Mystic Dominator

Chapter 277: research philosophy


"Hal, shut up!"

"Do you know what you're talking about!"

In the silent air of the laboratory, Hughes, the research leader, spoke up.

In a very stern tone, he rebuked Hal at the long table.

However, in the face of Hughes who showed an angry attitude, Hal sat behind the table with a calm expression, even still calmly saying:

"Of course I do, I know what I'm talking about."

There was no trace of fear in Hal's voice.

This feeling is as if he is not facing the leader of this research, but an ordinary colleague.

Looking at Hal with such an attitude.

Hughes frowned and continued to snarl:

"Knowing that you dare to say such a thing, don't you take the rules of the research society into consideration!"

Hal shook his head slightly and replied calmly:

"I'm just telling the truth. You should understand that if you don't allow me to express my thoughts, it means that the most essential purpose of the research society will lose its meaning, and what I'm doing now is just for the pursuit of results. "

Hearing what Hal said so righteously, Ronald quietly glanced at the other casters on the left and right. As far as the corner of the eye can see, some of the people present did show an attitude of agreeing with Hal's statement.

And those who agree...

Among the practitioners in the laboratory, most of them appear to be relatively young.

As for those who resisted the absolutely life-threatening choice of the trial of the original scriptures, it was the older casters.

What Ronald could see, Hughes, who was standing on the platform, could naturally find it.

"Asshole!" His eyes sank, and the leader of the research immediately scolded angrily: "Is this what you should say! Hal, let me tell you, if you don't follow the rules of the research society, you are doing harm to The safety of all, you and I advise you not to choose those dangerous and evil things!"

Hal glanced at him, stood up and said:

"Of course I wouldn't do those things without permission, and if that was the case, the Bureau of Investigation would have put me in jail long ago. So I'll abide by the rules here, just like you are standing on the experimental bench now. "

When Hughes heard Hal's sarcasm, his body trembled slightly with anger.

Immediately, he almost gritted his teeth and said:

"Hal, you really let me down!"

Not to be outdone, Howl replied:

"Disappointment? Maybe it should be disappointed, but I'm just looking for the truth, so the disappointment is probably more serious than yours."

Hearing this, a look of anger flashed across Hughes' face, but in the end he held back.

His previous behavior was out of line. Due to his status and the current situation, there were some things that Hughes couldn't do. He knew this very well.

So with a cold snort, Hughes waved his hand and ordered Hal:

"Get out of here."

"As ordered!"

Hal saluted everyone, and he was very accustomed to standing up and walked out of the laboratory door quickly.

Quietly watching the back of Hal leaving, Hughes took a few deep breaths, and his mood gradually stabilized. He almost couldn't help but teach Hal a lesson just now, but fortunately he can restrain his behavior.

Then his tone changed, and he continued to the others around him:

"Everyone, this time Hal's behavior is really disappointing, but we also know that his character is like this. In any case, our research work must continue to advance."

After being comforted for a while, Hughes continued:

"Edward, Clark, Aesop, Ryan stay, the others go out."

Having said that, Hughes turned his eyes to Ronald:

"By the way, and Ronald. I'll be at your office in half an hour, remember to wait for me."

Ronald nodded slightly:

"I see!"

But at this moment, Hughes suddenly said:


"The work of our research society is very heavy, and I understand that. But even so, I still hope that everyone from various schools can restrain their radical ideas and devote as much attention to research as possible."

"After all, we are not like the ordinary people above who can convene a large number of researchers, hard work and boring are bound to go through. As the leader of this research, I also hope to see good results as soon as possible, but the research The bottom line must be firmly held.”

The voice fell, and Hughes turned around and stared at the original text in front of him with a complicated expression.

Except for the leader himself and the four people named by him, others began to leave gradually.

After the work was over, Ronald naturally turned and left.

There are still books he hasn't read in the office, I'll go back and continue now

However, when passing by the second passage, he subconsciously looked at a laboratory with the door closed.

- This is Hal's laboratory.

Although it was only a short while before they left, the door to Hal's personal laboratory was tightly locked, and he couldn't see what was inside at all.

What is the caster, who made the radical suggestion, doing now?

Although Ronald was very curious, he did not continue to investigate.

After all, Ronald knew who he was here.

So he went back to the superstructure of the library along the hidden passage. Ronald walked behind his desk alone and took out the books that he had put away before departure.

Half an hour was enough for him to finish the "Conn Thorpe Documentary".

After all, Ronald was only looking for some key terms in the book, rather than reading the entire book.

Soon, another record about the [Nine Rings Secret Society] appeared in Ronald's eyes.

The author of this book recorded the battle between his teacher and a powerful caster of [Nine Rings Secret Society]. Repel away.

As a result of the battle, almost the teacher of the book author was defeated one-sidedly.

Then, together with a pile of earth, stone and grass, they were squeezed into an indestructible stone ball.

The author himself was lucky enough to save his life from this battle because his own school was good at hiding his tracks, and he was hiding out of the battlefield in the first place.

As for other stuff...

Since this battle came so suddenly the author hardly knew anything about the enemy.

It was also after searching for most of his life that when he was getting old, he targeted the organization [Nine Rings Secret Society], and then recorded it in his book.

Gradually reading this documentary, Ronald shook his head with complex eyes:



Before Ronald could continue to sigh, at the end of the book, he saw something interesting.

At the end of the page, that is, the books in the library have the borrowing record sheet.

The most recent borrowing record reads—

[LR415 - Flower Moon - Twenty-first Day]

【Hal Bodlow】

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