Mystic Dominator

Chapter 231: perfect dive

"I've decided from now on to solve the food problem by cooking my own meals as much as possible."

Snap. “It saves money and still lives a healthy lifestyle, so why not do it?”


After trying the local food in Springs once, Ronald is in a mixed mood.

Not that the food here is anything dark.

But because Springs is located near the mouth of the sea, the taste of local cuisine also inherits the roughness of the coastal area, which is very unsuitable for his appetite.

Even though there was nothing wrong with the restaurant operator, Ronald had a bad experience.

Of course, this also made him sure of one thing.

After returning to the apartment, it was time to face the lady who was good at Springs local cuisine.

He is definitely not going to hand over his diet to the other party.

Feeling a little disappointed, Ronald walked slowly towards the school.

The situation on the street now is exactly what he expected.

After a dinner time, most of the students who were rushing home have left the surrounding area of ​​the university, and the traffic in the vicinity has also dropped significantly.

And at the same time, the two Elva's subordinates that Ronald targeted were still in the school.

Although the two have a certain degree of activity, the general position has always been kept within a specific range. These two guys are either resident students returning to the dormitory, or they are doing club activities in the school and so on.

After locking in the target, he slowly analyzed the information in his hands.

Ronald walked slowly under a wall where no one was passing, then stood still and looked around.

When the power of 'Rage' was inconvenient to fully unfold, he could only observe the surrounding environment with pure vision and hearing. Fortunately, no one was passing near his current location at the moment.


Taking a deep breath seriously, Ronald controlled the black mist to wrap around his hands and feet, and then visually inspected the wall in front of him.

There are two main types of walls at Weldrin University.

One is a metal railing in the usual sense, which is mainly used near the gate; the other is a solid wall made of pure bricks, which is mainly used in relatively remote locations.

Ronald is now facing the latter of these two types.

Although it is a brick wall, Wilderlin University has protected it quite well, at least no obvious cracks or damage can be seen with the naked eye.

Faced with such obstacles, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to climb over them without the help of tools such as ladders.

Of course, the current Ronald is not on this list.

Focusing on the position he favored, he slightly bent his knees to exercise his strength, and then his legs suddenly exerted strength.

At the same time, the black mist above his hands was instantly thrown out and hung on the top of the wall.

Then, with the small amount of power provided by the black mist, and his current quite good physical strength, Ronald climbed the wall and rushed up in just a blink of an eye, and his hands were successfully hung by the wall of Wilderlin University.


Seeing that the first step has been successful, Ronald is not in a hurry to continue climbing.

Instead, he continued to take a solid deep breath to stabilize his movements, and then he used his arms to slowly pull his body up.

When the line of sight crossed the wall, the scene that had not been seen before suddenly became clear.

Behind this wall is actually a garden behind the student dormitory.

In addition to the still-green vegetation in winter, Ronald could even see the winding gravel path extending in the distance.

For university students, this is a good place to rest.

I felt a little emotional in my heart.

Hold it like this for a few seconds.

After confirming that there was no one walking in his direction from the student dormitory, Ronald suddenly stretched his arms.

At the same time as he climbed the wall in an instant, he jumped down immediately.

Immediately, with the black mist wrapped around his feet as a buffer, Ronald successfully stepped on the lawn of the garden without making much noise.

The whole process is smooth and quick, and the movement is almost impossible to detect.

Ronald's infiltration is flawless unless someone is specifically looking at this position!

Immediately, enthusiastic applause sounded from the position behind Ronald.

clap clap-

"Student, you are doing well!"

"Which major are you, what grades and classes are you in?"


Ronald, who had just stood firm, immediately shuddered.

At the fastest speed, he controlled the black mist from the cuffs and trouser legs into his clothes, and then he turned around stiffly.


Looking at the things that appeared behind him, Ronald secretly complained in his heart.

Say coincidence.

On the side of the wall that he climbed over, a stone bench for rest was placed here.

Because of the blind spot of vision just below the fence.

So Ronald didn't even see the people here!

It was a beautiful girl in a red and black uniform, with a slender body leaning on the wall peacefully, with a teasing smile in her water-like blue pupils.

Just sitting there quietly, a book with a black cover lay open beside her.

Follow Wen Xian. Apparently just a second ago, she was quietly reading a book on the bench.

As for now...

After a round of applause, the girl looked at Ronald's wrists and ankles with interest. It was obvious that she was very interested in the man in front of her.


Correspondingly, Ronald is in a very complicated mood now.

He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky.

During this leisurely dinner time, there are still students who don't go to eat, but sit in the garden quietly reading, although of course he is very supportive of this kind of thing.

But being hit by the other party at this time and situation is really a headache.

Especially the eyes of the female student.

Her eyes were fixed on her wrist and ankle, indicating that she had most likely seen the black fog that she was controlling.

Here comes the fatal problem.

This girl is an ordinary person, who caught a glimpse of the black mist wrapped around her body in an unexpected situation, so she is now looking at Ronald;


She is also a member of the mysterious After seeing Ronald's actions completely, so she is so excited?

Two diametrically opposed possibilities.

Correspondingly, Ronald is about to come up with different solutions.

So how to...

Just when Ronald looked at her seriously, and then tried to analyze the identity of the other party.

The beautiful girl told him the result with practical actions.

Tilting her head slightly, the girl said in her gentle and steady voice:

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."


Lie detector spell.

Just like this, it clearly entered Ronald's ears.

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