Mystic Dominator

Chapter 346: battle design


Complete this sudden blow.

The unexpected situation reappeared.

It may be that the accumulation of Heloise's previous attacks finally has an effect, or it may be that the old man's body repairing spell has reached its limit.

Anyway, after throwing this punch.

The old man who closed the wound on his arm suddenly knelt on the ground halfway, and then began to gasp for breath, and the action of chasing after victory came to an abrupt end.

no doubt.

This guy is now showing a weak state that hasn't appeared since the battle.


So it's a lose-lose ending?

Relying on the feedback from the power of 'Rage', Ronald, who was flying in the air, could clearly feel the change in Heloise's mood.

His companion didn't die on the spot, and he didn't even faint.

However, judging from the fact that she can't move at all, it is obviously impossible for this guy to continue fighting like before.


the current battlefield.

It has become a decisive battle between yourself and the original holder on the opposite side?

As his eyes narrowed, Ronald immediately rubbed the ring slightly.

Accompanied by the drive of the [Archangel Chief] spell, a silver ray of light immediately flew towards Ronald from the position where Heloise was fighting.


Quite precisely, Ronald reached out and held the silver light in the air.

- This is a dagger carved with cedar branches and leaves.

——Although one arm was only severed, the blood of the enemy could not even be seen on the shining blade.

Because it is clear that this is Ronald's spell.

Therefore, Heloise did not block the opponent's spell, and let her weapon come into Ronald's hands.

So holding a dagger in each hand, Ronald suddenly accelerated and charged towards the enemy.


Looking at Ronald's actions, the practitioner of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] raised his eyebrows slightly.

He also saw that his comrade did not die in battle.

The mind is naturally not in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter..."

He admitted in his heart that Ronald's spells were threatening.

But in a one-on-one situation, he also believes in the power of his original scriptures.

No matter how powerful a spell is, it is useless if it cannot break through one's own defenses.

So he mobilized a huge magic power in the original scriptures, and the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] recited in a low voice:

"The study of stars should be carried out from the position of length and width..."

——The mantra was slowly recited.

——It was still the light spot that Ronald had just seen.

But it's different from the single yellow dot that can be thrown out just now.

This time, the [Nine Rings Secret Meeting] condensed the light spots that the casters condensed, and there are eight spots of different colors!

without any obstructions to the field of vision.

These spots of light immediately flew in the direction of Ronald!

"Eight celestial bodies..."

Noticing the enemy's spell, Ronald immediately changed his flight path.

Fortunately, the Wings of Icarus is quite convenient to operate in practice.

The flight turned immediately in the air, with not counting the height of the lift, and then deflecting several times when approaching the attack, he successfully avoided all the attacks of the eight light spots.


Right behind, right behind Ronald.

The sound of the liquid evaporating immediately came out.

While Ronald was flying, he immediately glanced over there from the corner of his eye.

Of the eight points of light, exactly one hit the ring of water surrounding the battlefield.

The water flow was undoubtedly evaporated by the heat of the spell, and the skyrocketing steam suddenly spread into a ball, and then was attracted again by the circulation, and finally returned to the continuously rotating water ring.

- Hit by this spell.

——I'm afraid that the damage of heat alone is enough to eat a pot.

At the same time, it was this glimpse that made Ronald immediately aware of the change in the enemy's spells.

Except for the spot of light that collided with the current.

After the other seven light spots flew out for a certain distance, they did not continue to travel along the trajectory. Instead, under the control of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster, they all drew a perfect arc, and then turned towards Luo again. Nader's head flew over!

Or manipulative spells...

Faced with such an attack, Ronald could not help frowning.

However, in these short seconds, he also made the next battle plan in his mind.

If nothing else, he can successfully take down the enemy in front of him within two rounds!

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.


So he was careful to avoid the pursuit of the light spot, and Ronald recited the poem in a low voice at the same time to switch the effect of the power of hell.

the other side of the sky.

Witnessed Ronald's embarrassed appearance that he couldn't even fly towards his own discovery as he kept dodging attacks, and his movements became more and more hastily.

There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of the mouth of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster.

"Why, you can't rush over like this?"



Just when this guy was about to continue his pursuit.

The expression on his young face changed.

Because while evading the attack, the ghosts controlled by Ronald climbed out of the ground, and unlike the one or two that appeared just now, all seven ghosts were dispatched this time, facing him from three directions. Surrounded by!

The spell he manipulated is attacking.

The caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] was inconvenient to summon the light spot again for a while.

So control the spell of "Astronomers".

He immediately let his figure rush out in the air.

At the same time, Ronald, who was still dodging the attack on the surface, suddenly stopped his movements.

Although the spot of light was still flying towards him.

But at this moment, Ronald had a triumphant smile on his face.

Seeing that the enemy was forced to the most suitable position by the ghost, it was time to do it.

Simply raise your hand and push forward.

The black mist of 'rape' that Ronald had just summoned immediately pressed into the empty air in front of him.


Only a muffled sound was heard.

Originally, the speed of the black fog, which could not catch up with the enemy, was now traversing an arc in the air at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it came directly under the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster.

At this moment, Ronald suddenly increased his magical support for spells.

Just as the water vapor suddenly burst in the water ring just now, the black mist also briefly formed a black mist.

Soon, the black fog of the power of **** was drawn back into the arc-shaped trajectory.

But in this very short period of time, the power of 'rape' has already touched the body of the enemy directly above it!


Suddenly stopped in the air.

In the next second, the body of the enemy caster falls to the ground feebly.

Being directly touched by the black mist, the power of the blood river of **** worked immediately.

Without a doubt Ronald won.

And he used the circular trajectory.

In fact, at the beginning of the fight, the enemy involved the black fog to help his comrades!

Just because Ronald switched spells.

The arc-shaped trajectory that lost the black fog was also hidden in the night.

Taking advantage of the opponent's approach to Heloise's direction, Ronald referred to the range of the water vapor blast just now, and used the ghost to 'adjust' the guy's position.

The character of the opponent's spellcaster, the nature of the "Divine Comedy" spell, the persistence of the enemy's spell, the paralysis of the opponent's alert with embarrassing movements...

All of these calculations combine.

That makes this attack so appropriate!

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