Mystic Dominator

Chapter 220: walk

"Yo! Good morning, Mr. Ronald!"

Just as he walked out of the apartment door, Ronald was stopped by a cheerful young man.

Turn around and look-

It's Rafael.

This guy is almost the same as yesterday, still wearing suspenders and a brown top. At this moment, he was half leaning against the tree by the street, staring at himself with a rather sunny smile on his face.


Looking at Rafael in front of him speechlessly, Ronald was in a complicated mood now.

That is the few seconds he was silent.

Rafael walked over without seeing it, and hugged Ronald's shoulder like a good brother:


"You're not happy to see me here?"

"That's not it." Ronald shook his head immediately, and then expressed his doubts. "I'm just curious. Since you can find time to wait for me here today, why do you have to write a letter in the morning?"

Rafael smiled:

"Doesn't that make this invitation more formal!"

"If I put a ticket for you inexplicably, it would be as insincere as handing out flyers on the roadside."


Looking at Rafael who was seriously analyzing himself.

Ronald was silent for a few more seconds before starting to walk out of the street.

While watching the surroundings and remembering the topography of the buildings, he asked Rafael beside him at the same time:

"You can stop me directly when I just go out, you should be early today, right?"

Rafael nodded and said:

"Of course."

"I watched my letters get thrown into the mailboxes here by the post office around eight o'clock in the morning."


Hearing this sentence, Ronald stumbled.

He glanced at the other person with inexplicable eyes, and then he asked:

"Are you so idle?"

"Don't do anything in the daytime, just stay in front of my house and squat!"

Hearing Ronald's complaints, Rafael showed a satisfied smile on his face:

"Ronald, don't look down on yourself."

"A person who owns a book is the highest level of attention on my side. In other words, no matter where you are, a guy like you will be watched by people. You have to get used to it in advance."

Ronald immediately heard the hint in Raphael's words.

Nodding slightly to indicate that he already understood what the other party meant, he then dropped the topic:

"By the way, your other identity should be busy, right?"

"Is this really okay?"

"Of course there's no problem." Ronald in front of him knew his multiple identities, so Rafael didn't plan to cover up, he simply nodded and explained, "I'm not the only one in our school."

"Except for the actual performances when I need to appear, other times some people will substitute for me, so don't worry about this."

Your school is really convenient...

Hearing such an answer, Ronald instantly had some bad associations.

Quickly driving those strange images out of his mind and continuing to memorize the surrounding environment, Ronald said casually:

"That's right, Rafael."

"I want to ask you something."

Rafael nodded and said:

"You speak, I'm listening."

So Ronald said his own question:

"About Elva Sherwood, do you know his origins?"


Raphael's footsteps hesitated for a moment.

Although it was difficult to detect, Ronald, who was walking alongside him, was keenly aware of it.

When he heard this name, Rafael obviously cared.

What followed was a silence that lasted several breaths.

It was not until the two of them walked more than 50 meters side by side that Rafael asked in a low tone:

"Ronald, how did you know this man?"


Hearing the complexity in the other party's tone, Ronald also understood that there might be something strange about this matter.

Simply standing there, he looked at Rafael with serious eyes and said:

"About Elva Sherwood, I learned his name from a relatively special channel. Is it not convenient for you to say more?"


Rappel also stood there and looked at Ronald.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, he shook his head as if giving up something.


"It's not inconvenient."

"Elva Sherwood, this guy is an academic scholar who studies history and sociology. He usually lives in a regular way, and there is nothing particularly noticeable in private."

Ronald asked tentatively:

"This is on the bright side...?"

"Yes, this is on the bright side." Rafael nodded generously and admitted. Now that the words have been said, he doesn't intend to hide any more, and simply continues, "Actually, secretly, I have information on my side that this guy is also a mysterious guy, maybe even a guy with a book. !"

"But the problem is that this guy has no contact with the mysterious side at all, and he has not had contact with any mysterious person for a long time."

"Ronald, you can probably understand my attitude, right?"

Ronald nodded in response:


Having said that, the situation could not have been clearer.

For Rafael, this is a guy whose experience is enigmatic, the details are unclear, and he may even be the holder of the canon.

It is natural to show such a cautious attitude.

For Ronald, however, it was a different story.

Having experienced a series of events in Burrenwich, he is very curious about this mysterious organization that delivers news to himself.

Now the scholar to whom this information finally points...

It is very likely that he is also an original holder?

Although he had made preparations before, Ronald was still a little surprised to hear such news from someone he could trust.

At this time, Rafael, who was standing beside Ronald, also noticed the look in his eyes.

While turning around and continuing to walk forward, he asked Ronald at the same time:

"Ronald, it's time to answer my question."

"How did you know about Elva?"

"Besides, I remember that you were a newcomer to the industry when we separated. How come you changed your body and picked up the book after only two months?"

"Tell me all about it!"


Are you going to hide the cipher letter from Rafael?

Ronald didn't hesitate for a long time about this

Since Montenegro, this guy has provided himself with a lot of help, and the two can be regarded as friends who can be trusted.

It's perfectly fine to tell the other person this kind of thing.

So while catching up with Rafael's figure in front of him, Ronald lowered his voice and said as much as possible in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"It all started with a password letter."

Hearing Ronald's words, Rafael's eyes became curious:

"A... cipher letter?"

Ronald nodded seriously:

"Yes, it's a cipher letter."

"That starts with a banquet I attended..."

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