Mystic Dominator

Chapter 280: Pick up at the station

LR417 - February - 14.

Ronald walked out of his apartment, his mind still filled with the list he had recited earlier.

In the [Practical Power Communication Company], Muri's request was agreed by Clark.

And as a result, Ronald alone took charge of the Great Witch.

Even considering the big witch's mood, the Bureau of Investigation asked Ronald to be in charge of the reception of the great witch, while the people of the Bureau of Investigation would secretly provide support.

Before going out today, Ronald was reciting the list given to him by the Bureau of Investigation. It was a last resort. He could directly contact the various locations and methods of the Bureau of Investigation in Springs.

"Big witch..."

Muttering in his mouth, Ronald stopped a taxi and went to the train station.

Different from the way he entered Springs, this powerful caster from the Twelve Witches chose to take the train to the city.

Before arriving at the train station, Ronald sat in the carriage seat watching the distant street scene, and began to recall the information he had collected in the past two days.

He first heard about the organization [Twelve Witches], and it was back in Burrenwich.

At that time, the impression of this organization was simply a mysterious school that supported the [Shiratori Business Association].

However, with the intelligence support of the [Book Research Association].

Ronald knows better now.

This [Twelve Witches] is also a school that split from the [Original Witch Guild] a long time ago. The core idea of ​​the school is that witches provide help and protection to each other, and continue the school on the premise of not infringing on others.

To be more specific, the organization [Twelve Witches] is built around twelve 'big witches', and holds a total of three original tomes with different effects.

And this time into Springs, it is a real original holder.

With a long history of inheritance and a friendly attitude, the Bureau of Investigation will make such an arrangement under such circumstances.

After thinking about it for a while, Ronald's carriage stopped.

The driver immediately reminded:

"Sir, the train station is here."

Ronald reacted immediately:

"Ah, have you arrived yet?"

"Thank you."

Take the initiative to jump out of the carriage, and then take out the change to pay the other party.

Finally, amid the sound of the carriage driving away behind him, Ronald looked up at the building in front of him.

- Springs Station.

This railway station in the capital of the Greed Empire was in every way far superior to the Burrenwich railway station that Ronald had ever seen.

Building, area, traffic, environment...

All things considered, Springs train station is much higher end than Burrenwich train station. Anyone who stands at the entrance of the train station can appreciate how prosperous a city Springs is.

"So, it's time to wait for someone..."

Muttering in a low voice, Ronald turned to look at the clock tower of the train station.

The above time is 10:27 and 11 seconds in the morning, which is a little more than one second off from the original timer.

And the train that the big witch was on should arrive at exactly eleven o'clock if it arrived on time.

Given the punctuality of trains in this era, Ronald now has plenty of time.

So he stretched out his hand and adjusted his collar, Ronald stepped into the train station, and the next thing was pure waiting.

The boring wait is always long.

Especially waiting for your goal to appear, this time is even more boring.

Ronald was standing on the platform of the train station half leaning against the wall, waiting quietly for the appearance of the Great Witch.

In his sight, on the other side are various buildings in the train station.

Occasionally, gorgeous horse-drawn carriages can be seen entering the train station from the exclusive passage, and then the men and women in gorgeous clothes come down directly into the platform. Now Ronald can only watch these various people pass the time.


Finally, after twenty minutes late.

The sound of the train approaching here entered Ronald's ears.

Because the planned track would not change, Ronald was sure that this was the train carrying the great witch.

Finally, to see the goal of their reception.

With this thought in mind, Ronald lifted his back from the wall, then patted his clothes lightly, shaking off the barely discernible dust.

After all, we're going to spend some time together after that.

When you meet for the first time, make a good impression on the other person.

However, while the train was stopping at the station, Ronald suddenly noticed a detail.

A beautiful young woman in a long black dress stepped out from the platform, holding a water bottle in her hand, and took a sip.


[Original Witches]...

There seems to be a curse that needs to be watched at the enemy and then released with the help of the liquid in the mouth...

While looking at the past, Ronald immediately realized this.

Sure enough, after the girl drank the water, he noticed that the corner of the guy's mouth was slightly upturned, as if he was laughing at the people on the train.

Without any hesitation.

Under Ronald's wide sleeves, a black scripture appeared in his hand.

"Its name is Stix.

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


This is really looking for something...

Shaking his head helplessly, Ronald already understood that the girl was staring at the incoming train with intense hostility through the perception of the "Divine Comedy" ability.

This timing, this action.

There is almost no accident, this guy is here to snipe the big witch.

The mysterious side of this world is still relatively unpretentious.

Most spellcasters, even if they can cast spells, are still human beings who do not modify their body structure.

Severing the head, piercing the heart, poisonous...

This method of killing ordinary people is also useful when the caster is unprepared.

Therefore, it is natural that such an assassination operation should occur.

After receiving the task, I haven't seen it yet, so I have to serve first...

Thinking like this in my heart, a small amount of black mist quietly covered my palm at the same time.

Lowering the sound of his footsteps, Ronald changed the angle that was not easy for the other party to find, and approached the girl towards the train. There were already many pedestrians on the platform.

With Ronald deliberately hiding, the witch, who was preparing to cast a spell while staring intently at the train, was completely unaware of his approach.


Very smoothly, Ronald's palm with black mist lightly patted her shoulder.

Feeling the unstoppable force pouring into her body, and realizing this, the witch also lost the chance to resist.

In a moment of darkness, her body fell back unconsciously.

And at the moment when the witch completely lost consciousness.

The last voice she heard was Ronald's caring, hypocritical greeting:

"Hello, this lady?"

"Are you OK!"

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