Mystic Dominator

Chapter 239: Mufan Street

From actual experience...

Mufan Street is a magical place.

After Ronald and Claudia got off the rental carriage, the driver took the money and drove away without returning it. Although he was willing to drive here because of his work, it was limited to that.

Watching the carriage, which seemed to be avoiding the **** of plague, disappeared into the far side of the street, Ronald and the two turned back to look at the street in front of them.

- Mufan Street.

Although at this relatively late point in time.

But standing in their position, you can still see some people pacing back and forth in the street, these guys seem to be used to waiting for something at this time.

At the same time, on Mufan Street, the electric lights in the main urban area have not yet been placed here.

Instead, at intervals, old oil lamps hang over the surrounding buildings to illuminate people. The flickering lights dim the gloomy and damp streets, and the air is filled with a complex stench.

Generally speaking, Mufan Street is such a gloomy and shabby feeling.

Looking at the unpleasant street in front of him, Ronald said to Claudia beside him:

"Isa, are you sure we want to keep going in?"

Unlike Ronald, who was a little concerned, the girl seemed to be completely indifferent to the sight in front of her at the moment.

Facing her companion's question, she nodded with certainty:

"Go on."

"I came here today just to take a good look at the real face of this slum. There is no reason to give up halfway."

He failed to persuade him the last time, so Ronald shrugged:

"Then as you wish, let's continue."

The conversation ended, and the two walked towards the street in front of them.

And as they gradually walked into the depths of Mufan Street, more and more people appeared in the field of vision.

Minors wandering the streets at night;

A drunken man who was smothered with alcohol and lay on the ground and was utterly drunk;

And the 'local residents' with ragged clothes and many scars on their bare skin...

In general, most of these people are not in good spirits.

In every sense, it conforms to the actual situation that slums should have.

And after realizing Ronald and Claudia, two neatly dressed people walked into the street, there were many of them looking at them with malicious eyes.

Although some people immediately gave up their attention after seeing the uniform worn by Claudia; but there were also many people whose greed in their eyes deepened a lot.

Neither Ronald nor Claudia said much about such a situation.

Continuing on like this, they began to go deeper and deeper into Mufan Street, and they saw more and more things.

After a few minutes, the situation got worse.

If most of the people at the beginning looked bad, it was obvious that they were in a lack of nutrition. So from here, some residents are already facing extremely severe threats to their lives.

The depths of the street have not been repaired for many years, and lighting or anything else does not exist here.

This is even more unfavorable for people's living environment, and people who are skinny and can only curl up in corners and wait to die can also see some of them.

Moving forward with the girl beside him, Ronaldo could clearly see the changes in Claudia.

The expression on the girl's face was getting worse and worse.

Facing the tragic situation around her, she was obviously very dissatisfied, but she did not go too far to check the specific status of these people one by one. In Claudia's eyes, it seems that this situation is simply regarded as a social phenomenon, rather than a tragic situation that is specific to each individual.

Continue to remain silent.

After the two went a mile deep into Mufan Street, the end of the street stopped in front of them.

It is the Wes River that runs through the entire Springs.

Opposite the riverbank is a neatly lit street, while the Mufan Street where Ronald and the others are located is dark.

This wide river seems to separate two areas of a city, and then becomes two completely different worlds.

Standing in such a position, Ronald turned his head and looked around.

Although it is also close to the edge of the Wes River, it is different from the riverside apartment where he lives. Next to this location is a factory whose function is unknown for the time being.

The sewage with a rather pungent smell was poured directly into the river from here. Although the color of the river water could not be distinguished in the dark night, the smell that wafted up was enough to make people feel good.

Watching this scene quietly, Ronald said first:

"Isha, there is no way to go any further."

Hearing Ronald's words, Claudia nodded quietly, pacing around the spacious Wes River for a long time, she took note of the smell here, and then turned to look at Ronald:

"Yeah, that's the end of the journey tonight."

"Ronald, I'm so glad you could come with me."

"That's really, really important to me."


Facing the disappointed expression on the girl's face, Ronald didn't say anything more.

Because at the same time, he heard some faint sounds from the rear.

Turning around, Ronald looked in the direction the two came from.

Although the dark night was dark enough, Ronald's excellent eyesight could still see several black figures approaching in the shadow of the street.

Distinguish carefully.

That's the edge of Mufan Street Road.

Seven men who bent over and bent over, were approaching the two of them furtively.

Shaking his head with emotion in his heart, Ronald said to his companion beside him with emotion:

"Isha, it looks like we have to work an extra shift tonight."

Turning her head slightly, following Ronald's prompt, Claudia also saw the scene in the dark street.

So she snorted rather unhappily.


"I want to see how they can make us work overtime!"

While speaking, Claudia came sideways behind Ronald, and with the help of her companion's figure, her indistinct voice began to search for the entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

"Volume 3, 284, page 2."


Listening to the end of the tiny chanting behind Ronald also understood that Claudia was ready to fight.

In such a scene, as a man, he naturally walked towards the other party.

In the face of a few ordinary people, Ronald can still handle it with confidence.

On the opposite side of him, when the 'local residents' in the darkness saw someone walking towards them, a very disdainful smile appeared on his face.

Some of them even showed their daggers in their hands, and after drawing a few arcs with bad meaning, they took the initiative to mock in a very provocative tone:

"Little guy, we have something to do with your little girlfriend."

"If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, we may be able to tolerate a lot of letting you jump into the river for a swim, instead of tasting the knife here."

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