Mystic Dominator

Chapter 255: Theater performance

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In a small theater.

A gorgeously dressed and handsome young man was introducing to the girl in front of him: "this is Mr. Elm, who is trustworthy and reliable, and this is Miss Moxie."

Another middle-aged man who was standing on the stage and dressed maturely waved:

"Well, Mr. Elm, let's not be polite; I am a profligate young man, and I admire Miss Moxy, and hope to gain her too."

The young man smiled:

"I like your straightforwardness, so let's talk straight."

"I can entrust Moxie to you, but what will you use in exchange for her?"

"I don't think you have land, do you?"

"And my sister, Moxie, is the most beautiful girl in town."

The middle-aged man smiled softly:

"Except for a few flower pots on the balcony, I don't have an inch of land or a twig, but you must have heard that I have a very rich uncle who runs a tea business in the East. You know, he likes me the most, he will Leave all your property to me. If you like, how about I open an IOU for repayment after death? As soon as he dies, you can come and ask me for money."

The young man immediately turned his head and snorted coldly from his nostrils:

"IOU? The property on this note, I may live to be a hundred years old and not even see the principal!"

The middle-aged man immediately said with relief:

"Why, are you afraid that he will live too long? You don't know, the long years of sea travel have damaged his body. Poor uncle, I heard that he is very broken now, and has become especially serious recently, even The servants in the house don't even recognize it."

Hearing this, the young man finally couldn't help laughing.

And the middle-aged people also began to laugh with them.


Suddenly, the focus in the small theater switched.

The focus of the performance shifted to the girl who never spoke, but looked sad.

With a good appearance, she moved her dew-like soft eyes away from the two people beside her, and then sat on the ground feebly.

The light blue long dress is spread around the body, like a blooming iris.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle and sad song sang from her mouth:

"My love, my Yaleda."

"My brother wants to sell me to that Elm, what should I do?"

"My dear Yeluda..."

"Please come and save your beloved Moxie, I..."

The girl started choking, and at this moment, the music sounded at the same time, and a man appeared from the other side of the stage:

"Is this my destiny?"

"How unfair, how unfair is this poor world!"

"People who love each other cannot be united!"



The show went on smoothly.

As one of the only three spectators in the small theater, Ronald sat quietly and enjoyed the performance on the stage.

Although he is not a professional performer, with the aesthetics he has cultivated in his previous life, he can finish the show quietly.

Similar to opera, but with more performance factors than opera.

Is this the manifestation that people in this world have developed?

It's pretty good too...

About half an hour later, Ronald listened to the short performance, and then walked out of the theater with the warm thanks of the actors. The whole process was stable and smooth.

There's no such thing as a mysterious twist.

There were no unexpected events that suddenly interrupted the show.

From Ronald's point of view, this is what normal life should be like, a little surprise filled with cosy, slow-paced leisure and comfort.

However, at this moment, a young and familiar voice sounded from Ronald:

"It's Moxie and Yeruda."

"This plot tells the tragic fate between two lovers, but it ends with a happy ending under a coincidence. I like it very much."


Hearing the sound, Ronald followed the sound.

Sure enough, he saw Raphael waiting for him at the entrance of the theater.

The guy was leaning against the wall at the moment, his eyes subtly looking at Ronald back and forth, as if he was very surprised that Ronald would actually go to the show.

Facing Rafael with such an expression, Ronald shrugged immediately:

"I also liked the performance just now."

"Something that celebrates love and freedom is something that most people don't hate."

Standing up from the wall, Rafael walked towards Ronald and said at the same time:

"Is that right?"

"In my words, what I like the most is the way the villain looks at the end."

"It's really interesting to be pierced through the chest by a sword from the girl you can't ask for."

When he said this, Rafael gave Ronald a bad smile.

Obviously something is being implied in the words.


"Can we stop playing this..."

Facing the expression of this friend, Ronald complained about Rafael, and then he continued:

"Actually, if the performance is to be performed, I'll just watch it myself."

"Does it really matter if you came to find me at this time?"

A few steps closer to Ronald's side, Rafael said with a smile:

"Anyway, there are no inexplicable fools bothering me. It's no problem to go back half an hour ago."

Ronald shrugged helplessly:

"All right……"

"But since that's the case, what are we going to do now?"

"You don't sneak out before the show just to chat with me here?"

"How is that possible?" Shaking his head as he should, Rappel explained, "I mean, I want you to help detect the enemy's situation. Something's not right on the [Saldak] end recently. Your spells of detecting human emotions might work well."

After all, Rafael helped Ronald a lot.

In the face of such a friend's request, Ronald naturally would not refuse.

Looking up and looking around, Ronald continued:

"What's wrong and what should I pay attention to?"

Rafael straightened his tone and explained:

"It's something related to 'non-human'."

"Your reconnaissance spells can distinguish human You can know the specific situation at a glance."

This is...

The spells in "The Divine Comedy" are really useful in detecting humans, and there is basically no need to worry about the possibility of missing.

But to be on the safe side, Ronald still asked:

"Apart from that, is there nothing else?"

Rafael's eyes were affirmative, and his tone was quite calm and replied:

"No, that's all."

Putting a card on Ronald in a position close to his body, he whispered at the same time:

"By the way, if you move fast, remember to come and watch my performance."

"Promise you won't be disappointed."

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