Mystic Dominator

Chapter 153: Chamber of Commerce

After completing the investigation bureau's reporting work, Ronald suddenly had more free time for a short time.

In fact, there is no need to report to the Bureau of Investigation for a general job transfer.

Even if you want to notify it, it's definitely not the level of going directly to the Bureau of Investigation.

In an organization like the Bureau of Investigation, ordinary people on the mysterious side basically don't go if they can't go.

Ronald will do this mainly because of the nature of his next job.

According to the information first given by Everton.

Now in Burrenwich, get rid of those small forces that are miscellaneous, or even can only send one or two people to speculate.

There are only two forces that are qualified to be called competitors of the same level as they are.



In the former case, it is a super chamber of commerce based in the coastal city of Grid, and it is mainly engaged in the commercial activities of the coastal city.

And because of Grid's current status as a world hegemon, their scope of activities naturally spreads all over the world with the establishment of colonies one by one, and they are well-deserved world-class business giants.

So the news of Burrenwich's establishment of a port area came out.

Corresponding activities will naturally unfold.

Compared with the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance to which Everton belongs.

They will definitely get a certain business share in Burrenwich, the difference is only a question of how much.

And such proportion and status.

As a result, there will inevitably be some people who will take the initiative to do something to please or tend to be serious.

Even if he doesn't speak, the result must still have a big impact.

As for the latter, its origins cannot be underestimated either.

, is a chamber of commerce that is directly controlled and run by a long-established occult school. Among them, the actual controllers are three widely distributed mystic schools.

Since the scope of their school activities is all over the Latochoa continent, the scope of activities of the Chamber of Commerce is also quite wide, and they can basically find stores operated by them in every country.

Even the distribution characteristics of the oil pump members.

In some remote towns and towns, you can occasionally see the activities of this chamber of commerce.

Extensiveness and sheer size are their characteristics.

In the specific work of the Shiratori Business Federation, the three schools use people as the cornerstone, and most of them are responsible for the operation of the shops.

So Ronald might want to fight someone.

Most likely a wizard, or a witch.

But honestly.

Ronald thinks the job might not be that difficult for him.

The reason is also very simple.


Among the powers currently provided by the canon, 'Rage' brings a wide-ranging and easy-to-use emotional reconnaissance ability.

And since it's business competition, there must be some greed, right?

Among the few abilities that he has hardly used, 'Greed' is simply tailor-made for this kind of battle.

The Hell's Rolling Stones are designed to bring torture to the greedy, not to kill the enemy directly.

It's perfect for a scene like this!


"A month and a half..."

Sitting in his room, Ronald was analyzing his work in his mind, and at the same time he didn't take his eyes off the desk in front of him for a moment.

The contract he signed is there.

To root out the results agreed upon by both parties, the exhibition facing the mysterious side will be terminated simultaneously after the end of winter.

So in the calculation, he has worked for one and a half months.

And if it's specific to the day...

Although the total working hours spanned more than 40 days, because Ronald only worked two days a week, the actual working hours ranged from 12 to 14 days.

In a sense.

This even fits within the category of flexible working hours...

bang bang bang——

Just as Ronald was thinking, there was a knock on the door on the second floor from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the landlord, Mrs. Hudson, sounded outside the door:

"Mr. Ronald, is it convenient for me to come in?"


Picking up the contract and stuffing it into the drawer of the desk, Ronald jumped up from the chair and replied loudly:

"Ms. Hudson, please come in!"

"I'm fine here."


Turning the door handle, the landlady walked in quickly with a pale yellow envelope. While her footsteps were a bit hasty, Ms. Hudson's eyes also had some rare concerns compared to the past.

It was not until Ronald approached that the landlady asked with the envelope:

"Mr. Ronald, when I was picking up today's newspaper in the mailbox just now, I saw your letter."

"It... it's actually a ginkgo biloba!"

Speaking of which, Mrs. Hudson's tone became tense.

Looking at Ronald's eyes, there is also a color of concern:

"I heard that the people in this chamber of commerce are all great people in Springs!"

"It won't be Miss Patricia's side..."

"What happened?"

Ronald immediately denied:

"how could be?"

Reassuring Mrs. Hudson with a gentle smile, Ronald took the envelope from her and glanced at it.

On this specially designed light-yellow envelope, there are some staggered patterns of ginkgo leaves, and the sender's identity column is written impressively.

He simply tore open the envelope, and Ronald took out the contents.

A letter, a folded cardboard card.

The content on the stationery is clear at a There are only a few lines of content.

It probably means 'This is the deposit part of Ronald's next work remuneration, and the subsequent commission will also be charged on this card according to the time. ’

And the cardboard folded and pasted was a custom-made bankbook, and the names of all of them were naturally Ronald's.

Immediately, Ronald showed Mrs. Hudson what he was holding:

"Ms. Hudson, look."

"This is just a reward for my work, not the kind of trouble you think."


After confirming that Ronald took out the salary from the envelope, the expression on the landlady's face softened instantly.

"It's really my rudeness."

"Mr. Ronald should celebrate such good news."

As she spoke, Mrs. Hudson walked out the door. She did not have the habit of disturbing the tenant's private space:

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

Ronald thought for a while, and immediately replied:

"If you have ribs, it would be even better."

Immediately, Mrs. Hudson, who was walking down the stairs, responded loudly:

"Then look forward to it, Mr. Ronald!"

Ronald also said loudly:

"thank you very much!"


Hearing the footsteps of the landlady walking away on the stairs, Ronald immediately walked to the door and closed the door.

Take Ms. Hudson's reaction just now as a reference.

Of course, there is no need to say more.

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