Mystic Dominator

Chapter 181: inappropriate time to interrupt

that night.

Ronald leaves the fairgrounds.

Walking alone on the way back to Burrenwich.

The outcome of the event was exactly as Everton had expected. Hansen successfully rushed out of the exhibition venue, and people disappeared into the vast suburbs of Burrenwich.

After that...

It will probably continue as Everton planned.

Just a few minutes into the exhibition hall, the businessman can quickly sort out such a treatment.

It can be seen that the other party is a person who makes good use of means to solve problems.

A sudden betrayal that, to put it mildly, erases the biggest problem it should have caused.

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And the price paid...

Think of the doorman who was injured when Hansen escaped.

Ronald shook his head in a complicated mood, and sighed involuntarily:


To be honest, although this method is effective and direct, it is still a little uncomfortable for him.

For most of Ronald's life, what he did was to detect the situation around him, and then find a way to collect data and enter it into the database of the digital library. At most, it was chatting and laughing with his colleagues.

Almost subconsciously, Ronald sighed in a low voice:


"I still have to change my strategy."

Very subtle, the thoughts in the mind begin to change.

Ronald didn't experience any life-and-death battles today, nor did he solve an unusually complicated mystery, nor did anything too unexpected happen around him.

Everything is not very different from the life of the previous few months.

But Everton, the businessman with whom he was merely an employer, was a choice.

But it suddenly gave him a feeling that 'this world is completely different from the earth in the past'.

It's not that Ronald realized that he had transmigrated.

Perhaps because of watching a lot of movies, playing a lot of games, and reading a lot of novels, Ronald was not too flustered at the beginning of time travel. feel.

— but not now.

He likes to look up at the stars at night.

Knowing that the night of this world, the stars twinkling in the sky are very different from the earth;

He likes to climb mountains on vacation.

I also know that the land where I stand now, I have never climbed a cliff again;

He likes to look out at the ocean from the deck when he travels on business.

He also knew that the sea adjacent to Burrenwich had no name that corresponded to the currents he was familiar with.


Unconsciously, these bits and pieces of detail appear in the experience.

The impact brought by each learning was all accepted and accumulated by Ronald's fairly good receptive ability.

until today

When Everton explained his thoughts to Ronald as a human being.

completely different behavior from his own.

Finally, this "adaptation" was completely broken.

From that moment on, the feeling of complete separation from the past life all came.

Walking alone on the road back to Burrenwich, the loneliness in Ronald's heart is far colder than the dark winter night.

Obviously, his physique is not afraid of severe cold, but I don't know why.

Ronald stopped suddenly, as if shivering from the cold.


In silence, Ronald called out the original text and removed the power to strengthen his physical fitness.

In an instant, the icy cold night blew on him with a breeze.

But the body seems to be a little warm...

In short, in the outskirts of Burrenwich at night, everything is surprisingly quiet.


Suddenly, a crow's cry rang out in the sky.

Hearing this voice, Ronald's eyes darkened.

He turned his head with a stiff neck, and then looked in the direction of the voice in the sky.

It was a pitch-black crow about to fall.

It was exactly the same one he had seen the last time he had returned to Burrenwich from Celefith.

— Lamer.

But it seems to have learned the lesson of the last time.

This time, the demon in front of him did not choose to fall to a distant location, but stopped straight on the only road that Ronald wanted to return to Burrenwich.

A second before it completely fell to the ground, the crow's body began to twist and swell, and soon turned into the human form that Lamer had used.

When the body change is completely completed, it also stands on the ground just right.

As if it was standing there.


Suddenly, the surging black mist swallowed Lamer into the dark world.

Standing not far away, Ronald raised the black scripture in his right hand with cold eyes, and the entire surrounding road was completely submerged by his spells.

For a while, Lamer, who was swallowed by the black mist, was silent.

It seemed that everything had settled down.

Demon lost completely?


Of course things can't be that simple!

After a few breaths, the black mist in front of Ronald was knocked out by a gap.

At this time, Lamer had given up his human appearance and completely transformed into the form of the devil in the vineyard.

After rushing out of the black fog, he hovered in the air about ten meters in violation of the physical rules.

- Different from weak human beings.

When using this demon body, Lamer's own physique is enough to break through the physical obstacles of the black mist.

At least until it doesn't trigger the power corresponding to the power of hell.

Ronald couldn't hurt it with the black fog alone.

However, no damage does not mean that it is completely useless. After deciding the next tactics in an instant, Ronald directed the black fog to pounce on Lamer again.

Also at this moment.

Lamer looked at the black mist below and Ronald in front of him with taboo, and then shouted:

"Mr. Ronald, I have no ill will towards you!"

"Just to let you know tonight!"

"You passed the invitation test successfully, so please continue."

Saying that, Lamer seemed to think that he could impress Ronald, so he stopped in the air and waited for the other party's reply.

However, in the next second, the black mist without the slightest hesitation directly drowned it again.


A rather painful roar came out, and Ronald also felt that Lamer disappeared in the black mist.

His own attack has only just begun.

It must not have been Lamer's death in his own attack.


Soon, Ronald figured out the key to the other party's disappearance.

This demon was summoned after all.

The biggest possibility is that its summoner sensed the crisis, and then summoned the demon back.

Shaking his head slightly, Ronald controlled the black mist to return to his side.

At the same time, the translucent souls of the two sinners who were previously hidden in the black mist also descended.

In the end, it disappeared above the original in Ronald's hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Looking at the empty and quiet suburban road as before.

Ronald's expression gradually eased from dignified, and finally he couldn't help laughing:


"What are you doing?"

"Such a good time, as long as a good girl gives me a warm hug, it will definitely enter my heart."

"The result came to disturb my self-touched..."

"It's actually a demon whose biceps are bigger than my head?"


With a grim expression on his face, Ronald said in a very displeased voice:


"I have nothing to do with your organization!"

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