent actions."

"Impossible, how could they leave this city!" The awakened person's reaction was so intense that he almost wrote the words 'you are lying to me' on his face, "Abandoning the base camp that I have been running for a long time and leaving —Even if you were really brainwashed by the nonsense in the original scriptures, you wouldn’t make such a stupid choice!”

Objectively speaking, the actions taken by the president of the Nine Precepts Secret Society are really incomprehensible.

If someone told the news about the three of Ronald in this way, they would never believe it without proof.

So Ronald took a more direct approach to the doubts of the awakened ones.

"Starting from the relationship with the entire earth and sky, we will begin to form our cognition!"

Ronald chanted the spell directly, pulling the opponent up from the ground. UU reading

Following the power brought by the spell, the four of them flew straight to the sky above the city.

Facing the drizzle

They went straight up, came to hundreds of meters in the air and looked down.

The sun has not yet appeared at this moment, but the morning light has already appeared on the horizon.

Under the interplay of the morning light and the firelight below, the awakened caster also saw clearly the chaotic scene of the city below.

— the city is in terrible chaos.

And it seems that there is no one, or organization, to stop and correct this situation.

Faced with this situation, the awakened person subconsciously shifted his gaze to the direction of the government affairs building. He wanted to know what the high-level officials of the Nine Precepts Secret Society were doing to allow the city to become like this.

——It was a ruin covered with scorched marks. Neither the living nor the dead existed on the ground, only a few large pits lying quietly on the ground.

Astonishment and bewilderment climbed up the face of the awakened person.

how can that be?

The chaotic city, the dilapidated ruins, and the fate of escaping from the prison inexplicably. Under the interweaving of several bizarre realities, the originally well-organized thoughts began to be unable to process the picture in front of them.

At this moment, Ronald's voice sounded beside the awakened person's ears:

"If you see the ruins, then don't think too much, I'll tell you directly, this is what we just did, together with the thunder that sounded before."


The awakened person slowly closed his eyes.

He meditated like this for a few seconds, then opened his eyes again, and his eyes were no longer attached to the scene in front of him.

Instead, he complied with the reality and pointed out the information needed for the three of Ronald:

"Let's go west of the city."

"If I haven't changed since I was in prison, the Book of Interpretation is there."

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