Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1502: raid


As soon as the words came out, Ronald and O'Reil stared wide-eyed.

After a brief silence, the expression of the king of giant beasts became very ugly.

With his experience in managing Ge Zhonglin for thousands of years, he still can't figure out what's going on.

The human beings mentioned by Ronald must be the casters of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] hiding in the city. As the ruler of this city, Olear is very sure about the composition of the population in the city!

When the two looked at each other in silence, Martha spoke first.

The holy priest was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and his tone was very serious when he asked:

"Besides us, are there other humans in the city?"

"And the two didn't know about it before?"

Ronald didn't want to take the blame, and immediately turned his questioning eyes to Orell:

"When Costa and I entered Gezhonglin before, this guy reacted very quickly, and he showed up to stop him in just over a day. Under the premise that he has the ability to monitor the personnel of Songzhonglin by default, I naturally didn't think about it. too much."

Aurel also felt that he had been wronged, and quickly began to defend:

"I can sense your arrival, and I can only do it through the dissonance of Lin's melody in the song. Except for the time when I first came in, the melody of the subsequent world calmed down, and I was blind!"


Ronald shook his head, and stood up straight away, the original text of "Almagest of Astronomy" was already in his hand.

"Oleil, you need to host this singing competition, so it shouldn't be convenient for you to leave?"

With such an obvious action, Aurel certainly understood what Ronald was going to do, so he nodded repeatedly, hoping that he would not get involved in this trouble:

"As the host, I definitely can't leave."

"Kostat, continue to keep an eye on him." Ronald didn't say a word, turned his head and told Costat, and then chanted the spell, "Starting from the relationship with the entire earth and the sky, we will begin to form Our cognition!"


In the next second, Ronald's figure disappeared in front of everyone along with a strong wind, and the original seats were empty.

Only Martha, whose face hadn't faded from tension.

At this moment, with a somewhat helpless look, he handed it to the maid who watched the master leave:

"To see Mr. Ronald, you don't need our help?"

Hearing this inquiry, Costait straightened his face and replied decisively:


"Sir, it's easy to deal with this kind of thing."

On the other side, Ronald, who was in a bad mood, had already arrived near the detected target.

The city of Olear is not too small, but at his current speed, it takes only a few minutes to go anywhere.

The location locked by the spell will arrive immediately.

It's just a little unlucky.

Ronald arrived here just as there was a singing parade here.

In order not to destroy the ceremony of entering the [Seven String Seal], he did not use any earth-shattering actions to destroy it. Instead, they landed on the roof from the air and entered the interior of the building through the stairs on the roof.

A spotting spell keeps an eye on the target's state.

The other party didn't seem to expect Ronald to come so suddenly. Except for one of them standing at the window and observing the parade on the street, the other two were sitting in the room and discussing things.

Due to the sound insulation effect of wood.

As Ronald walked down, he heard their conversation.

"It's been a few days, these orcs are still singing here, don't they think it's noisy?"

"Although it was weak, this activity still triggered a wave of magic power. That man named Aurel must have made some moves, we can't be careless."

"If you want me to say, the president should deal with that guy. Anyway, he is not human. Now we are just left here to watch. If something goes wrong, we may not be able to deal with it!"

"Don't underestimate that guy. Although he looks like a human being, that thing has lived in this world for thousands of years! Temporary resignation does not mean that we can easily solve it. In case the trip is delayed by the other party, then If you get caught up by the guy from another world behind, then you will be in big trouble..."


"Sorry, I'm a bit late."

At this moment, Ronald 'pushed' the door and interrupted their conversation with a cold tone.

The three humans in the room heard the movement and turned around.

Suddenly, he found that Ronald was holding the doorknob with one hand, throwing the broken door on the ground, and then locked his eyes on them.

The person sitting on the chair got up quickly, and the person by the window was even more decisive. He opened the window and was about to jump outside.

"Ro...Ronald? How do you..."

"Stop your actions!" Yan Ling descended into the house at this moment.

The two people who got up were frozen in place, and the person at the window was even more awkward, half of his body stuck on the window and unable to move.

"It's like this every time, can't we change the way of surprise?"

While muttering, Ronald walked straight over and tore off the person on the window first, and held him under his arm like a chick, and then took the other two in his hands.

After returning to the rooftop by the same route, he flew up again, and flew out of the city with the three of them.


Ronald did not allow the other party to destroy the ceremony in the city.

So instead of interrogating information in the house, it is better to take them out of the city directly to prevent any problems before they happen.

Flying in the air with three casters.

Ronald suppressed them again in the middle.

With the abilities of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] caster, it was impossible for his words to suppress them for such a long time.

But Ronald had just won the Gray River Grass ring.

After transferring the strengthening of the flying speed to Ling Ling, this greatly strengthened Ronald's suppression of the three, and even formed a suppression that was originally impossible to achieve.

A few minutes later, Ronald landed on the plain east of the city, and dropped the three of them on the lawn in front of him.

bang bang bang—

The three casters landed in different postures.

Perhaps it was the impact of the landing impact, the strongest among them finally got rid of the suppression of Yan Ling at this time.

Then he swept his eyes and reflected the surrounding scene into his eyes.

This... Ronald took them out of the city? Why not act on the spot in the city?

If you don't know [Seven Strings Seal], UU reads www.uukanshu. com and the details of the rituals in the city.

The caster naturally had an inference.

Ronald must not want to provoke Olear, that's why he took them outside the city!

"Ronald, the ruler of this world has reached a cooperation with us! You'd better not act rashly, we..."


Before the caster of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] finished speaking, the sound of drawing a sword sounded.

He looked ahead.

Ronald was holding the pitch-black Saint Caterina sword, hanging the tip of the sword in front of him, and said in a cold voice:

"Don't worry, it just hurts."

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