Mystic Dominator

Chapter 355: to visit

The first draft of the 'star' research report has not yet been completed.

Overall, it can only be said that there is a prototype.

Silently taking this information to heart, Ronald poured some oil on it, then lit a match and threw it into the fireplace to burn along with the report.

Move chairs and sit in front of the fire in the fireplace.

Ronald stared silently at the pages that were turning to ashes, and didn't turn back to the bedroom until the ashes were completely burned.


"Dark Ages..."

Taking off his coat and lying on the bed, Ronald put his head on his hands and began to think about the harvest of his trip.

The information he learned today was too shocking by any measure.

The purpose of the [Nine Rings Secret Club] is to restore the once dark age and restore the powerful ability and status of the mysterious side in the past.

Then came the interesting thing.

Queen Daantrian, the ruler of Grid, is also a powerful spellcaster on the mysterious side. Even when Ronald heard the name of this queen several times, almost everyone thought it was an invincible 'monster' '.

The strongest class on the mysterious side.

The queen of Daantrian should be able to gain huge benefits from the actions of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

But what about reality?

[Nine Rings Secret Society] is afraid of this queen, so she only dares to secretly conduct activities in Grid.

This high probability means that the ruler of this country is unwilling to see this happen out of some principle?

For the stability of the country?

For their own absolute dominance?

In order to continue to stabilize the interest structure of today's society?

Or... Her Majesty, doesn't want to see the world repeat the same mistakes?

The actions of the [Nine Rings Secret Club].

It can be said that it is completely driven by self-interest.

But as the ruler of the country, the queen will not only care about the power in front of her.

And the dark ages.

The records of the Bureau of Investigation and the [Book Research Association], the conversations of the great witch, as well as the various people and things that Ronald himself came into contact with, all gave him a sense of life in the dark age.

that kind of world...

Better not to come...

With these things in mind, Ronald's thoughts gradually came to the aspect of himself, or the identity of Ronald Adler.

When I first contacted the Bureau of Investigation, the reaction of the other party was basically the feeling of "ordinary country nobles", "ordinary people with the ability to perform magic", "friends of big star Arida".

But look at the reaction of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

No matter how Ronald thought about it, he felt that the body he had passed through must have some kind of hidden information from the original owner.

In fact, it is not just the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

[Twelve Witches] The great witch Teresa and the nuns of the church have an attitude towards themselves...


The most suspicious is Claudia!

Her Royal Highness, the first princess of this country, Grid!

Thinking about it carefully, when they first met, there were a lot of details that could be delved into.

Although I had a crush on myself at first.

After hearing Ronald introduce himself by name, Claudia changed her attitude towards him in a real sense.

Does this mean Claudia as royalty.

She knew some important clues about her identity, so she was with her that night?


"Probably ask Heloise..."

Think about it.

Ronald finally set the target on Heloise.

This friend who has experienced many incidents with him has accompanied him through the most uncomfortable period at the beginning of time travel. On the premise of having excellent information acquisition ability, he is also worthy of trust in this kind of issue.

Thinking like this, Ronald gradually gave up thinking and went to sleep.

Although his physical fitness is ridiculously strong now, a certain degree of rest can soothe the spirit very well.

This is still necessary.


When the noon was about to end, Ronald slowly opened his eyes.

Leaving the bedroom and walking to the living room, he lazily took out his wallet and sorted out his cash possessions.

It's afternoon.

He still has a lot to do.

Try to find and buy the meteorites needed for the Master of Astronomy spell, and go to Gift Street to buy a present.

The purpose of the former needs no explanation of course.

As for the latter...

After so long in Springs, it was time for Ronald to visit Patricia.

Whether it was the previous invitation, or the situation when the other party came to the door yesterday and he was not there.

For love and reason, Ronald has to take this trip.

Stand in front of the mirror and organize yourself.

Ronald opened the door and left.


When Ronald went out.

Living on the second floor of the apartment, Mr. Aito, who once welcomed Ronald in, just went out, so the other party greeted him with a smile:

"Mr. Ronald, are you going out?"

Ronald nodded in response:

"Yes, I'm going out to visit friends today."

Speaking of which, Ronald paused for a moment:

"By the way, Mr. Alto."

"On the Springs side, what kind of gifts are generally more popular?"

Go down the spiral staircase one after the other with Ronald.

While thinking about it, Ai Tuo replied generously:

"Usually it doesn't matter, just bring something the other person likes on the first visit. Unless it is a more serious and important occasion, then a special pair of cufflinks will be a very good gift."


Go visit Patricia by yourself.

This behavior shouldn't be too serious, right?

Seeing that Ronald was silent on the side, Aituo had come to the door of the apartment to straighten his hat, and then deliberately stopped to wait for Ronald to ask:

"So... is the other party a woman?"

Ronald is also very straightforward.

Nodding his head, he explained:

"Yes, I wonder if you know the surname Nicklaus?"


Hearing the surname from Ronald's mouth, Ai Tuo stood at the door and was stunned.

"You mean that great noble Nicklaus?"

"Nicklaus who was given the surname 'Ge' by the kingdom, and can then add this word to his name?"


In Springs, the Patricia family's reputation is really strong enough.

Even if Ai Tuo is an ordinary person who has never been involved in the mysterious, he can immediately react when he hears his surname.

Is this the reputation of the old-fashioned aristocracy...

It can be revered by many people in Burrenwich, and it is even more so in Springs.

With emotion in his heart, Ronald also nodded immediately to confirm:

"That's right, the Nicklaus family."

Looking at Ronald's expression, the surprise on Ai Tuo's face gradually calmed down.

With a subtle smile, he shook his head and replied:

"If you are an ordinary noble, just bring an expensive gift."

"But if it's the platinum family..."

"From what I've heard, maybe it's more appropriate to look at their own preferences?"

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