Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1546: simple inquiry

What exactly is the content of the trials facing the candidates for the holy priesthood?

When the gray figure was reflected in the pupil.

Ronald was not afraid in his heart, nor did he step forward immediately.

He is thinking.

Is this a test of one's understanding of spells, or one's devotion to belief, or one's character?

About what you are about to face next.

In just a moment, many possible conjectures emerged in Ronald's mind, and the various coping methods were even more difficult to calculate.

"Come here, kid."

At this time, the gray figure spoke.

He waved to Ronald, calling in a gentle and kind tone, like an old man calling his grandchildren.

In contrast, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Based on the emotion contained in this sentence, he can be sure that this figure is not a mechanized magic program, but an intellectual individual with personality.

Some of the tricky ways I had prepared to deal with spells seemed useless now.

I sighed in my heart.

Ronald had no choice but to walk towards the other party.

When he came to the gray figure, Ronald realized that the figure had a human appearance, but the specific appearance was hidden behind a fog, and he couldn't see clearly.

Except for a trace of kindness revealed in the vague expression.

Now without the blessing of magic ability, Ronald basically can't analyze any redundant information.

"Son, come on, sit down."

At this time, the gray figure issued an invitation.

After entering the Cathedral of the Holy Grace, there is a rather wide corridor first.

The gray figure greeted him, and with a gesture in the air with one hand, a chair appeared behind Ronald, signaling the candidate in front of him to sit down.

Naturally, Ronald would not refuse, but the other party continued to comfort him:

"As a candidate for this year's priesthood, I know you must be nervous. But you don't need to think about it, this is just a simple inquiry, as long as you answer my question honestly."

Ronald pretended to be nervous and nodded vigorously:

"Yes, I understand!"

The gray figure stopped talking and started his exam questions directly:

"What do you think of the story of the shepherd letting go of the devil in the "Mongol Canon"? Are his actions serious sins?"

As it happened, Ronald spent a long time in the mission library.

He has read many classic stories, and this paragraph happened to be within his knowledge, so he nodded quickly to answer:

"I don't think he has committed any serious crimes!"

"The simple shepherd is deluded into knowing that he is unleashing a demon; he sees himself as helping a stranger, and that is an unquestionable act of kindness!"

The gray figure asked back:

"He really doesn't know the truth, but the act of letting go of the devil itself is an indisputable fact!"

Ronald was very firm in his opinion:

"I think—the deceived, especially the good ones, should not be blamed any more."


The gray-robed figure pondered for a moment.

After a few seconds, he spoke again:

"Son, with your attitude, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to rule witch hunters."

Hearing this point of refusal, Ronald smiled slightly.

He was not afraid of this kind of dialogue, and responded to the other party's point of view quite calmly:

"Witch hunters are the majestic side of the church. Facing certain situations, it is natural to need unforgiving majesty; but at the same time, the church should also show a compassionate side to people. Both must be done at the same time."

"Hmm..." The gray figure nodded slightly.

He did not directly express his views on Ronald's reply, but ended this topic and moved to the next link:

"Then what do you think about Saint Delis' experience on the twenty-fourth day in the Book of Delis?"


Ronald froze instantly.

The story involved in the previous question happened to be seen in the files of the church, so he naturally answered it fluently.

But now this...

That's really confusing, and I don't know a little information at all.

It is just a mistake to speak rashly, and now I can only use words to deal with new problems:

"What are you asking about my opinion?"


The gray figure fell silent. He obviously didn't expect Ronald to ask such a sentence.

And this action also reminded Ronald.

— There was something wrong with his answer.

What the other party asked must have a very obvious causal relationship in some aspect. As long as you ask, you should have locked in a certain direction of answering.

And his probing cliché just now obviously didn't match the other party's inquiry.

Ronald has exposed the problem.

But the expression on his face was completely unafraid, and he continued to speak calmly, so as to make up for it before the other party questioned him:

"I think one thing should not only look at its appearance, but also go deep into the philosophy contained in it. Personal views are always one-sided, and it is bound to be unable to perfectly summarize the rich reality. What do you think?"

Ronald's remedy worked.

Although somewhat far-fetched.

But the gray figure never thought that the person sitting in front of him was an impostor who knew nothing about church scriptures.

After all, this is a solemn ceremony for the church to select candidates for priests!

How could there be outsiders mixed in?

And in his detective spells, Ronald's speech showed no sign of lying at all.

So based on the previous question and answer, he was sure that this was what Ronald really thought.

So he even started to praise:

"Son, it's very good that you have a flexible mind and can look at problems from multiple angles."

"In this case, let's skip this question first."

"Talk about the fourteenth Pope Mandakh, and the reforms he made to the church during his tenure."



It's something I don't even know about!

After two consecutive inquiries that he didn't know anything about, Ronald even had the illusion of cold sweat coming from his back.

But that's how it is.

He could only smash the can and smash it, bit the bullet and use his words to push it up:

"I... I feel that times are always changing, and the environment is changing. An organization that remains the same in a constantly changing environment is bound to decline. And if changes are made-although the results of policy changes are mixed. Bad, but making a change is already a very courageous choice.”


"Ah?" The gray figure's tone was full of confusion.

He was successfully fooled by the last question.

Now Ronald's answer sounds impeccable.

But the problem is that the fourteenth pope made a change. UU Reading allocated funds to renovate the old city of the holy capital during an extremely prosperous period.

At that time, some people criticized him for being extravagant and wasteful.

But time has passed, and people of later generations have enjoyed the benefits of advanced cities, so they naturally began to praise the Pope.

When he mentioned this, he originally wanted to use this question to relieve Ronald's anxious look.

Never expected such an answer in exchange!

The blurred eyes under the gray robe quietly locked on Ronald like this.

The two looked at each other for a moment before the figure spoke leisurely:

"Constantly avoiding direct answers, but quite insightful opinions, and at the same time possessing brilliant speech skills..."

"Who are you?"

(end of this chapter)

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