Mystic Dominator

Chapter 317: Self introduction

Claudia, who appeared in Brussels today, was dressed luxuriously and looked dignified.

It's completely different from when it was when it was with Ronald.

Wandering around the streets of Springs at night, and even running to Mufan Street.

Whether it is the posture and span of walking, the perfectly controlled expression on the face, or the overall harmony and unity of the movement.

Every detail of the girl's body perfectly conforms to the etiquette that the nobles of this world should uphold.

Against the background of her already fresh and refined beauty, the result is a pair of beauty and elegance that almost reaches its limit.

Ronald is very sure.

As long as they are normal human beings, they will naturally have a good impression of Claudia at this time.

"How is it, Ronald."

"Is she a beauty?"

Just as Ronald was watching Claudia, Hughes, who was sitting beside him, spoke up.

The caster seemed to think that Ronald was attracted by Claudia's beauty, so he explained with good intentions:

"That lady is our Highness Claudia G. Barker, the first princess of Grid."

"We have some relatively important work here, and now Her Royal Highness has begun to hand over the actual administrative power to this Highness, as her ability to exercise after school, otherwise it would be very difficult to see Her Royal Highness usually. of."

Hearing the word 'very difficult' accentuated in Hughes' words, Ronald smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, it's really surprising."

"I didn't expect to see a princess here either."

While talking politely with Hughes, Ronald's eyes were always on Claudia.

Although he already had guesses in his heart, but if he really put his actual identity on the bright side, it was inevitable that there would be some waves in his heart.

The last time Ronald saw someone of this status was watching the entertainment news of the British royal family on TV.

But if you think about it, it's true.

Can use the "Encyclopedia Britannica", the original ability of Her Majesty the Queen, and also display so many unheard of spell skills, even in the Bureau of Investigation.

Such a person could only be the mother and daughter who had the closest relationship with the Queen.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of Ronald and Hughes, Claudia's team walked to the middle of the podium.

The investigators stepped out from the side and stood apart to provide protection on the field.

In addition to these investigators and Claudia, there were also four waiters in cool white long dresses. They stood in the four corners of the podium, and after taking a unified posture, they remained motionless, like four statues. A beautiful statue standing on the stage.

At this moment, Ronald noticed that Claudia's eyes glanced at him.

Although it was only a short moment, Claudia's eyes were indeed moved for a second.

However, the girl's self-cultivation is really in place.

After a funny expression flashed in her eyes, she immediately returned to her previous dignified appearance, and then she couldn't see any waves again.

Immediately, Claudia stepped forward to the edge of the podium.

Looking at Ronald and Hughes sitting on the seat, she opened the mouth and said in a very close distance:

"You are Mr. Hughes of the [Book Research Association], and this... the gentleman who came to exercise the right to use prophecy today?"

Hearing the meaning of the girl's words, Ronald introduced himself with a bitter face:

"Ronald, Ronald Adler."

"Okay!" A smile appeared on Claudia's face immediately, and then she bowed slightly to salute, "Then, Mr. Ronald, it's nice to meet you two."

"As you can see, I'm Claudia G. Balk."

"As for the use of prophecy spells today, I will be responsible for your specific affairs."

At the same time, seeing Claudia's movements, Hughes immediately got up from the chair and saluted her:

"Your Highness Claudia, you are right."

"I will lead Mr. Ronald to use the original code today."

"It's really bothering you to take time out of your busy schedule to come here."

Following his own words, Hughes gradually turned his attention to Ronald. Immediately turning slightly sideways, the caster made an inviting gesture in front of Ronald:

"Ronald, this is His Royal Highness Claudia."

"What news do you need to know, please tell Her Royal Highness the princess now, and then they will start the follow-up magic ceremony."


"I see."

Ronald nodded nonchalantly, then made eye contact with Claudia again.

Neither of the two chose to speak for the first time.

After staring at each other in silence for a few seconds, Ronald said before he felt that the atmosphere in the arena was about to become awkward:

"My question is that I want to know where a 'girl' named Rumil is now."

"Of course, this name is likely to be a pseudonym."

"I can also provide some other information if needed."

Hearing Ronald's question, Claudia's face was thoughtful:

"Lumil... I seem to have heard this name before?"

"Your memory is really good." Ronald explained succinctly: "In fact, the name Rumier should have been reported to the Bureau of Investigation before. You probably saw it at some point."

Claudia no longer doubted, and asked with a natural attitude:

"Since it is something that the Bureau of Investigation has not continued to investigate, it should be a type that is not very convenient for investigation. Please be specific."

Ronald immediately explained:

"In the case of this matter, it will start from a day in Montenegro. At that time, my friends and I were going to Springs, and then we encountered some very special things there..."

In the auction room, Ronald explained things about Rumier, and only concealed the part involving "The Divine Comedy".

Listening to his narration, Claudia's expression gradually became cautious. When it came to the warden's part, the girl had completely entered a serious state, and even picked some questions to ask Ronald.


Time passed minute by minute. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Listening to the tacit questions and answers between the two, even Hughes on the side began to show a thoughtful expression on his face.

It was not until they finished communicating that Claudia nodded and said in a serious tone:

"Okay, I already understand the specific situation."

"It shouldn't be a problem, just go back and sit and wait."

"My Mr. Ronald—"

When finally calling Ronald's name, Claudia subtly added the word 'mine' before Ronald's name.

She said the word softly.

Even so light that only she and Ronald could hear the word.

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