Mystic Dominator

Chapter 282: Conversation outside the apartment


"You mean, go to my house?"

Frightened for a while, Ronald pointed to himself, and then asked cautiously:

"I didn't hear it wrong, did I?"

The big witch smiled and shook her head:

"I am not kidding."

"What they mean here is very clear, that is, they want you to guarantee that I will not do something out of the ordinary in Springs. I can fully understand and accept such a request."

That's not going to live with me, is it?

Ronald swallowed, his brain spinning rapidly, thinking about how to refuse this.

Although he has joined the [Book Scroll Research Association], he has no intention of working hard to such a degree. Living with someone like the Great Witch would be a lot of fun in case of any accident.

Still standing in front of Ronald with a steady expression, the big witch continued to smile and said:

"Mr. Ronald, don't be too nervous."

"At least in Springs, I won't do anything dangerous, and I want to live with you only because I have a rare opportunity to communicate directly with people who hold books."

"We can share some knowledge with each other if you want."


"okay then."

After a moment of silence, Ronald finally nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't understand the real purpose of the other party, sharing knowledge was something that really moved him.

As the leader of a mysterious organization, the Great Witch is definitely the most ideal communication candidate in terms of knowledge and information.

"I'm glad you agreed to this proposal."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the big witch nodded slightly, and then handed a ring with a smile:

"You take this first."

Ronald took the ring with a curious look.

"this is……?"

The big witch smiled:

"It's a little prop I made that allows both parties to locate each other through the ring."

"Of course, this is limited by a certain distance."


Ronald nodded silently, then tried to inject magic into the ring.

Soon, he felt a faint sense of connection coming over, and the target was the great witch in front of him.

After a few very casual conversations, the two stopped the carriage and headed to the river bank area where Ronald lived.

However, on the way to leave, the sight of the great witch still turned back from time to time.

that direction.

It is No. 1 Crown Road, where the [Tianhai Palace] is located.


After returning to the river bank area smoothly, the two got off the carriage and stood on the side of the street where the apartment was located.

Turning her field of vision to look around, the big witch sighed again:

"Farewell to this place for so long."

"Although other things are changing, the Wes River has always maintained its own appearance."

Ronald nodded slightly:

"The city is developing very fast. Municipal planning and various new technologies have been applied in the city, but now it seems that there is no plan to repair the river."


Hearing such an answer, the Great Witch was stunned for a rare moment.

Turning her head to look seriously at Ronald in front of her, her tone suddenly became a little complicated:

"Mr. Ronald, do you also know something about these aspects?"

Ronald nodded generously and replied:

"I'm just more interested, so I did some understanding."

The Great Witch was silent again.

After a few breaths, she answered in a rather serious tone:

"Mr. Ronald, there are not many people on the mysterious side who care about this aspect like you, especially those with books."

From picking up people at the train station to now, Ronald also had a general understanding of the way the big witch spoke.

So without caring, he shook his head:

"Living in such a city, I think it's better to know these things."

"And in my opinion, it's not just Springs."

"One day in the future, perhaps the whole world will take this path, and it may not be common sense to understand these things at that time."


As soon as the words came out, Ronald felt that the atmosphere between the two became subtle.

It doesn't seem to be what he thought.

After hearing these words, the Great Witch's expression became uncontrollably a little lost.

it looks...

It was as if Ronald's speech just now denied something very important.

But soon, the original holder of the mysterious side adjusted his state, and then bowed slightly to Ronald and said:

"Sorry, Mr. Ronald, I was a little rude just now."

"At this age, as a person who has contact with many things and is responsible for them, it is inevitable that there are some feelings."

Seeing the big witch bowing her head to apologize to herself, Ronald waved his hand and replied:

"No, no, it's my words that are too rash."

"Those just now are just my own guesses and have no other meaning. I hope you don't get me wrong."


Hearing Ronald's answer, the big witch looked up at him, and then showed a meaningful smile:

"Okay, let's not talk about that."


Ronald nodded slightly, then took the lead into the apartment.

The time is still this afternoon, the landlord is going to school, and most of the other residents are not at home. Looking around, I could only see an old man in charge of security sitting in the courtyard and a few children playing.

Confirming that there is no problem here, Ronald immediately pointed to the spiral staircase leading upstairs, and then said to the Great Witch:

"Ms. Teresa, what do you think of this place?"


The big witch didn't answer Ronald right away.

Instead, she walked into the courtyard with steady steps, and closed her eyes gently.


Against the action of the Great Witch, an imperceptible breeze blew around the apartment.

In Ronald's view, this scene is a powerful caster checking the environment. The power of incantation reverberating in the entire space spread rapidly along with the breeze almost plowing the ground, and then gradually returned to nothingness.

Ronald was very suspicious of the hidden hands under the loose robe of the Great Witch.

Maybe at the moment she is holding the original book that belongs to her!

At the same time, this scene did not attract suspicion at all in the eyes of others.

Take these ordinary people in the apartment, for example.

When the breeze formed by the magic power blew, they all still maintained their movements, completely unaware of the changes in the environment.

In this way, the invisible and intangible 'wind' finally completely faded away.

And after confirming the environment of the apartment.

The Great Witch turned around and smiled at Ronald, and said her decision:

“As a new visitor...”

"I also hope, Mr. Ronald, that you can help me get a suitable rental price."

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