Mystic Dominator

Chapter 426: liquid in the rhizome

Taking a step forward, Ronald snapped his fingers.

[Archangel Chief]'s ability to dominate objects was activated instantly. Under the sonic shock of the mermaid and Ronald's **** spell, all the pollen that was enough to completely drown the two of them was repelled in other directions.


Over time, the spreading singing gradually dissipated.

After the first fight was over, Hirbes slowly opened his eyes.

Looking back and forth in the underground space, the mermaid lady immediately understood everything that happened before.

"Is this thing so defensive?"

"Its defense only appeared after it had withstood your first wave of attacks, and after launching a counterattack, there would be no other action." Ronald immediately informed Helbeth of what happened before.

This strange plant has instinct-level defense and counterattack talents, but judging from the fact that it has only made one attack and has no movement, it should not have the ability to think further...

Bang bang bang!

There is hardly a second delay.

Miss Mermaid took out a pistol from the clothes at the waist and abdomen, aiming at the flowers in the underground space three times in a row. Although the coquettish flower has an outer layer to defend against magic attacks, it still lacks defense power in the face of bullets.

One stem, two petals, and a total of three gunshot wounds immediately appeared on the plant's body. And because the flower itself is tough enough, the bullet takes away a lot of it after penetrating the body.

But for Ronald.

What was even more impactful was indeed the firearm in Hilbeth's hands.

A fantasy creature that should have appeared in a fairy tale, suddenly pulled out a pistol and shot at the enemy after casting the spell. This kind of thing... is it really difficult for people to accept it right away?


While Ronald was stunned, the plant on the other side that was hit by the bullet also reacted immediately, and the soil near the root system exploded directly.

Explode extremely fast and violently!

The hard ground cracked directly, and the quartz crystals that were lifted up together with the soil flickered in the air, and the entire space nearby was shrouded in messy but beautiful scenes.

And hidden under the splashing dust and stones, was a whip-like object that could only see a blurred shadow, and the target was Hierbes who had just shot!

It's exactly the same as being attacked by sonic waves and then immediately throwing pollen.

Aiming at the location of the bullet source, the plant continued to fight back completely passively.


The current Miss Mermaid is not the spellcaster who closed her eyes and chanted before.

Seeing the counterattack launched by Yaoyihua, she immediately flapped her tail to move her position, dodging all the way before the attack arrived.

Wait until the whip-like shadow breaks through the dust and hits the original position of the mermaid. The only one left nearby at the moment was Ronald, who was seriously looking at the attack.

What came to him was naturally the rhizome of this flower.

However, under Ronald's very powerful dynamic vision, the details on the rhizome of this plant can still be clearly seen, just like the orange-yellow texture all over its body, and there is a more obvious liquid flow phenomenon inside the rhizome.

Ronald did not perceive strong magic power fluctuations from above, so what exactly is this substance? Is it something that exists in the plant itself?

Faced with the doubts that emerged in his heart, Ronald chose a simple way to deal with it.

Since doubt.

Then grab it and take a look.

The brilliance of the [Guardian Angel] shone on his body, and he grasped the split rhizome at the right moment.


Strong forces wrestle with each other.

However, the power of the rhizome of this flower is indeed far beyond imagination.

With Ronald's strength that was completely out of the human level, he could only barely maintain a level of mutual check and balance with it, and there was absolutely no way to tear it off or gain an advantage.

Immediately after that, the plant that had a stalemate with Ronald also seemed to sense the strength of the enemy. In other positions, three cracks exploded on the ground, and the black shadow immediately followed it out.


"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

The incantation of "The Great Completion of Astronomy" blurted out.

Ronald simply activated the ability of the current round and the average round at the same time.

Due to his scruples about what he had seen before, Ronald was careful this time.

He did not let the canonical spell directly uproot the plant.

After tearing apart a few other supporting rhizomes, he cut off the one he was holding.

The power of the "Astronomy" spell has always been reassuring.

The extra attacks were redirected as much as possible, and the rhizome of the plant that Ronald held in his hand also snapped quite crisply. Only a sound of 'pop' was heard, and the orange-yellow liquid splashed out from the broken position.


The orange-yellow liquid revealed its original nature after being freed from the wrapping of the rhizome of the plant.

High temperature, thick and highly corrosive.

Even the soil under Ronald's feet was corroded by this liquid and wailed. And with the occurrence of this phenomenon a sour and choking breath immediately began to diffuse into the air.

Even if the underground environment is spacious enough, there is no place to hide for a while.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Ronald jumped away from his previous position with a low look. He is now convinced that his inference is correct.

At the same time, Hierbes, who had already jumped out of position, also saw everything in his eyes.

Miss Mermaid's eyes were, of course, amazed at Ronald's power at first. However, after seeing the orange-yellow liquid flowing on the ground, the thinking in her eyes quickly turned into fear.

"Wuling people, don't touch it!"

"I understand!"

boom boom-

After a few conversations in the air, the other rhizomes of Yaoyihua slapped wildly around, and the originally bright underground environment was instantly shrouded in thick dust.

Ronald's action of tearing off its rhizome seemed to have greatly stimulated its self-defense instinct, and for a while, there was not even a place to land around.

In such an environment, Ronald and Herbes are now showing their own magical powers.

They all understand that the plants in front of them cannot be treated casually.

One person is flying in the air and constantly dodging, and it is natural to evade flexibly; the other fish casts a spell and raises a light blue blister around it. No matter what kind of attack hits the face, the blister can slippery and fully exert its strength. unload.

The two held on for more than a minute, and the crazy counterattack of the plant came to an end, and the dancing rhizomes began to slowly retract to the ground.

The originally beautiful and beautiful underground space is now like a dilapidated ruin that has experienced a strong earthquake, and the brightness is almost as dark as night.


Looking at the scene in front of him that was so destroyed that it was hard to see.

Ronald fell silently to the ground and returned to the mermaid Herbes.

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