Mystic Dominator

Chapter 297: morning letter

LR417 - March - 1.

On the first day of the new month, Ronald left the boarding house early in the morning and habitually looked at the mailbox at the door.

Three rolled up newspapers.

A Citizen Daily, a Queen's Daily, and an Art Weekly.

With Ronald's sense of smell, he could even smell a little ink printing.

But in addition, there was a white envelope, which was obviously delivered to the apartment this morning.

Seeing this letter, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Ordinary people can only see that this is a mailed letter, but in his opinion, there is a mark printed on it with a spell on the white page. The person who left the mark is quite clever, and there is not even a little bit of magic power leaking out.

Mysterious side personnel with weaker observation skills will miss this mark if they don't look specifically at it.

And Ronald could spot this imperceptible thing.

Or because when communicating with the great witch before, the other party specifically mentioned this aspect.


"Ms. Teresa...?"

Muttering in his mouth, Ronald thoughtfully reached out and took out the letter.

In fact, what happened before was the same as he estimated.

When the witch incident ended and he and the investigator returned to Springs, the great witch who had left the city with Ronald did not return. Later, the [Twelve Witches] also stated that the great witch was unwell, so she needed to return to the school Internal recuperation.

And now the letter seems to confirm this.

Ronald opened the envelope with one hand, and in addition to the expected letter paper, there was also a brand new [Gott] note issued in Springs, with the denomination of one dollar as it should have been.

Take a look at the content of the letter:

[Dear Ronald:

I'm so sorry for not saying goodbye.

But for people of my age, once all kinds of old diseases break out, the body and bones really can't hold on. The coin in the envelope is my rent in the apartment during that time, and I hope to pay it on my behalf.

Looking forward to seeing you again.

your faithful friend.

Theresa Russell


There are still unfinished tea leaves on my table, which I brought from my hometown, mixed with local flavors, you can try it if you don't mind. 】

"For the rent, give [Depp] more..."


After reading the text on the letter, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

When communicating with the great witch, he incidentally told the old spellcaster about text encryption, and he also communicated with each other.

Then according to the language and grammar of this world...

In the last incidental words, there seems to be a shadow of this encryption method.

Take the stationery and walk out of the street.

Ronald rubbed his temples subconsciously.

He has always had a good memory. He can probably recall the original communication, and he can also remember the Virginia cipher of that experiment, as well as a few lines of the cipher table transcribed.

Reluctantly try to translate it, the content is-

[—Your desk—Mezzanine, put down—gifts,—to pursue—truth,—please accept this—,—believe—it will definitely—help you. 】


"Fluid mechanics is really convenient..."

Standing in a daze for a while, Ronald stuffed the letter paper and coins into his pocket, and then continued to walk towards [Weiss University].

Although not all characters are translated successfully, the general meaning is obvious.

The Great Witch left a gift on the mezzanine of the table.

Of course, Ronald has no plans to go back to study the desk now.

Now as an original holder with "strong fighting power".

You don't have to guess to know that the Bureau of Investigation has special personnel to observe your movements. If you want to study the things on the table, you should wait until you come back at night.


The work of the [Book Research Association] has not changed much.

Normal reading books, normal research assistance, normal quarrels between the practitioners, and normal commuting to get off work.

In such a research institution, Ronald's life did not change, and the battle on the beach did not affect the attitude of the research society to him.

In this way, the working hours of the day pass quickly.

When Ronald returned to the apartment in the evening, the landlady was wearing a pair of glasses, sitting in the courtyard holding a book and reading attentively, next to the pen and paper she used to take notes.

Ronald glanced at it, this is a book of this composition genre, and there is no overlap with his knowledge at all.

So walking up, Ronald took out the coins he received this morning from his pocket.

"Miss Cynthia, this is Ms. Teresa's rent before."

"She was in a hurry, so she entrusted me to pay the rent for that time."

Hearing Ronald's voice, the landlady girl immediately put down the book and raised her head, with a somewhat restrained smile on her face:

"That's right."

"Ms. Teresa has lived for more than a week but not two weeks. There is no problem with the interior of the room, so it's fine to count it as a week."

After taking the coins, Cynthia touched the side pocket of her clothes, then immediately got up and walked to her room.

"Mr. Ronald, I don't seem to have any change on me. Come with me to the house and get some change."

Hearing this invitation, Ronald smiled slightly:

"I'll just wait here."


After accepting the change smoothly, Ronald said goodbye to Cynthia and went up to the third floor.

Hanging his coat on the hanger, he went straight to the balcony and closed the curtains.

After blocking the sunlight and sight outside, he started tossing the desk in the center of his room.

Taking into account the behavior of the Great Witch, he prefers that the 'gift' mentioned in the letter is in the mezzanine of his desk, otherwise after the Great Witch leaves the apartment, the 'gift' will most likely be received by the people of the Bureau of Investigation. go.

And it turns out that Ronald's guess is consistent with the big witch's idea.

Just below the top drawer of his desk, Ronald quickly found an extra item.

—It was a sheet of paper clipped to the back of the bottom of the cabinet.

So carefully pull out the sheet.

Ronald looked seriously at what was written on it.

[Large-scale real and standardized planning drawing of the luminous loud channel method....]


"All right……"

Looking at the black and white page in front of Ronald smiled wryly and scratched his hair.

Or the encryption method they used before.

However, compared to the words on this morning's letter that are still meaningful after encryption, the words on the page here are obviously a lot more unfamiliar. It is obviously the work of the Great Witch who has just learned the encryption method.

In other words, long before going out of town.

The Great Witch had already prepared this 'gift', and now that she paid the rent, she told Ronald about the existence of this gift.

To allow the holder of the original to use this attitude...

What the Great Witch wants to tell him is probably very important.

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