Mystic Dominator

Chapter 273: library

"Where is the library?"

"I know!"

Seeing Ronald talking to him, this man answered decisively:

"Follow this road and go back to the end. Turn left and you will see a blue and white building after a short distance. There is the library."

Ronald nodded immediately and thanked:

"thank you very much."

When the female student heard this answer, her expression changed immediately.

I seem to be too decisive in answering myself, so it seems that I can't continue chatting with Ronald!

Turning her eyes, she immediately changed her tune:

"Actually, the road in the school is quite complicated."

"If you don't mind, I can come and lead the way."

Ronald smiled lightly:

"Thank you, I don't think there is a problem with finding a way."

"Your friend is still waiting, so I won't bother you."

After simply saying goodbye to each other, Ronald quickened his pace and walked towards the library.

But after walking a distance, he could still hear the discussion of the group of female students behind him.

"This little guy is so handsome!"

"Is it a student of our school? It's not like you don't know the location of the library, right?"

"If I were you, the stalkers would definitely chase after you."

"I'm not afraid that he hates such people!"

"Hurry up, it's almost time for class."


Feeling a little happy and a little complicated, Ronald followed the direction pointed out in the conversation and continued to go deeper into the academy.

Soon, he found the library of [Weiss University].

This is a rather grand building.

The exterior wall is a combination of white and blue, which looks noble and elegant. In a slightly forward position, there is also a statue of the principal who designed the library at the door, and his deeds are engraved below.

- Elliott Falls Robin

This is a very famous scholar a hundred years ago, and he is also the one who established [Weiss University] with his own hands.

At the entrance of the library, two men in blue uniforms and hats can be seen at the moment, they must be the security guards of [Weiss University].

Seeing this situation, Ronald walked around to the other side of the library without thinking.

Randomly found a position on the first floor with the windows open.

He turned in as soon as he was single.

Entering the interior, you can see that the library as a whole is divided into five floors.

On the first floor, many bookshelves are arranged neatly around a circle. According to different categories, some bookshelves are full of books, and some bookshelves are some documents or books.

In addition to this, there are also some tables with books.

You can read with peace of mind while sitting in the chair next to you.

At the same time, the interior decoration of the library is also luxurious and full of artistic atmosphere. Paintings, sculptures, ancient wooden decorations, and various accessories that look very expensive at first glance abound.

Of course, Ronald's own goal was not to appreciate what the library looked like here.

It is the [Book Research Society] hidden here.

It was still early, and there was hardly anyone in the library.

According to the information he had obtained before, he directly found an office named [Kracken] on the second floor of the library, and then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

bang bang bang --

"Is anyone here?"

Almost at the same time as the knock on the door, the people in the office responded:

"Yes, please come in."

Pushing the door and entering, Ronald immediately saw three desks in the office.

Behind one of the tables sat a white-bearded old man drinking tea. His face was a little old, but his eyes were bright. On the desk on the left behind him, there is a young girl with a weak temperament and a beautiful oval face.

Only the desk on the right by the window was empty.

After Ronald entered the room, the old man put on a teasing smile, and then asked:

"Student, who are you looking for?"

"It's still class time."

Ronald responded with a smile, and then replied:

"Hello, my name is Ronald Adler."

"As for who I am looking for, the situation is actually quite complicated."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the old man looked back at the girl who was still working behind him, and then continued:

"It turned out to be Mr. Ronald, Muri's words..."

The old man just said a few words, his face suddenly changed, and then he asked carefully:

"Ronald...Ronald Adler?"

"Are you the scholar who holds the book?"

Ronald nodded in response:

"Yes, I am."

Immediately, the old man's attitude changed dramatically.

"It's you, please come with me!"

The old man hurriedly put down the teacup and stood up from the chair, and Ronald nodded slightly in response.

"Well, please lead the way."

Ronald smiled lightly, then followed the old man out of the room.

Under the leadership of the old man, the two came to a very spacious but very simple room on the first floor.

The room is not small, but there is a large bookshelf occupying almost one-third of the space, and there is a bookcase next to the bookshelf, in which a large number of books are neatly placed.

With a swipe, Ronald could recognize that the bookshelves contained some pictures and books.

Next, the old man invited Ronald to sit down, and lightly tidied up the corners of his clothes, and then he asked in a flat tone:

"Mr. Ronald, I also understand your situation."

"I don't know what is the purpose of coming to our library today?"

Having arrived here, Ronald naturally had no plans to hide, so he said generously:

"the reason is simple."

"I'm very interested in the history of the mysterious side of the past."

The old man's eyes flickered, as if he was surprised by Ronald's words.

"Past history? Very interested?"

Ronald nodded slightly and continued:

"Yes, past history."

"The best place to get this knowledge in Springs is here, so that's why I came here specifically for help."

The old man showed a satisfied expression on his face, and then asked again:

"Then, Mr. Ronald."

"What do you want to know, be specific."

Ronald replied succinctly:

"It's about the history of the mysterious The sooner the better."

"I'm very concerned about what happened in the past, and it's about a dangerous group I'm looking for, and that's why."

The old man raised his eyebrows slightly.

Now the situation of the two is that Ronald came to ask for help, so simply stating the purpose, wouldn't he worry about being hit hard?

Maybe this is the confidence of the original holder?

With that in mind, the old man replied in accordance with the regulations of the [Book Research Association]:

"You're right, our database does have records about this, but I'm just an ordinary manager, so I don't know much about this."

"And if you need to inquire about books specifically, some necessary efforts are still required."

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