Mystic Dominator

Chapter 328: The secret that can't be hidden

The black mist that Ronald threw down was not large in number.

Just maintaining a relatively small number, these mists, which can be dispersed freely or condensed into clusters, smoothly entered the mansion below Ronald.

Then, towards the room where the family was, the black fog transformed by the power of 'Rage' instantly drilled through.

The whole process was also kept fairly quiet.

As for the result...

It can be said to be expected.

The bound couple was immediately taken away by the black mist, and then fainted together. Even the girl who was lying on the bed, who couldn't see her face, had the same fate.

Although the number of black fog is not much.

But in dealing with these ordinary people, the effect is still obvious.

Then there is the only 'person' left in the room.

That is, the 'girl' who was sitting on the bed and her expression had gradually lowered.

Before the black fog hit her.

This guy has perfectly controlled his emotions, and she has no anger at all, and the power of 'rage' is completely incapable of dealing with it.


In the silence, Ronald shook his head.

This guy really knows his abilities to a certain extent, and this behavior of controlling his emotions to resist spells is the best proof.

There is no hesitation.

Naturally raising his right hand, Ronald immediately called out the original text of "The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter".

Emotional control can indeed prevent the damage of 'rage'.

But as long as this guy fights with himself for a while, the conditions that meet the power of 'rape' will always appear.

And in this way, the other party will inevitably suffer the ending of failure.

It's impossible that after the battle, this guy hasn't had any actions that meet the requirements of the battle, right?

The already quite proficient poetry and prose, read from Ronald's mouth:

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.

It boils and boils down criminals who are violently wounded.


As the poems were recited, the surrounding atmosphere also changed.

The black mist that vaguely revealed the coldness of Oath River, then dissipated into the air. What followed next was the scorching pain in the river of blood that could boil the soul of the dead.


Almost following the appearance of the black mist, Ronald snapped his fingers lightly, and then jumped off the roof.

He had already chosen the direction when he dived up earlier.

With just a slight change of posture in this leap, he was almost half-hanging on the wall.

With a kick of the window, Ronald jumped into the room.

Finally, the two officially met.


For the first time, none of them chose to speak.

Ronald quietly looked at the girl sitting on the bed, who also let the black mist cling to her body, and then looked at Ronald in front of him at the same time.

"It surprised me that……"

In the end, it was the 'girl' who spoke first:

"In a city as big as Springs, it's amazing how you can find this place in just one night."

"It's a pity that I just decided to hide in this place."

Hearing this, there was no doubt that the girl in front of her was disguised as Rumier.

So Ronald also shrugged:

"To be honest, I didn't think it would be like this when I 'saved' you out."

"But it can only be said that the world is the largest, and there is no room for secrets."

"Especially a guy like you!"

At the same time as the conversation, Ronald's eyes were also looking around the room.

He was looking for everything that might happen in the next battle.

It suits his fighting style, the best way to quickly control Rumir, and what path this guy might choose if he escapes.

The house itself is an ordinary living room.

Beds, dressing tables, mirrors, wardrobes...

These furniture that can be seen in everyone's homes are placed in the house according to reasonable positions, and other useful things cannot be seen.

As for the direction that would allow Rumil to escape...

There are no secret passages that can be opened everywhere in ordinary people's homes, or magic circles that can be transmitted across states. So to get out of here, either turn around and walk through the door, or step over Ronald and jump down the window behind him.

Or exaggerate a little more...

Breaking the floor or wall, this guy also has the possibility to escape?

With such thoughts in mind, Ronald had no plans to hesitate any longer.

His gloved right hand gently rubbed the ring on his fingertips, and the wardrobe that was standing on one side of the room immediately rose into the air, and smashed it towards Lumil.

——The spell of [Archangel Chief].

And while launching the attack, Ronald also deliberately controlled the angle of the wardrobe so that it would not hurt the girl who was still sleeping on the bed, and the target was only Rumir.

the other end.

As the attacked party, Rumir's reaction was also quite quick.

The moment she saw the wardrobe smashed towards her, the 'girl' jumped over and jumped off the bed in a graceful arc.


The wardrobe slammed hard against the wall, and then broke into a pile of wood chips.

You can even see some girly clothes inside.

Next, Rumier controlled his balance and stood on the floor with his bare feet.

His appearance gradually transformed into his original beautiful face.

At the same time, she was still watching Ronald in front of her:


"Do we have to fight to solve the problem between us?"

"Change your mind, Ronald!"

"We who have the original can work with each other and show the real power of this thing."

"I believe you feel it too."

"When the three originals come together, we will definitely get the most powerful power, don't manipulate your inner decision because of worldly influences!"


Ronald looked down at his body, and a faint white light lit up on him at this moment.

——The ability of [Guardian Angel] takes effect.

While opening his mouth to confuse Ronald, Rumir actually used some kind of undetectable spell.

But what cannot be denied is that what the other party said is indeed true.

With the successful mastering of various and the gradual collection of the original classics of The Divine Comedy, Ronald did vaguely perceive that there was a truly hidden ability.

That must be something that can only be achieved after the "Divine Comedy" is completely collected.

It's a pity that the object of this cooperation proposal in front of him is not a 'person' that he can accept...

Therefore, Ronald responded to Rumil with practical actions.

He specifically raised his left hand and waved it hard, and at the same time, his right hand began to rub his fingers without a trace.

next second.

Just like when Malcolm hit the floor on the train.

Nearly half of the floor in the entire room immediately flew up with Ronald's movements.

Hit Lumil with it!

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