Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1474: trial

The danger of these demons once again exceeded Ronald's expectations.

Because this sudden change was not a tactic that the demons communicated during the battle and then decided on a whim.

But when they were summoned, they had already started this secret plan.

Just like Ronald's initial impression of these demons.

The army-like demons split into several teams at the beginning, most of which were used to deal with Ronald and confuse his sight.

And a small part of the demon team carried out activities in the surrounding air according to the strict plan, and finally hovered on the key nodes of a cross-shaped magic circle, thus completing the most troublesome and most critical step of building the magic circle.

By the time Ronald was attracted by the demon devouring the corpse and attacked him, the arrangement here had also been settled.

The skeleton foundation of the magic circle has been built.

The rest of the demons that seem to be flying around can only be added to the corresponding positions when the positions are close, and they can immediately support the operation of the entire magic circle.

And wait until Ronald finds out the guy who attacked him just now, and takes action.

The demons completely completed the structure of the rule of law, as if they surrounded Ronald in the center of the cross formation!

Question—Do you believe in the Lord of hosts? 】

A solemn voice sounded.

Ronald looked around, but no one spoke here.

It's the spells formed by the demons, the natural reaction phenomenon formed, just like the voice-over inexplicably appearing in "The Maze Picture Book".

As the sound fell, Ronald immediately felt something heavy be pressed in his heart.

It seemed that there was some force forcing him to respond to this question.

Recalling the information detected earlier, the enemy's spells are dangerous scriptures from the witch hunting era.

This kind of spell is full of hostility.

As long as you cooperate with the other party, it means that the attack is coming, or you are in it now, and you have entered the environment of judgment.

If you respond according to the rhythm of the spell, it will definitely add fuel to the already bad situation and make everything even worse!


Ronald stabilized his mind and gritted his teeth.

As a powerful spellcaster with several original scriptures, he has enough personality to face this trial environment head-on and resist the oppression brought by the voice of interrogation.

Only a few seconds passed.

Ronald's silent attitude seemed to have angered the underlying logic of the spell.

The majestic voice sounded again.

There is more condemnation and anger than the previous majesty!

Question—Have you abandoned your faith and lived with the devil? 】


The moment the inquiry fell, Ronald immediately felt a layer of pressure on his body.

He still chose not to respond.

However, under the suppression of the rules of this trial spell, the price Ronald had to deal with in this way was that he felt that his body was extremely heavy, and it was even difficult for him to move, and the old agent's thinking became muddled.


The progress of this spell must be interrupted or terminated!

Ask—Do you practice witchcraft and murder the good! 】

The voice of inquiry seemed to have insight into Ronald's struggle, and the third inquiry came faster and more urgently than the second!

And this question seems to be different from the previous two.

This moment seemed to be the key to the whole trial. After the voice of questioning fell, thunder began to flash across the surrounding clouds, and the air pressure also dropped rapidly.

In other words,,,..version. 】

Ronald's body, which was originally invulnerable to cold and heat, felt strangely cold and scorching at this moment, and two contradictory physical sensations struck at the same time.

But compared with these external manifestations.

The most dangerous thing about the whole spell is the suppression of people's hearts during the trial process.

A certain malice directed against wizards invades the minds of the judged.

This spell is coercing, or deliberately distorting reality, allowing the judged to accept accountability, defining them as objects that meet the goals of the trial!


Suddenly, bright flames lit up from the magic circle surrounded by demons.

Ronald, who seemed to have been completely suppressed by the spell, forcibly broke free from the suppression of the power of judgment at this moment, and changed from his original human appearance to the posture of a chariot of God with angel wings on his back.

The sacred flame burst suddenly, and at the same time swept away the oppressive atmosphere in the air.


"It's dangerous enough..."

Ronald couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, he almost got tricked just now!

Just when he was in a daze and was about to admit his crime.

The power of the soul in "The Angel of Universal Wisdom in the Divine Comedy" kept a trace of clarity in Ronald's heart. This allowed him to activate his key spells to get rid of the decline at a critical moment.

The abnormal state of suppressing the heart and will can even make people lose the idea of ​​​​handling spells.

Change to a caster without any relevant means.

If you are not careful for a moment, you will probably fall into the cage of rules under this kind of trial.


"Costat, lamp!"

At this time, Ronald gave a loud shout.

His voice pierced through the air and clouds to the ears of the maid above.

Immediately, bright and steady light spots fell from the sky.

Costat took out the Lantern of the Absolute Sea and sent it in the direction of Ronald with magic.

A strange scene appeared in the air.

The Lantern of the Great Sea】Wherever it passed, UU Reading The dark demons fled and evaded one after another.

Although they didn't know the origin of the lantern, when the flame that could threaten all real substances came into their eyes, these exceptionally smart demons dodged one after another, trying their best to distance themselves from the Lantern of Juehai.


Ronald held the Lantern of Absolute Sea in his hand exceptionally smoothly.

The dodging movements of the demons just now not only saved Ronald effort, but even exposed their fear. So Ronald tilted the socket of the lamp slightly, so that the flames mixed with the Sun's Power he had summoned.

The sword of Santa Caterina cut a cross immediately.

The dazzling flame mixed with a unique aura flew towards the demon in front of him like this.

At this time, the magic circle formed by the demons became the biggest defect that led to their demise. The shape of the cross circle made it extremely easy for Ronald to launch a concentrated attack.

Even if some demons choose to escape.

But if they failed to run out of the team, they would be instantly bitten by the extremely fast-growing flames, and then dragged into the burning abyss.

In the blink of an eye, the flames spread around.

The entire sky was irradiated by the flames fueled by demons like a sea of ​​flames, and there were also wailing in their language.

Fortunately, the flames come and go quickly.

Just like its abnormal burning speed, there will soon be no signs of demonic presence left in the air.

Only not far in front of Ronald, it was also the core of the magic circle just now.

An original book slowly emerged from the sky that burned everything.

"It's finally over."

Ronald did a stretching motion.

He was particularly cautious about the original book, and immediately flew up to him, took it in his hand, and read out the name on the original book:

"The Witch's Hammer."

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