Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: manager

What? do not fight?

Do you think that if you say no to fight, you can shake hands and make peace?

Seeing the enemy's instant surrender, Ronald felt outrageous.

If the other party had such a conversation before the battle, he would be very happy to communicate with this guy in a friendly manner.

But right now, this guy is the first to launch a surprise attack, and when he makes a move, he also attacks with all his strength, leaving no room for it.

At this moment, he said to himself that he would cease the war... How can there be such a good thing in the world!

"Light!" Ronald simply stopped spelling and only spoke one byte.

The next moment, Costa, who came behind him, took out the Juehai lantern and handed it to Ronald.


The enemy who had already chosen to throw up his hands and admit defeat shrank back when he saw Jue Hai's lantern.

True, he didn't know the origin of the lantern in Ronald's hand.

But just the moment he saw the burning flame in the lamp, he felt a huge oppression mentally, and the wild reminder from the creature's desire to survive-dangerous, extremely dangerous!

Even his invincible body of steel.

I'm afraid that in front of the flame of this lantern, even a little bit of benefit will not be obtained, and there is a high probability that it will not have any effect!


Seeing that Ronald on the opposite side wanted to continue fighting with himself.

The enemy who realized the danger quickly waved his hands, and continued in an urgent and tense tone:

"Wait! You must want to get out, right?"

"In Song Zhonglin's seal, only I know how to get out, I think we can have a good talk!"


As soon as these words were spoken, Ronald's movements slowed down a bit.

The other party's speech was indeed on his point of concern.

Being able to enter here with Costa, Ronald and the two have already used a lot of abilities, but this is only entering the Songzhonglin from the outside.

As the existence of sealing the ancient holy capital.

Just like the field of infinite negative numbers], the difficulty of entering and leaving Ge Zhonglin is definitely not at the same level, and the latter is bound to be more difficult.

Therefore, Ronald had to seriously consider the proposal of the person in front of him.

On the other side, seeing Ronald start to think. The enemies who had chosen to beg for mercy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He lowered his hands, and at the same time sat down on the spot, showing a completely defenseless posture:

"Humans, we really don't need to keep fighting."

"Although there was a lot of movement just now, neither of us got hurt because of it. Isn't shaking hands and making peace now the best result?"


Ronald didn't respond.

Holding the Juehai lantern in one hand and the sword of Santa Caterina in the other, he came in front of the opponent with a rather obvious posture of defense.

The enemy they fought with just now looked quite young.

Judging from his appearance alone, he was estimated to be a young man in his mid-twenties, definitely not over thirty.

At this moment, he faced Ronald who was walking with his sword.

The other party still carried out the attitude of surrender before, showing no signs of guard or resistance at all.

After looking at the other party condescendingly for a period of time.

Ronald spoke again:

"I accept your surrender for the time being."

"However, whether this attitude will continue depends on whether you will honestly tell me what I want to know."

Ronald opened his mouth to express his attitude, but he did a lot of things in private.

During the conversation, he activated the [Original Sin of Greed] that could be used again, and locked his target on this guy.

—Oriel, King of Beasts.

— human gesture.

—King of the Dust Behemoths. Possesses an unparalleled powerful body. While possessing extremely high strength and rapid self-healing ability, it can also undergo flexible changes, and even greatly change its own body shape and appearance.

—Compared with ordinary dust behemoths, the king of behemoths has lost the ability to transform the environment.


Ronald didn't even react for a while.

[Original Sin of Greed] The meaning of the feedback is—this guy, who is about the size of a human, is actually a giant dust monster?

If it wasn't for the spell, it explained the reason why the other party could turn into a human form.

Under other circumstances, Ronald would not be able to accept such news immediately anyway.

"I respect the strong, so I will definitely meet your needs." At the same time, the king of giant beasts in human form was still talking, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Aurel, and I can be regarded as the manager here. "

"Ronald." Ronald simply reported his name, and then the conversation went straight to the point, "Then Orell, tell me the way to leave the song forest first."

The King of Beasts looked at Ronald, with the doubt of "you are in such a hurry" written in his eyes.

However, he did not reflect his doubts to reality, but answered immediately, as honestly as a person controlled by the spirit of speech:

"There are two ways to leave Gezhonglin. One is to completely destroy the seal, and everyone can leave freely."

Of course Ronald would not choose such an approach, he naturally asked:

"What about the second one?"

Seeing Ronald's questioning attitude, Aurel showed a smile on his face:

"The second method is naturally a secret under my control."

While saying this, the King of Beasts pointed to the direction Ronald and Costa had come from:

"The two of you can enter Songzhong Forest from the outside world. UU Reading will definitely not forget that big forest. In fact, as long as the corresponding ceremony is held in the forest that enters here, people can be sent out from this world. "

The explanation of King of Beasts is quite in line with common sense on the mysterious side.

But Ronald did not let down his vigilance, but fabricated the facts and started saying:

"But I did a survey before I came here, and I have never heard of anyone being able to get out of the forest of songs."

The King of Beasts straightened his expression, and replied in a serious tone:

"That's because my duty is to protect the existence in the seal from escaping from this world. And in the past few years, I have been qualified to maintain this duty."

Ronald asked back:

"But in this way, if you sent us away from Gezhonglin, wouldn't you be violating your duty?"

The King of Beasts shook his head:

"It's different. You are an intruder. I sent you away, but I sent out things that shouldn't exist here."


Ronald fell silent, noncommittal to the King of Beasts' reply.

After thinking for a few seconds like this, he continued to speak. When making the inquiry this time, Ronald's tone also took on a completely different seriousness from before:

"O'Reil, if I'm not mistaken."

"Before the two of us, there should be other people arriving here in the near future?"

The surprise in the eyes of the King of Beasts flashed away, and then he nodded frankly:

"Yes, someone has been here before."

"Actually, it was because of their misleading and bewitching that I started this temptation that shouldn't have been done against such a powerful existence like you two."

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