Mystic Dominator

Chapter 161: office at night

The layout of the exhibition venue has been changed...

Security assignments for the next week...

And the final finishing touches of the exhibition...

Many items were taken out one by one, and when the two finished discussing the work content for the next week, Hansen immediately left Ronald's office.

And in this negotiation process.

Ronald, of course, personally inspected the unicorn's horn in the box.

Using the key to open the small lock with a defensive spell, a cone-shaped horn with a spiral groove on the surface lay quietly on the sponge pad laid in the box.

The texture of the single horn is similar to that of a rhinoceros horn, and the whole body is faintly shining with a holy white light. At the same time, the tip of the unicorn is so sharp that you can even feel it without looking closely.

And almost at the same time Ronald saw it.

The powerful holy power contained in the single horn immediately began to spill out of the box.

Undoubtedly powerful magic item!

Make sure that this treasure is intact, and when Ronald closes the box after reading it, the magic that spreads out instantly disappears.

Obviously, the box itself is also made of some kind of material that isolates magic power fluctuations.

Precious treasures are kept in expensive chests, and rightly so.

After negotiating with Hansen, Ronald continued to observe the crowd in his office.

But he hadn't expected it before.

the next two days.

It was a very easy and smooth day!

Even though the number of visitors was much higher than last week when it snowed, no one came to make trouble or do something outrageous.

I don't know if Everton's previous exhibition was too good, or if his rivals had other plans and plans.

All in all, everything is fine here at the fair.

Ronald, who had been preparing for battle, really didn't know what to say.

To some extent.

He even has a feeling that he can get amazing pay at will without having to work.

So easy!

Easy enough to make him feel ashamed of such a high salary!

And in this state of doing nothing, Ronald could only stay in the manor honestly.

After all, it is a job that has signed a contract.

This continued until the next night.

Namely Ronald's last job this week.

It's still the same place and time, and the people sent by the church should come to receive the documents.

Under the dark night, Ronald could hear the sound of a carriage driving on the ground from a distance. When the sound came from far to near, he really saw the church's white-hued carriage.

However, the one who came to receive the documents tonight was not the Audrit from last week.

Walking in from the gate of the manor, an ordinary-looking priest, dressed in nothing special, even the expression on his face was businesslike.

This time, Ronald didn't even have to ask.

The guard standing next to him discussed it himself:

"Why did you change back today?"

"I do not know."

"I still like the nun who came last week."

"Don't you think that nun is a little scary, and her expression didn't change the whole time."

"I kinda like it..."


Listening to the guards discussing in a low voice, Ronald naturally understood that this priest was the person who would normally come here to receive information.

So last week was just a special case for the church.

It's normal working conditions now.

Handing over the documents to the priest, the priest did not interact with Ronald like Audrit.

He walked straight back to the gate of the manor, got on the church's special carriage and left here.

Then disappeared into the darkness.

Without the nun's invitation this time, Ronald naturally returned to Burrenwich with a few guards in need on the exhibition side.

They were also riding in a carriage.

However, the carriages here are not as luxurious as those taught by others. After all, they are just private carriages bought by Everton for their own use.

Return to Burrenwich City smoothly.

Simply saying goodbye to a few guards looking for fun, Ronald walked to the city on his own.

The first thing to do when you go back to Burrenwich.

Of course it can't be back to pensions.

After finally surviving these two days of fishing, Ronald hurried to Ruby Street, the location of Swift's detective agency.

The moon and stars rose in the sky, and the night was already deep.

When Ronald came to this commercial street, many of the surrounding shops were closed, and there were very few pedestrians on the street.

And Swift's detective agency, the studio door on the first floor has been locked from the inside. Looking up, the lights were still on at the private residence on the second floor.

His eyes swept across the sign [Not in Operation].

Ronald then saw the doorbell with the words [Do not use unless urgent] written on the side.

At this time, no detective apprentice opened the door for him.

And he's really urgent...

Jingle Bell--

As Ronald rang the doorbell, the windows on the private residence on the second floor of the office were quickly opened from the inside.

Swift stuck his head out from there and looked downstairs:

"It's so late, who is it?"

Seeing that there were no people on the left and right of the street, Ronald said hello in a low voice:

"It's me, Ronald."


Hearing Ronald's voice, Swift stopped talking.

He closed the window and went back to his house.

In just a few breaths, Ronald, who was standing outside the door, vaguely heard the sound of someone walking down the stairs in the office.


As Mr. Detective unlocked the door and pulled the handle, the door that was closed from the inside opened immediately.

However, before inviting Ronald, the detective looked around nervously.

Confirming that no one on the street was watching, Swift dragged Ronald into the office.


He quickly locked the door again, and he didn't intend to drag Ronald back to the second floor.

Mr. Detective walked up to Ronald in two steps, looking at each other very seriously.

Just like that, after the air had frozen for a few breaths.

Swift said in a rather bad tone:

"Ronald, you really found a good job for me!"

Ronald didn't care about Swift's nervousness at all, however.

He also stared at each He opened his mouth and asked:

"What, what have you discovered?"

"New discovery......"

"More than a new discovery!"

"I tell you, if this matter is stabbed out, I'm afraid the whole of Burrenwich will be turned upside down!"

Speaking of this, Swift's tone was a little trembling.

But due to his excellent professionalism, Mr. Detective kept his calm and continued:

"A child adopted by that Bach guy."

"That Lumil."

"She's not human at all!"

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