Mystic Dominator

Chapter 287: early morning knock

Peaceful life.

Maybe it's destined to miss Ronald...

On an otherwise normal day, Ronald just got the book that Muri had sent and was about to open it.

As a result, at this moment, the door was knocked.

bang bang bang --

Immediately afterwards, the big witch's voice, which was slightly more urgent than before, sounded outside the door:

"Ronald, I'm going out."

"Are you all right?"

Putting the book in his hand into the cabinet, Ronald immediately got up and replied:

"I'm OK."


The voice fell, and the footsteps of the big witch walking towards the stairs came from outside the door.

Hearing this movement, Ronald frowned.

From the time she came to Springs, except when she first registered her identity, the Great Witch stayed at home almost all the time, and had never done any such outings.

It's okay to behave abnormally today.

The tone and movement are so hurried?


She must have noticed something!

Realizing this, Ronald crossed the living room in two steps, ripped off his coat from the hanger, grabbed it in his hand, and walked out.

While chasing down the stairs.

Ronald straightened his clothes and put it on his body, and at the same time asked the great witch below:

"Ms. Teresa, why are you so anxious today?"

"Did something happen?"

After all, the great witch is still the body of an old man.

Although he was in a hurry, he was quickly caught up by Ronald behind.

So she nodded slightly towards Ronald, and she explained in a low voice:

"There seems to be something going on in town, we'd better go and see."

Hearing the meaning of the Great Witch's words, Ronald gritted his pronunciation and reconfirmed:

"You mean, people like 'us'?"

The big witch nodded immediately:

"That's right."

Without further ado, the two walked down the stairs and across the courtyard, leaving the door of the apartment and heading straight to the streets of the riverside area.

It's still morning.

Apart from Ronald, there were not too many people on the street.

It was in such an environment that a middle-aged man in a brown coat approached them.

Looking up at the Great Witch and Ronald, he immediately said:

"Mr. Ronald, you are..."


However, he was only halfway through the words, and the big witch interrupted the man's speech directly:

"Listen, get the carriage ready now."

"We have something urgent to deal with!"


Looking at the investigator in front of her, the Great Witch spoke in an unceremonious tone, almost no different from a direct order.

And facing the attitude of the original holder.

The investigator who came to question him immediately showed his position.

Standing firmly on the spot, even if the leader of the [Twelve Witches] was in front of him, he answered unwaveringly:

"I'm sorry, Ms. Teresa."

"If you need a carriage, then say why you need it."

"Of course we will have due respect for you, but this does not mean that we will unconditionally meet any of your requirements. After all, the 'power company' is responsible for the safety of the whole city."


Although I usually try my best to meet the requirements of the Great Witch.

But in the final analysis, it was a policy adopted to keep the great witch from causing trouble. When the other party proposed to move freely in the city, the investigator's position was still very firm.

Even under the aura of a long-standing high-ranking character like the Great Witch.

The investigator who confronted him, no matter his movements or expressions, did not mean to waver.


At this time, I can only come up and round the field by myself.

Standing beside the two, Ronald sighed imperceptibly.

As a buffer point for the Bureau of Investigation and the Great Witch, he naturally needs him to speak now.

However, the action of the Great Witch was much faster than Ronald expected.

When her request was rejected, the great witch only hesitated for a breath, and immediately nodded slightly to the investigator:

"Sir, I hope you don't get me wrong."

"I just feel that some guys in the city are fighting. After all, this is the purpose of my visit to Springs. You shouldn't hinder me, right?"


Is it a big witch bowing her head?

Standing aside, Ronald, who was about to speak, was a little complicated.

He originally thought that the two would confront each other and even intensify the conflict, but he didn't expect that it was the big witch who chose to bow her head. For a person of her identity, opening an explanation is tantamount to admitting her concession.

Such a decisive and quick choice.

Should I admire her decision, or should I be surprised by her concession?

Of course, Ronald's thoughts would not affect the two who were talking.

After the big witch voluntarily backed down, the middle-aged investigator did not continue to look for trouble. After all, the big witch entered Springs according to formal procedures, and he had no reason to stop it.

Nodding with satisfaction, the investigator took two steps back and then gestured toward the street with one hand.

At the corner of the street, a carriage that had already been prepared came to them immediately.

He raised his hand sideways towards the carriage.

Speaking again, the middle-aged investigator's tone also softened a lot:

"This is the carriage of our [electricity company], and the two of you can use it at will."

"Of course, please try not to damage it as much as possible."

The big witch nodded in response, and then walked towards the carriage:


I exchanged glances with the middle-aged investigator.

Ronald followed up with the Great Witch.

Under the watchful eyes of the investigator, the two got into the carriage together.

After sitting in the seats of the carriage, the big witch said to the coachman very simply:

"Sir, take us to the beach in Baisha District, and go all the way out of the city."

"I'll tell you when I get there."

When the big witch explained her destination, she was very decisive, and there was not the slightest hesitation in her eyes.

For this kind of straightforward attitude, Ronald immediately thought of the magic of the Great Witch.

According to her spell effect of controlling wind, or airflow.

This original holder, maybe he has a particularly wide range of detection capabilities?

Just when Ronald was thinking about this the coachman driving the carriage shouted, and the carriage immediately began to drive forward.

As the middle-aged investigator introduced, the coachman hired by the Bureau of Investigation knew very well the rules of the mysterious side, and would not ask anything about the passenger's request.

In his eyes, getting the people in the carriage to their destination is the only goal.

At this moment, Ronald, who was sitting beside the Great Witch, asked:

"Ms. Teresa, what happened to you, so that you came out in such a hurry, and even made a completely different action from what you were used to before?"

"Ronald..." Hearing Ronald's question, the Great Witch shook her head solemnly. While watching the scene of the car passing backwards, she explained at the same time, "They started a war."

"Just over there on the beach, there's a big fight going on."

"And we must go too!"

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