Mystic Dominator

Chapter 155: safe work

Standing by the window, Ronald quietly watched the carriage that just stopped outside.

Under the interference of the spell set up by Everton.

Unless the opponent has targeted spells, or some special exploration spells.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, as long as the window in the room where Ronald is closed, it is almost impossible for people outside to see the situation inside.

Looking through the treated one-way glass, Ronald saw the vehicle the first visitor took today.

It was a brown-black four-wheeled carriage.

Slowly parked beside the gate of the manor, and when the coachman came down and opened the door, the people inside walked out of the carriage with an umbrella.

With the umbrella covering him, Ronald couldn't see the other side's face.

But in terms of the gorgeous umbrella and the long skirt that can be seen, this is definitely a female visitor.

At the same time, there was a maid beside the woman.

The two walked towards the gate one after the other, and in the blink of an eye, they passed through the manor's fence, and the two lines of footprints on the snow were clearly visible behind them.

Seeing that there are no other visitors in the field of vision.

Ronald simply retreated to his desk.

Finally, he quickly flipped through the portraits in the book before he walked out of the room.


After locking the door of his office, Ronald leaned on the second floor corridor to the vicinity of the stairs.

Near the stairs of this building is an open design, as long as the angle is adjusted well, the corridor on the second floor and the hall on the first floor can be completely connected to each other.

After less than a minute.

Ronald then heard the footsteps of the first guest entering the hall today.

It was a woman who looked less than thirty years old, with blond hair and a normal appearance, but with a lot of makeup, this woman could barely be considered a beauty.

Ronald quickly recalled.

Among the names he just remembered, he immediately found the identity of the other party.

—Cady Parkin.

Burrenwich is an expert in the cosmetics business.

Mrs. William Parking's wife.

According to the information provided by Everton, Park Lane's magic should be a school related to smell. After all, in William Park Lane's store, the most popular best-selling product is their special perfume.

And the maid next to Mrs. Parking was actually a third-rate warlock they found in the countryside.

The Park Ning family paid this guy a salary, and then the other party worked for him.

Among them, Mrs. Parkin has lived in Burrenwich for more than ten years, and the 'maid' has also worked in the store for three years.

In the introduction of the roster, this belongs to the visitors who need less precaution.

No need for precautions...

It seems that the first visitor to the reopening of this exhibition should have no problems.

Thinking of this, Ronald decided to go back to his office and stay there.

However, just a second before he was about to turn around.

He froze in place.


As I said before, the second-floor corridor and the first-floor lobby can see each other's conditions.

Mrs. Parkin, who was about to visit, suddenly wrinkled her nose, then turned directly to look in the direction of Ronald on the second floor.

Immediately, she noticed that Mrs. Parking on the second floor showed a seductive smile.

At the same time, he leaned in Ronald's direction.


Ronald was stunned for a while before he realized what the other party meant.

With a stiff face, he turned around and left the corridor on the second floor.

I didn't expect that he, who came here to be in charge of security work, would actually pay attention to his own safety?

Back in the office, Ronald sat down on the chair with a weird expression.

Immediately, he began to use his emotional perception ability to detect the movement of the other party.

If possible, Ronald doesn't really want to show his face now.

And according to the analysis of Ms. Parker's ability just now, his own office may have already been known by the other party.

After all, if you can smell your own scent so keenly on the first floor, then of course you can also find it in the office a short distance away.

Everton's technique does not have the ability to prevent other people's nose from smelling.


Resting his chin with one hand, Ronald looked through the roster while monitoring the trail of Ms. Parkin.

The other party was basically on the first floor, and occasionally chatted with the staff of the exhibition. Apart from the actions of normal visitors, there were no suspicious movements.


At this time, an indistinct voice sounded behind Ronald.

Getting up again and walking to the window, Ronald saw another carriage coming from the direction of Burrenwich.

This time, the people who came out of the carriage were a man and a woman. The young two were actually a brother and sister.

They are local nobles of Burrenwich, and they have not yet inherited the titles of their fathers.

I came here today, probably just to play in my spare time.


"It's really work now..."

After a little sigh, Ronald simply moved the chair to the window and sat down, holding the booklet with one hand.

While trying to distinguish the visitor's origin, he started today's official work.

This secret exhibition established by Everton, in the final analysis, is aimed at the mysterious side.

In order to show their strength, and the idea of ​​their development in Burrenwich.

Most of the things on display are of a mysterious nature.

Treasure materials, ancient magic props, some heavy pages tied together...

Of course, this is not the original.

After all, he is also a mysterious, but he would not be foolish to take out this kind of thing, and then show it to everyone.

As a result of doing that, it might not be able to bring them any benefit.

There will only be some big troubles that are not easy to handle.

These displayed pages are actually the store planning plans they made, as well as part of the public plan.

How do people with mysterious powers secretly use their abilities to produce goods, and then establish a safe and stable operation mechanism.

This type of thing is directly taken out, and people in need will definitely be tempted.

Showing ability and sincerity is the main purpose of this activity.


And then the day passed like this...

On Ronald's first day at work, no imaginary enemy came to make trouble.

I don't know if it was the help of the heavy snow, or there were other hidden reasons.

In short, from the time the first visitor came to the door this afternoon, until the gate of the manor was closed at night, Ronald didn't find any malicious guy coming directly to the door.

Of course.

There is no need to fight, Ronald is more welcome.

Organize today's work records and hand them over to the clerical workers in the manor.

Ronald locked the door and walked to the guest room on the second floor to rest.

After all, it was two consecutive days of security work, and he didn't plan to return to Burrenwich tonight.

Anyway, I hope the work goes well...

When the lights are turned off, the black fog will spread out and self-discipline defense, Ronald hopes.

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