Mystic Dominator

Chapter 268: custom props

Time came to the second night.

When dealing with a canon holder, or perhaps very dedicated themselves. During the day, the Bureau of Investigation came to Ronald to inform and question him.

Be specific.

Using the information obtained last night, the Bureau of Investigation has found that there are traces of casting spells in the underground of [Saldak], and there are even cases of charm spells that lure the audience into making large sums of money.

However, what was even more frustrating was the speed at which this group of people retreated.

As a mature and established organization, they were very efficient when they left. Except for the two witches who were finally killed by the cargo ship, no one is still in Springs.

Of course, there are gains.

The reason is also on the two bodies.

As the guards of the final theater, these two witches are powerful casters who can rival the elite of the Bureau of Investigation, and the reason why they finally diverted their eyes was to divert the attention of the investigators, in order to take away the same Magic props in production.

As for the specific details...

The Bureau of Investigation did not tell Ronald because it was too dangerous to disclose.


Probably thinking back to today's unnutritious conversation.

Ronald got up from his chair, walked to the door, put on his coat and pushed out the door.

At this time, there was no trace of anyone in the apartment, and he left alone without anyone disturbing him.

Tonight, Ronald's time has been arranged in advance.

When he parted with Rafael last night, he specifically inquired and learned about a company that specializes in selling mysterious items, and can also order some simpler items there.

There is also the power obtained after the [Mercury Sky Trial] in his hand.

Ronald naturally had to find a professional to make a prop.

Leaving the apartment like this, Ronald slowly walked out of the riverside area under the light of the street lights. After walking alone for more than half an hour, he came to a street in the next city.

This is a shopping street that sells accessories, gifts, herbs and more.

At this time, many shops are still operating.

Compared with Burrenwich, the city of Springs has a lot of time for complete rest at night, and guests walking on the road can still see some.

While looking at the numbers of the shops on both sides of the road, Ronald leisurely searched for his target.

Soon, Ronald stopped at the door of an unremarkable herbal shop.

After all, it was a place that was open for business, and he easily found the place that Rafael told him.

——【Elon's Cabin】

Although it has the same name as a certain elf king, there is no problem in this other world.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Ronald pushed the door and walked into the shop.

Jingle Bell--

Immediately, a crisp bell rang from the counter.

On the ceiling of the store, a rope connects the door to the bell on the other side of the counter, making it easy to detect anyone entering the counter.

And hear the reminder of the bell.

The shop owner behind the counter immediately looked up, with a kind smile on his face:

"Guest, what would you like to buy?"

Ronald nodded in response:

"Well, I want to order something."

"It's on our side."

The shopkeeper looked quite young, and the wrinkles and gray hair on his face told of the years he had gone through.

And knowing that the old man was a mysterious person, Ronald didn't have to hide anything. He and the owner were the only ones in the small shop, so Ronald directly called out the original text and shook it in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the kindness in the owner's eyes immediately faded.

With just this action, he, who lives in Springs, has realized that the young man in his twenties is actually a holder of the original code!

This is no longer terrifying...

But the top of the mysterious side came to him in person!

How can such a big man come to such a small shop?

Although very anxious.

But the owner of the store, who has been operating the store all the year round, also understands that he cannot be frightened in place.

With a serious expression on his face, he simply walked out of the counter, then bent slightly and stood slightly in front of Ronald.

"My lord, what do you want to do?"

"If it is a very rare and rare item, I am afraid that my old hands can't..."

Hearing the old man's awe-inspiring tone, Ronald immediately explained:

"You can rest assured."

"I just came to commission you to make a small prop today, and there is nothing particularly troublesome."

The old man nodded slightly:

"Is that right?"

"So what kind of props do you want to make?"

Ronald replied without hesitation:

"A ring."

Before he came, he thought about the purpose of today. With the experience of using gloves, what he wanted now was a ring that was also easy to carry and not easy to be detected by others.

Saying what he wanted, he continued:

"It doesn't require any very troublesome requirements."

"As long as it's the right size and can store magic power."

Hearing Ronald's request, the expression on the old man's face was a little subtle.

It was a request he had hardly encountered.

People on the mysterious side customize the road, and at least engrave some magic circles that add spells all the time. This kind of request only for storing magic power is really rare.

So, the shopkeeper cautiously asked:

"Sir, if this ring is..."

"That's it, don't you need to add spells or something?"

Ronald nodded quite affirmatively and replied:

"Of course, that's it."

Confirming Ronald's request again, the old man was a little surprised, but nodded and replied:

"Since that's the case, then sir, go to the back with me first."

"This kind of prop is very fast to make. It can be done in about three hours."

After speaking, the old man no longer hesitated.

Turning around, he took out the closed sign from behind the counter and hung it at the door. He locked the door and took Ronald to the back of the store.

In fact, this shop is also the residence of the old man.

Following the other party to the back, Ronald quickly confirmed the structure of the building, leaning against the store front on the street, the residential area on the second floor, and the personal workshop at the back of the very Traditional and unpretentious arrangement.

Back in his workshop, the old man first took out a soft ruler and a piece of gray solid from the toolbox, and then asked Ronald:

"Sir, did you wear this ring yourself?"

Ronald nodded:

"Yes, I wear it myself."

The old man continued to ask:

"Which finger are you going to wear."

"Considering the comfort of wearing, is it convenient for me to measure your palm?"

Ronald thought for a while, then extended his hand generously and replied:

"Forefinger, just forefinger."

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