Mystic Dominator

Chapter 175: depressing hall

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In an open space surrounded by black fog.

The flame of the lamp flickered and flickered in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, Ronald, who said nothing, was sitting on the chair, behind the black mist that kept churning and surging.

In the eyes of the guards of the manor.

Compared with the way they are bound, there is a decisive gap in the status of the two sides.

Do not use too many words to describe.

pervading every corner

Ronald is now the devil who decides everyone's life and death.

——This is a situation that was completely unimaginable before.

Although I heard before that this man is a 'powerful caster'.

But I never thought that the opponent's spells were so powerful.

The standing fighting force of the real twelve people was actually easily won by one opponent!

in other words.

If Ronald was hired by the enemy of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], none of them could stop the other's attack, and the collapse of the exhibition would be the appearance of the other party coming here for a walk one night.

From their point of view, even the elite investigators of the Bureau of Investigation, I am afraid that few people can do this.


The crowd was not without the natives of Burrenwich.

But they have never heard that a 'powerful caster' can be so strong.

After all, Hansen among them.

But Everton's cronies are also genuine combatants of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance].

Such people were also taken down together...

Invariably, an idea appeared in the minds of the guards.

—Perhaps this Mr. Ronald is older.

——Can he become the original master of the school he belongs to?

Thinking of this, no one dared to speak.

Most of the guards are just hired guards, and I have never encountered such a situation.


"Ronald, you let us go first!"

At this time, Hansen, who was under control, knew best how dangerous the situation was.

As Everton's cronies, he didn't want to and knew he shouldn't be passive.

So he took the initiative to defend himself:

"With me here, it is absolutely guaranteed that no one will be able to leave the manor before the matter is clarified, and it can also help you investigate the truth of the matter. And think about it, in case the person who murdered Kevin has run away now, you are impacting our chances of recovering the goods."

"You have to be careful!"


Hearing Hansen's suggestion, Ronald stood up from his chair without a word.

His eyes swept over the other's face lightly, and then he turned to leave everyone behind, and then simply walked into the black mist.



Unusually neat, everyone turned their attention to Hansen, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes were staring at the Everton cronie.

Although Ronald didn't say anything.

But everyone present tacitly agreed that Hansen had angered each other, so Ronald would just leave here.

in such a tense atmosphere.

The guards' eyes even started to look dangerous.


Being watched by such eyes, Hansen couldn't help feeling a chill behind his back.

He's starting to think about it now.

Do you risk trying to break free from the shackles of the black mist?

Although no one has overreacted now, if Ronald does not come back for too long, I am afraid that some people will lose control of their emotions and attack themselves at the risk of being stabbed to death.

Hansen has been through some complicated situations.

Naturally understands how irrational human beings are under certain circumstances.

Especially in this situation where everything is surrounded by darkness, and he can't even take any action.

People's hearts will only get more and more out of control.

Now that Ronald is leaving for the time being, maybe he should act?


As a result, the situation did not get out of control.

Almost a minute later, before everyone's emotions collapsed.

Ronald is back here again.

But unlike when he left, this time he came with a corpse.

- Kevin's body.

In the winter, the temperature outside Burrenwich is not comfortable.

Even if the corpse is indoors, it has lost the last remaining temperature at this moment.

Ronald placed the icy corpse on the chair he had moved before, and clapped his palms.


"Okay, I'll explain it to you now."

His eyes shifted to Hansen, and Ronald gave him a warm and kind smile before answering the question that the other party asked before:

"First of all, there is a high probability that the prisoner is still here, because my technique detected the time when Kevin was killed. Just this morning, please believe in my professionalism."

"As for Mr. Kevin he..."

Having said this, Ronald raised the head of the corpse so that everyone could see the appearance of the dead body.

It was a painful and hideous expression.

The coldness of winter froze this resentment on Kevin's corpse.

Especially in the area around the mouth, the solidified blood adhered to a whole piece of skin, which also made the face of Kevin's corpse look particularly terrifying.

Ronald, in particular, still holds the body on this chair.

Under the light of the only lamp, the shadow of the corpse's collar flickered on his face, and the flickering light and shadow made Kevin look like a ghost from **** that was about to be resurrected.

at the same time.

Ronald's steady and indifferent voice of explanation sounded aside:

"I have checked Mr. Kevin's There is no obvious external injury, but the important organs inside the body were directly destroyed by the spell. There is almost no magic power left, but there is a high probability that some A technique to approach each other and launch a surprise attack at close range."

Having said this, Ronald's tone paused:

"But, I haven't been with you for a long time after all."

"Also please report to each other, whose school spell is more in line with the current situation?"


Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and it was Hansen who spoke first:

"Ronald, I really recommend that you let everyone go first."

"It's useless to be excited now, let's send someone to inform Mr. Everton as soon as possible."

Ronald immediately said:

"The man who informed Mr Everton has departed."

"I just want to know who killed Kevin right now."

"Of course, I won't let you speak out about your own school knowledge, in fact, you just need to report others."


After Ronald spoke, there was another period of silence.

At this moment, Hansen also briefly stopped suggesting.

Ronald confirmed the prisoner was still here, and also sent someone to Burrenwich to inform Everton.

Hansen's two openings were resolved by Ronald's straightforward response.

The situation got worse and worse.


The brain was thinking fast, and Hansen was weighing the probability of getting out of here.

The dazzling tip of the knife under the neck was attached to the clothes and almost pressed against the skin.

The cold touch of the blade was in front of him.

Unconsciously, Hansen's back was also wet with cold sweat.

--no way.

Whoever called Kevin was killed by him.

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