Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: total chaos


The sound of strings snapping sounded again.

If you want to ask how Lilya can escape from such a desperate situation.

According to his various encounters since entering the holy capital.

There is only one conclusion.

—The collapse of the holy capital again.

The first [Seven Strings Seal] collapsed, and Lilya escaped from the pursuit of Ronald and his party from the large library; the second collapse, the change of the space structure helped him delay time, so that he could come to the Heart Ring Institute.

Now, it's time for the third time.

Although there is no such useful information detection spell as [Greed].

But Lilya hid under the swarm of insects, and after careful consideration, he could find many clues.

At the same time, Lilyat landed.

The valet nodded, expressing his trust in Costa.

Before the sound of the strings collapsing, the surrounding space immediately seemed distorted, and another collapse was just around the corner!

So almost at the same time, the president of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] also recited mantras.

Almost the second after Ronald heard the movement, a large number of devouring zergs began to destroy everything around them.

I looked at the little ground on my feet, felt the connection in my soul, and smiled.

But now, everything exists.

I use [Astral Traction] to lock on to Ronald, trying to tear the enemy out of the nest.


In the meaning of the lion in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", I guard myself from the interference of that spell.

Seeing that things are possible, Costa asked the servant to approach him, and once again used spells to protect the two of them.

"Sir, you see that you have arrived."

"The dragon's name was 'He shall.' But the spirit of the lion said, 'You shall!'"

The two seals that I can determine collapsed.

Is the Xinhuanyuan where they are now considered an important building in the holy capital?

They can't fight against a caster like Ronald.

It was a chain reaction triggered after important buildings in the holy capital were damaged.

"Lilyat, we need to go."

Immediately afterwards, the two screened out the space cracks around the fragments, and found that there were not less than a dozen of them!

The spells of the two are straight from the original scriptures, and it is difficult to distinguish the superior and inferior in a short period of time.

"Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, make it your cognition."

You looked at the two people behind you, immediately showed a distressed smile, and swooped down on Guan Zhifoot.

The sound of strings breaking from [Yixian Seal] was invited to appear.

At that time, Liryat on the side spoke.

The complete emptiness enveloped everything in the holy capital, and no other city fragments could be seen with the naked eye.

Costa quickly stopped spraying the venom and rushed upwards.

Just a few breaths.

"Our people are here."

Even if it is set in a civilian residential area, there is a statue disguised as a cross scepter sitting there, and it has the power to control people's hearts.

"Don't try to escape!"

A bright green plant squeezed out from the outside, and the former slow flowering and fruiting.

Costa fell silent and waved his hand.

Costa can even guess the current situation by using spell detection.

After receiving the sword, Ronald already understood Costa's accomplishments under the original scripture.

Even if the special enchantment is damaged like that, I'm afraid it hasn't collapsed since you, and there is no possibility of it continuing to exist!

Although the current space is extremely stable, the connection between the fragments of the holy capital has not disappeared. At least we can still move between the fragments.

"A Little Completion of Astronomy" is not the original text of "Four Precepts Secret Meeting".

Next time I can't protect Lilyat with that trick, now I can keep the enemy out there!

Costa, who dived in the air, immediately realized the failure of his spell.

But now, I'm very unsure:

The servant described the scene in the void around the fragments of the holy capital.

Costa's seven words are about activating the spell.

Guan Zhifu murmured:

Costa shot to the ground like a meteor.

Of course, you are still shouting at Costa:

The only thing that can be sensed by the body is the small ground on the feet.

For Ronald, a short time was enough.

But at that moment, the death-devouring Zerg Zerg immediately greeted him.

"Boss, are you surprised?"

Before I could finish my words, the ground suddenly stopped trembling.


So after the negotiation broke down, Lierya immediately issued an order to the Devouring Zerg—destroy all surrounding buildings!

It is also less thanks to the holy capital's attainments under the spell.

But Guan Zhifu is not optimistic, you immediately raised the troubles in your heart:

Lilyat even wanted to drag Costa away.

But Costa stopped the manservant.

The question now is how do we go back.

When the two spells were confronting each other in the air, the spatial collapse caused by the damage of [One String Seal] intensified, and soon the entire Xinhuanyuan was shrouded in fragments.

The same inexperienced male servant wanted to separate from his master, so he naturally came to Costa's side at a critical moment.

"You came to help him too!"

Afterwards, although they were far away, on the purple sky, you can still see the location of other fragments of my holy capital.

The answer is beyond doubt.

"In that case, if the old method works, but..."

The white mist transformed into the power of **** immediately took action, exploring the surrounding space for the existence of cracks.

That little time is enough.


A space storm descended in the last second.

In this way, the problem is simple.

I tried it, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com situation is exactly as I thought.

"Lilyat, come closer to you."

"It's just that after the [Yixian Seal] is completely broken, you can take us home through the nested space connections!"

Guan Zhifu let out a sigh of relief.

If there is no adventure in [Seven Heavens], Costa may still have a bad answer.

El's figure fell on the fruit of the plant.

Costa and Liryat instinctively thought that it was the result of spatial chaos.

And based on such an exaggerated number of space cracks, a new structure among the fragments of the holy capital was analyzed.

"Sir, the space is so chaotic now, even if the problem is solved, how should we go back then?"

As an important place in the holy capital, Xinhuanyuan definitely ranks first.

Very slowly, a crack appeared in the ground on the vibration.

It's a stroke of luck.

It depends on the fear of death and the characteristics of each individual.

And the remaining 73 days have not been reduced to 6 days.

But for staying in place without any protective buildings, this is definitely a hit.

It was the devouring zerg that kept launching suicide attacks, delaying Costa for a moment at that critical moment.

Although the number of them has decreased sharply, according to Guan Zhifu's careful allocation, there are more than one type that should be lost.

Just heard a 'plop'.

Afterwards, [Yixian Seal] has not damaged 4\/7, and now the retreat has been pushed again, and the spatial structure of the entire holy capital is only left with 2\/7.

Minutes ago, the storm faded again.

"For example, you have no experience in that area."

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