Mystic Dominator

Chapter 413: battleship at sea

In a rainy night.

The investigator in charge of standing guard at Bailun Wharf stood in the dock against the violent wind and rain and the seawater that slapped up from time to time behind him, and did not dare to relax in the slightest in his eyes.

Both myself and my companions who are also on duty here are elite investigators who have been working in Springs for a long time. However, even if they are such absolute elites, after being dispatched urgently an hour ago, they can only work as guards at the dock now.

Rich work experience is like rain falling from the sky at this moment.

While ravaging the land, the facts are obvious without explanation.

To allow people like them to come here as guards, in such typhoon weather, the 'guests' who board the ship at this pier are definitely the top ones on the mysterious side.

Thinking of this, the investigator felt nervous in his heart.

The unprecedented typhoon weather in Springs history, the urgent order from the royal family, and the cautious attitude shown by the Bureau of Investigation.

Some incredible change is taking place where the perspective can't see it...

The time came to seven thirty.

On time and on time, two figures, a man and a woman, pulled away from the rain curtain in the distance, stepped onto the Bailun Pier gently, and entered the investigator's field of vision.

The pace of the two was concise and rhythmic. Although the wind and rain were heavy, it seemed that they could not leave traces on them. It was as if they were not walking in the typhoon now, but walking on the path after the rain in early spring.

Don't even ask.

Investigators guarding here can identify the man among them.

—Ronald Adler.

In the city of Springs, it is reasonable that the young holders of the original texts who have a good reputation are invited to tonight's action.

But the girl beside Ronald...

As investigators, they never like to judge people by their appearance.

But at this moment, they also understood in their hearts that this beautiful girl should be the new apprentice of the other party. It's not a wise move to bring such a person to such an operation.

Looking at the two approaching, the investigator immediately said:

"Mr. Ronald, tonight's..."

"I am also the holder of the original code, don't underestimate people~~"

Before the investigator planned to reject Heloise's words, Heloise, who was on the side, took the initiative to come over and said her identity as the holder of the original book with a smile on her face.

He looked at the dry and smiling face of the girl in front of him.

The investigator was stunned when he realized the meaning of what Heloise said.

This... is this also the original holder?

Then Ronald and Heloise didn't do much.

Stepping on the waves that just hit the pier, the two of them walked together on this medium-sized battleship that was parked at the Bailun pier and was obviously unscientifically stable.

"That's what you said, is it really okay?"

"Anyway, I can't hide it later, why don't I tell them, it's not a shameful thing."


At this time, there were not many people on the boat, or there were no figures on the deck at all.

Ronald and Heloise entered the ship and walked all the way into the brightly lit cabin, only to sense that the situation had changed.

It's very quiet here.

The unremarkable cabin walls seemed to completely isolate the typhoon outside, and the ground underfoot was clean and tidy, as if it had only been maintained by professional cleaning staff.

Going deeper, the two saw a few people discussing something around a long table, and their tone and expression revealed a nervousness.

It was at this moment that the person standing at the head of the long table noticed the arrival of the two of Ronald. Looking up at the two of them, the girl who looked like she confirmed something, had a very happy smile on her face.

"Ronald, I'm glad you're coming!"

"Long time no see, this is my apprentice and assistant Phyllis, and a trustworthy warrior."

"I'm absolutely assured of the companion you brought, come here and find a seat to sit down."

Claudia, the first princess of the Grid Empire, was talking to Ronald in a very friendly manner at the moment, and she seemed really happy to meet her friend here.

And she didn't make a fuss about Heloise's attitude like the investigators outside. It seems that when Heloise appeared in the cabin, she had already accepted

As for Ronald...

To be honest, Claudia's appearance was something that could be foreseen.

The possibility of Her Majesty the Queen personally leading the team is relatively low. Her Royal Highness, who also has the right to use the encyclopedia, is naturally the best leader for such a major task.

After the two took their seats, the discussion on the long table continued again.

"What we need most now is time. With so many original holders together, no matter what happens, there is always a solution!"

"With Mr. Klein below to maintain the stability of the ship, we don't need to worry about the interference of the typhoon and the sea on the ship."

"But what if the person who brought in the typhoon attacks?"

"If he launches an attack... A person with this ability, I don't think this battleship can deal with that guy's spell attack, and then everyone may go into the sea to feed the fish?"

"But we can't stay here all the time without going out, right? If you want to stop this Finding out the caster and killing it is the quickest and most effective way!"


Before the 'flight' departs tonight, the 'passengers' on board are discussing what's next.

On the premise that Claudia controls the scene.

Their topics basically revolved around how to navigate, and how to deal with the enemy's strategy.

At the same time as the conversation, Ronald also learned more about the incident.

The typhoon is indeed caused by humans, but there are some differences in details. According to the information disclosed by Claudia, the culprit of this incident should be located on an island some distance from the mainland.

Somebody hacked and exploited a relic on the island, which led to the unreasonable presence of the typhoon in Springs.

The purpose of this trip for everyone on board.

It is to get to that island in the shortest time and deal with the organization that caused this incident. As a reward for those who participated in this matter, in addition to the materials seized in the battle, which are completely owned by themselves, there will be rewards specially provided by the royal family when they return to Springs.

What is now in doubt is the true purpose and origin of this force.

Except for the typhoon to hit Springs, the other party has not disclosed any needs or redundant information at present, and Ronald and the others are still completely in the fog.

It is precisely because of this state of ignorance.

The discussions in the cabin are now very distinctly divided.

Some people think that there are enough original holders here, and they can naturally overwhelm the enemy with thunder, and there is no need to consider the extra things.

On the other hand, the idea is to proceed with caution and take a long-term view.

It is best not to take risky actions until you are sure of everything.

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