Mystic Dominator

Chapter 157: Heartfelt advice

Fall in love with, the mysterious ruler

Normally speaking.

It was a very relaxing and comfortable thing to walk back with a beautiful girl at night.

Especially in a romantic environment like the snowy night.

But for Ronald, it often doesn't seem like that applies.

The two were on their way back to Burrenwich, and Audrey had been closely following Ronald's back, her eyes fixed on his back almost for a moment.

Although the smile is gentle, and people don't talk much.

But now as long as you are not a fool, you will understand that this guy must have his own plans in his gaze.

Not to mention that Ronald quietly asked the people at the exhibition before.

In the past, when a priest came over to pass information to the church, it was done, so why is it this nun that you know today?

The key to this is that it is difficult for people not to make some meaningful associations.

A four-kilometer journey.

Less than halfway down the road, Ronald began to feel that the journey was extremely long.

if you can.

Of course, he also hoped that the two of them would walk back quietly like this.

But thinking about the status of this nun, and the foreseeable future, I will stay in Burrenwich for a while.

Even if he walked back in such a foolish way today, I am afraid that the other party will find opportunities later.

Not to mention the church, which was originally a huge organization spread all over the place.


After some inner thinking, he finally arrived at Burrenwich.

Ronald spoke first:

"Miss Audrit, you've been staring at me like this."

"Is there something you want to tell me?"


"Mr. Ronald, you should know why I look at you like this."

Seeing that Ronald, who was walking ahead, was the first to ask questions.

The smile on the nun's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of victory in it.

Immediately, she said somewhat euphemistically:

"The spells you used to deal with those cult warlocks in the winery outside the city before were quite powerful spells."


Indeed this is it.

At that time, the "Divine Comedy" series abilities that he used at that time were missed by the people of the church.

This is exactly what Ronald thought before.

Or that the other party would show such an attitude, and that could only be the reason.

So how should you answer yourself?

Do you simply admit it, or continue to find some excuses to pretend to be stupid?

Let's take a closer look...

While analyzing his own situation and the attitude of the church in his heart, Ronald said casually:

"You're joking."

"To deal with those cult warlocks, it is also with the previous efforts of the investigators as a foreshadowing, and I can finally get everything going well."


The two walked towards Burrenwich one after the other, and the speed of the journey was kept at a level that was almost synchronous.

Absolutely at the same time as he said those words.

The nun made a crunching sound as she stepped on the snow.


Although it was very short, it really stopped for a moment.


Because Ronald was still in charge of security at the exhibition before, the ability of 'Rage' has not been canceled, and a small black mist is hidden in the cuff.

And the ability to perceive emotions told him.

There is no anger in the nun's mood now.

But don't know why.

Ronald subconsciously paused with Audrit.

Maintaining an expression when talking can often bring emotional stress to other people.

Facial paralysis will become so-called majesty after a long time.

At this moment, Ronald felt that the reason why the nun kept smiling all the time might be this.

Then, Audrit spoke up.

"Let's open the skylight and speak up."

This time, she stopped completely and stood on the snow-covered road. The nun said in a serious tone:

"Mr. Ronald, we have probably discussed your character here."

"Perhaps you prefer a straightforward negotiation rather than a roundabout conversation?"

Ronald also stopped and nodded slightly towards the nun.

Standing on the snow, he quietly waited for what the other party was going to say next.

The nun looked at Ronald and then continued:

"Simply put, we want you to join the church."

"You must know that the mystery school you study is actually very closely related to the academic system of our church. We have absolutely no intention of deceiving you."

"The correction of knowledge between the common schools is a very good choice for you and for our church."

Ronald immediately asked:

"This invitation is just a pure invitation?"

"Yes, this is a very simple invitation."

The nun nodded earnestly, then continued to add:

"Our church is an officially certified public welfare organization dedicated to maintaining world peace, so don't have any other inexplicable ideas. This is just a simple invitation."

"If you agree, we will be very happy to accept it and give the corresponding church duties; and if you don't want to, then we can continue to wait until one day you change your mind, or one day in the future, The rest of your school join us."

"It's that simple."



At this moment, a rather bold idea suddenly popped into Ronald's mind, a risky, but full of temptation idea!

Because this thought was so bad, he was hesitant to say it.

"Mr. Ronald, the church has no ill will towards you."

And at this moment, the nun spoke again.

She probably felt that Ronald was hesitating to join, so she said more seriously:

"I invite you very seriously, I hope you can think about it."

All right......

The nun's persuasion, as if announcing something, made Ronald, who was standing on the snow, make a decision.

Controlling his smile not to be too abstract.

Ronald looked directly into the nun's and then pretended to say:

"Miss Audrit, my words are actually because of some personal identity issues, and I really can't serve the church."

"It's a pity, I sincerely think so."

"But if you are really sincere, I have a more compromised solution here."

The nun nodded while maintaining a smile:


So Ronald said:

"Actually, there are other friends of my school who are also active in Berronwich, and I can introduce her to the church."

The nun raised her eyes and asked with a smile:

"So, who is the person you're referring to...?"

Ronald made his request very honestly:

"There is no problem with referrals, of course, but I hope you can keep it confidential. I don't want others to know that this information was provided by me."

The nun replied quite confidently:

"You can rest assured that our church has always done a good job in keeping secrets."

So, Ronald said the thought that just popped out of his mind:

"Actually, Mr. Warden, the little girl who announced her adoption a few days ago is in the same line as my school."

"She's a very powerful character."


In the sky, the snowflakes are still there.

And watched the change of emotion in the nun's eyes.

Ronald felt that the free coolies on the trial warden's side had come to an end.

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