Mystic Dominator

Chapter 236: Just carry it

Seeing the action of the girl in front of him, Ronald also understood that now was not the time to ponder these issues on his own.

So he nodded towards Claudia, and he replied immediately:

"I see, Miss Isa."

Claudia smiled and shook her head:

"Then we have to act together."

"You don't need to be so obnoxious, just call me Isa."

"Okay, Isa." Ronald nodded in understanding, then continued to ask, "So where are we going next, and what are we going to do?"


Claudia did not immediately answer Ronald's inquiry.

After waving her hand to dispel the summoned phantom, she slowly moved her body to divert her gaze, and finally settled her gaze on the wall beside the stone bench.

With his quiet eyes, he looked at the position where Ronald came in over the wall.

The girl had more thoughts in her heart, and a wicked smile gradually appeared on her face:

"As for the destination, I have a few in mind."

"But now..."

"Ronald, take me over the wall from here first."


Ronald was stunned for a second.

He felt as if he understood something, but he couldn't believe it.

So with a tentative nature, he opened his mouth and asked:


"You just said to take you out over the wall, which means..."

Halfway through the words, Claudia interrupted Ronald on the initiative, and then simply nodded:

"Yes, it's the one you think."

"You will definitely be discovered by the protective spell when you go out from the gate. To be on the safe side, let's just go ahead and turn over from the wall with your back on your back."

After speaking, Claudia lowered her hand and pressed her skirt and added:

"You understand."

"Ladies can't go over the wall by themselves."

this moment.

Ronald recalled the experience when he jumped on the Dongfeng in Joiz Forest.

Back then, because his physical strength was not at the level of what Arida called 'normal people', he could only ride that guy and jump on the train halfway.

As a result today...

Is it your turn to be ridden?

Ronald's expression was a little complicated, and then his eyes began to look left and right on Claudia.

Although the girl changed her face, her figure did not change at all.

At least in terms of transforming his body and appearance, Rafael's technology is a bit higher.

But in this case...

Is it really convenient for you to carry each other on your back?

Just when Ronald hesitated, Claudia couldn't wait any longer.

She went straight behind Ronald and patted Ronald on the back:

"I'm going, you're ready."

"Huh?" Ronald's expression froze, and before he could react, a slender and soft body was already attached to his back.


Feel the soft touch behind you.

After thinking about it again and again, Ronald still didn't say anything to reject the girl.

After all, it is already on the back, so there is no way...

Immediately, he reminded Claudia:

"Isa, hold on tight."

"I'm going."

Claudia answered cheerfully:

"I'm holding on tight, you just have to go!"


Ronald no longer dawdled as he felt the arms tightening around his neck.

He retrieved the black mist that had been hidden before from his clothes, and he charged straight towards the wall.

Claudia knows her mysterious side identity.

So now Ronald doesn't have to think about hiding his spells from her at all. The moment he stepped on the stone bench, the black mist that spread out also hung firmly on the top of the wall at the same time.

Next, the exact same operation as when over the wall came in appeared again.

Sprinting for a run, using the help of the black fog, and observing the passers-by outside the wall who did not pass by, they immediately jumped over.

Just two or three breaths.

Ronald successfully took Claudia outside of Wilderlin University.


"Are you good at it?"

When Ronald stood firm on the ground, Claudia on his back whispered in admiration, and immediately let go and jumped down.

Opened his mouth to say thank you.

Claudia turned around for the first time, and then saw everything around her.

Stand on the riverfront street outside the fence.

She stared at the scene around her silently and silently.

Over time, the flow of people outside the university is now quite thin.

Even if you look left and right, there are only a few people passing by.

However, the scene in front of him was something that girls rarely had the chance to see. Because of her identity, she has always been surrounded by special guards to provide protection.

Today is just a special situation, so she has time to read quietly in the garden behind the dormitory, and then wait for Gron to appear.

The results of it……

Just as Claudia waited quietly, a living man suddenly jumped down from the wall above her head, and the other party was wrapped in a very powerful spell.

That moment-

Claudia once thought that it was a fluke of hers, which led to a very extreme bad incident. She was probably going to be kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip or something.

But what happened next.

It was far beyond Claudia's expectations.

The one who appeared in front of her was actually the descendant of the Adler family!

In the next conversation, she also used a polygraph to verify all the answers of the other party.

Ronald basically didn't deceive himself in the whole conversation, which made Claudia have a very good sense of the man in front of him.

Gron, who followed closely, made her mood change again.

After just a few minutes of experience, Claudia thought it was a very interesting process.

And the final conclusion drawn from this.

It was she who was very interested in Ronald right now.

It is precisely because of this interest, and driven by multiple curiosity, that she came up with such a bold idea temporarily.

——Go out for a walk with this guy.

If what happened today were known to others...

Thinking of this, Claudia suddenly shook her head somewhat self-deprecatingly:


"Just this At the same time, Ronald, who was standing beside the girl, saw the other side's movements and immediately walked to her side.

Although he was a little curious about the other party's behavior of shaking his head, Ronald also knew that it was not the right time to ask this.

So, he asked with a clear goal:

"Isa, should we go now?"


Looking at Ronald with a serious face in front of him, Claudia thought for a while, and then couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, she said the answer she had prepared before:

"Today, I'm going to three places."

"Church area, port area, and Mufan Street, which one do you think is better for us to go first?"

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