Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1555: Cracking under the butterfly effect


In an instant, everyone stopped what they were doing.

Taking Ronald as an example, the several collapses or runaways he experienced had serious consequences, which are still fresh in his memory.

Especially today, this place is still inside the [Seven Strings Seal]!

The space created by spells is definitely not as stable as the real world, and even the original scriptures destroyed by the enemy themselves are of the space system.

Many factors add up...

No one can guess what the ending will lead to.

On the other hand, the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] was also worried.

He is also betting!

Lilya foresaw that his side was not Ronald's opponent, so she made such a risky decision in desperation.


In the blink of an eye, there was a crisp sound like shattering glass.

But look around.

There is no change in the scene in people's sight.

Only in the place where the original scriptures had just been torn apart, the terrifying magic power and spatial fluctuations had begun to confuse each other, forming a huge vortex brewing with increasingly terrifying power.

Just wait for a tipping point.

This power will be detonated instantly!

— Is there any way to change the situation.

—Even if the eruption of this force cannot be prevented, it is still possible to protect the holy capital.

The thoughts in Ronald's mind turned sharply.

Accompanied by the sound of space shattering, even if the danger has not yet come, he can still sense the activity of "Bradshaw Railway Guide".

This original book is ready to play a role again at any time, helping Ronald resist the coming space interference.

"We come down from the mountains and stand by the sea. The eyes roam unrestricted on the vast sea."

There was no room for thinking at this moment, Ronald immediately recited the spell.

None of his many spells can deal with the current situation in a targeted manner, but don't forget one thing—this is the holy capital.

The original book that Ronald owned, "The Face of the Earth", contained a spell called [Fossil Track].

Even though this spell cannot manipulate the resurrected dead.

But as long as [Fossil Track] can work in the holy capital, it will definitely awaken some special characters. Even if the changes in front of us cannot be reversed, they can still play a role in dealing with the enemy.

The spell is successfully cast.

But unexpectedly, Ronald's eyes sank the next moment, and he quickly stopped casting the spell.

Because it is only the moment when the spell succeeds.

[Fossil Track] Take away almost one-third of his magic power!

This is simply a joke-like mana consumption.

Ronald has mastered several original books, and even has trump cards such as the artificial godhead and the "Cushin Slate". The vastness of its magic power has far exceeded the limit of normal spellcasters.

[Fossil Track] What exactly do you want to resurrect.

Will there be such an exaggerated loss?

Say it bluntly.

As long as he continues to provide magic power to the mage, Ronald will undoubtedly be crippled directly, even threatening his life!

After stopping the spell, nothing changed in the Great Library.

There was nothing in his vision that was revived by him.

But the continuous crackling sound in the air became more and more dense and clearer.


The light also begins to distort.

Normal light is refracted, distorted, and reflected by the metamorphic space in the void. Even if things are close at hand, it is difficult to distinguish the shape in this case, let alone the sound that needs to be transmitted by a medium.

The destruction of the original code did not cause a simple explosion.

Instead, the [Seven String Seal], which had already started to collapse, was directly led to the fuse of the collapse.

This is a crisis with unpredictable consequences!

"come over!"

The moment the chaotic space was about to fall, Ronald gave a loud shout.

The chaos of space really affected people's perception, and there was no time to cast other spells in the rush.

But Ronald and Costa, have a contract to determine each other's position.

He used the "Paradise Chapter" spell that could take effect immediately without any spells, and immediately pulled Costat, who was already some distance away!

that's all.

Before the space was completely shattered, the maid was caught by Ronald.

"Sir, I..."

"Kostat, use your probability spell to strengthen my next action, I must succeed!"

Costa, who was dragged over, wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Ronald.

The maid didn't hesitate, and immediately obeyed the order and recited the spell.

The ability to manipulate probability came to Ronald.

[End of human law] started first, and what Ronald hoped for was another spell.

"We come down from the mountains and stand by the sea. The eyes roam unrestricted on the vast sea."

This time he activated "The Face of the Earth".

But it is the complete technique of this original scripture.

As a space runaway caused by the collapse of the original scriptures, ordinary spells such as [Invisible Hand] may not be able to achieve their goals in terms of ability.

Utilizing the complete technique of [Geological Change], Ronald gave the surrounding space the characteristic that the crustal movement remains firm while moving.

Sure enough, the space around Ronald immediately became stable.

Although the magic power released by the destruction of the original code is amazing, the power of disorder and out of control is not as good as the optimal release structure of the perfect technique.

Coupled with Costat's interference from the probability.

Ronald almost seized the best and most appropriate time to stop the collapse of the surrounding space.

Seeing that his decision was effective, Ronald felt certain.

He immediately increased his magical power support for the spell, preparing to spread the stability of the space, thus ending the runaway in advance.

"Sir, the enemy was in this direction just now!"

"As long as there is a way to pass, I will immediately launch a surprise attack!"

Costat reminded.

Ronald nodded, and naturally spread the stable direction to the position Costat said.

Soon, they could already see the ruins where the enemy was.

almost immediately...


At this moment, the sound of a broken string resounded in the void.

Everyone in the space storm heard this strange movement.

This is not the sound of space crumbling.

But with this movement, everyone felt a sense of crisis, as if something had been irreversible with this change.

In the chaotic space, Ronald's expression was the most rigid.

Because he is the only person in the entire holy capital who has really heard this voice.

He knew very well that this was the sound that would only be made when the [Seven String Seal] broke again.

—The situation is very bad.

—The Great Library is also one of the anchors of this seal.

And the unscrupulous battle just now, coupled with the collapse of the original code, finally destroyed the foundation of the seal here.

In the situation where the space disorder in the big library is already extremely serious.

The destruction of the seal immediately spread like a chain reaction.

In an instant, the rampage speed of the space increased by more than ten times.

The stability that Ronald added to the space with the technique of completeness finally couldn't resist, and began to collapse inward.

"No, UU Reading can't resist the entire space with spells!"

Ronald made an instant judgment.

Continue to rely on the effect of complete art.

He might be able to hold out for a while with the collapse of space.

But this tug-of-war will definitely end with the exhaustion of his magic power, and it cannot go on like this.

Ronald made a decisive decision and stopped casting spells.

Instead, he hugged Costat in his arms.

The [Boundary of Humanity] prepared in advance also narrowed the scope to only two people at this time, trying to maintain the duration of the spell as much as possible.

Next, it's pure hard resistance!

(end of this chapter)

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