Mystic Dominator

Chapter 186: Conversation in a coffee shop

This world, at least the people of the country of Grid.

My favorite drink is tea.

Coffee is still only a niche drink here, and the audience is not large.

So even at the coffee shop, Nicole ordered Ronald a cup of hot tea.

Staring at his position for a few seconds, Ronald walked to his seat and sat down.

Then he looked at the two people in front of him and said slowly:


"How, is there any new news these days?"

"And the two of you came earlier than me today, did you see anything noteworthy?"

Knowing that today's event requires caution.

In front of Ronald, the investigator girl and the detective were dressed as unadorned and tightly wrapped as possible, quite like a normal person who is afraid of the cold.

Just pull up your scarf or tug on your hat, and you can easily cover your face.

Of course, so did Ronald.

In order to facilitate the activities, he specially wore a green padded jacket today.

As long as the high collar stands up, it can completely hide his cheeks directly behind.

Upon hearing Ronald's question, Nicole nodded first:

"On my side, before I set off, I went to the Bureau of Investigation for a while, and inquired about the security work. The security work at the city hall has already started, and the warden is almost there at this time."

"It is absolutely impossible for him to escape for at least the next three hours."

"With the schedule of those officials, it's quite common to spend five hours normally."

After listening to what the investigator girl said, Ronald nodded to her.

The two didn't say much, and they turned their eyes to Swift together with a tacit understanding.

The meeting place today was the detective's decision before.

In order to do a good job of confidentiality, Swift only mentioned in the invitation letter to experience the new coffee drink, without mentioning the real purpose of the three.

Ronald and Nicole have reason to believe.

The seasoned detective must have had his reasons for making the invitation.

Facing the gazes of the two companions, Mr. Detective nodded leisurely.

He first raised his teacup and took a sip of coffee, and when he showed a look of enjoyment on his face, he opened his mouth and said:

"My network of relationships has also been confirmed."

"Rumier will leave the manor in a quarter of an hour, and then take a carriage to the place where the social dance will be held. The location of this coffee shop is on the way she must travel."

Ronald said:

"So we just have to wait here quietly until Lumil's carriage passes by, which is when we can do our activities?"

Swift nodded confidently:

"That's right."

It's probably not the first time Mr. Detective has done such a thing.

When he said this, his expression was quite confident, and his tone was very determined.

It was as if everything was under his control.

Sitting across from Swift, Nicole held a teacup in both hands and nodded in agreement while taking a sip:

"If this is the case, then let's discuss the details of today's specific actions?"

Ronald directly pointed to the center:

"First of all, the dungeon below the warden's mansion."

"I was active in Burrenwich not long ago, and I have never been to that place. Do you have any intelligence here?"

As an elite investigator, Nicole immediately said:

"I went there once, seven months ago."

"However, it was only responsible for escorting prisoners at the time, so I only knew the location of the entrance and part of the route. And this was the arrangement seven months ago. I can't confirm whether the guards arranged in the dungeon have changed their positions now."

While speaking, Nicole put down the teacup and dipped her fingers with tea on the table and gestured, while pretending to look out the window casually.

"The entrance to the dungeon is still a classic cellar design, and the general terrain is like this."

"As for the guards, I still have some news." At this time, Swift leaned forward slightly and explained, "According to the information I have collected, the food and beverage purchases in the kitchen of the warden are already available. Do an approximate population calculation."

"Except for the housekeepers officially hired by the manor. They consume about twenty-seven extra servings of food every week. That is to say, there are twenty-seven prisoners and guards in the dungeon combined."

Hearing this news, Nicole immediately asked:

"Is this number guaranteed to be correct?"

Swift nodded and said:

"I can confirm that the error will not exceed three people."

Hearing such a reply, the investigator girl nodded in satisfaction.

"That's a lot clearer."

"The prisoners who have been detained for a long time by the warden and have not been released and transferred are basically executed prisoners to be disposed of in the month of repentance. Generally speaking, the number will be maintained at about twenty-two."

Ronald immediately continued:

"In other words, there are only about five to eight guards in the warden's dungeon?"

"Apart from the necessary patrols and guards, we only need to act cautiously, and we only need to deal with three or four people at most, and then find out the flaws of the warden from the dungeon."


Having said that, the three of them stopped the conversation in unison, and each took a sip of the drink in front of them.

After waiting for a few seconds, Nicole continued:

"You say, what if the bodies of the two clergymen are not in the dungeon after we sneak in?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Swift immediately dispelled Nicole's worries, "My relationship network has already counted the news that the warden's house has not transported any suspicious items or disposed of prisoners' corpses recently. "

"The two priests are either corpses or living people. In short, they must be in the dungeon at the moment."

The information about each other was about the same, and Ronald felt it was time to decide the order of the teams.

So, he took the initiative to say:

"Then it's time to act next."

"Let the three of us go to the front of the team with two people, one attacking and one covering, and the last one will provide support at the back of the team. What do you think?"

Ronald came up with the tried-and-true classic tactics without a second thought.

A standard three-player assignment can handle most situations.

Swift nodded in agreement.

However, Nicole shook her head:

"I don't think so!"

Somewhat The investigator girl directly denied Ronald's idea, and then continued:

"Actually, I think I will go in and act as the main force in this operation, and then the two of you will accompany me alone."

"The remaining one will stay outside and make an insurance for us."

"If an accident does happen, even if the two of us are wiped out in the dungeon, there will be someone alive to pass the news on."

Having said that, Nicole's eyes have completely changed to what an investigator should look like:

"Trust me, this is the best choice."

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