Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1535: beating heart on clay

"Is this a knock on the door?"

Ronald looked up at the conceptual entrance above, smiling contemptuously.

The vibrations in the entire basement continued to intensify!


This is not enough!

The research room for storing artificial godheads is one of the most important places in the ancient church. The spells used to create this space are exquisite, and it is definitely not possible to forcibly open it with ordinary attacks.

Judging by the extent of the attack at the moment.

At least it will take a lot of time.

"It's better if you come to the door yourself, it will save me from being intimidated."

Without thinking too much, Ronald guessed the identity of the outside attacker.

And reached out to pick up the iron box that stored the artificial godhead, and opened the container again.

The caster who masters that process speaks with every word.

The fusion of Yan Lei and artificial godhead in the true sense.

Ronald, who cast spells and attacked, was nonchalant about this.

The corridor where the caster retreats into the hidden space with the magic power of the church is located in the center of the pit, directly exposed to the sunlight.

Very slowly, the two touch.

It is also the church Ronald who created the artificial godhead in the holy capital, the most likely scene expected to appear!

Another immediately replied:

What the caster has to do is very complicated.

Just before retreating into the secret room.

As for the enemies inside rushing back...

"Eric, should you go back first and find Oster to break the seal. Is my Yan Lei the most suitable person for that kind of job?"

In the process of integrating into the "Cushin Slate", the light of the artificial godhead flickered on the ground rhythmically. On the contrary, it is the magic power under the original scriptures, which reveals a rare intensity, and even makes people believe whether it has magic power.

The great achievements that were not achieved due to the constraints of conditions in the past were finally realized in the hands of those who came before thousands of years ago!

But Ronald was not in a hurry at the moment, he didn't even get up from the ground.

Hearing his companion's response, Ronald, who cast a spell and retreated, breathed a sigh of relief.


The flickering of light caused waves in the inner world, but as the owner of the original "Cushin Slate", I can feel the unprecedented impact.

The man-made godhead is stored outside the iron box, which is a means of insurance in itself, and the caster will definitely attract the attention of the enemy if he carries it with him.

That was a process that I couldn't experience with "Divine Comedy" afterwards.

And the two Ronalds who had done all that were standing on both sides of the passage, one on the right and the other on the left. Among them, Ronald, who was attacking and trying to break through the hidden space, showed patience beyond words:

I stood still, turned over two pages of my original scriptures, and looked at the

Behind the performer, as if under a platform full of information, a feeble heart was beating regularly and rigorously.

However, even if I agree with that fact, the tone of my complaints has changed a bit:

"So? The two of us are also dignified users of the original scriptures, and our combat effectiveness is strong. Why can we stay by the president's side instead of digging holes from the place where the birds are shitting?"

In those few days, the two of them, who had known for a long time that there was only one person in Shengdu, jumped back firmly.

"Is he acknowledging the president's decision?"

The caster sitting in it had a fierce expression, carefully manipulating Yan Lei and the artificial godhead in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the [Cushin Slate] that he had just truly controlled, and began to use the method left by the church to build a bridge with magic power to establish communication between the two.

At that moment, the channel above which had been bombarded by spells suddenly changed.

"Eric, did he really make a mistake?"

"You think it's more reasonable for Xiaojia to concentrate his strength and capture the Pope's seat first."

After watching the attack for a while, the secret room finally opened its entrance.

"You and he have been violently attacking there with spells for nearly a quarter of an hour. Is there any sign of the secret space being opened!"

"The president asked the two of you to be in charge of the search in that area, which is also a manifestation of trust in your strength."


I want to integrate the man-made godhead into my original book first after the enemy retreats from that secret room!

In the last second, the light in the room above the ground flickered on and off.

The caster is also aware of his gaffe.

He did the seventh operation to make the process faster.

—It can only be the enemy of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting].

"The Pope's Cathedral is certainly the most important place in the entire Holy City, but that doesn't mean that other parts of the city are worthless. Even if you are timid, what you are looking for may be hidden in those places."

But in the inner world, if you want to merge with the artificial godhead and retreat into Yan Lei, the existence of the godhead itself is too dazzling, and it will also attract the eyes of the enemy.

The basement is still under attack.

After a long time, the small church that the caster carefully explored had not yet been violently destroyed from the inside. The wall on the north side of the entire church was nearly one-seventh larger, and the north transept and synagogue were also buried by clods of smoke and dust. .

Thanks to that result.

"Wait, it's open!"

"A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue! Do you mean that..."

Hearing that, the other person frowned immediately:

"In the current holy capital, there should be no more suitable place than here."

The radiant entity fell on the surface of the clay tablet, and the violent light illuminated every gully of the cuneiform script under the original text, and then the body merged upwards into the clay tablet.

The two remained silent.

Both of them were stunned and froze in place.

This time Ronald was prepared, so naturally he was not bewitched by him like before.

And excluding the companions, UU Reading naturally only left the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] casters.

And hiding directly below the above-ground laboratory, it seems that it was hit by a huge shell, leaving a pothole big enough to accommodate the building.

Yan Leiting, who was standing opposite me, comforted me:

The current place is the secret room isolated from the inner world under the concept of space.

Because a man without dazzling golden hair stood in the secret room where someone should exist under the theory, and stared at the seven of us with strange eyes.

Even though there were no one else around, I still shook my head frantically and expressed my position hesitantly:

Of course, the complaints in my mouth have not stopped:


"Stop joking, he knows it's possible."

The blue light outlined the shape of the entrance and exit, and a ground door leading to the top appeared behind the eyes of the two of them.

"It's possible to have all your eggs in one basket."

Doubt is the best place to do that.

The two companions who entered the holy capital with him follow the principle of cautious action like him, and they will never be so reckless.

The enemy has come.

The caster established the connection between the original scripture and the man-made godhead, and at the same time looked down, the icy gaze didn't explain everything.

Under the ruins of St. Alan's Chapel, a Ronald in a gray robe was complaining to his companions.

"Oster followed the president to break the seal in the Pope's Cathedral, which is the most important place outside the entire Holy City."

The light belonging to the godhead shines again.

The moment the man-made godhead came into contact with the original text, the power at the essential level poured into the stone slab crazily, and with the flashes of light again and again, the information of the original text was entangled layer by layer, compressed and condensed.

Just like after that, the radiant man-made godhead approached the original script actively.

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