Mystic Dominator

Chapter 440: Interrogation results

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Several people filed in and entered the mansion with the unconscious cult warlock.

Sir Phelps didn't say a word along the way, his expression frighteningly gloomy.

After they walked into a basement below the building, tied all these people, and the investigators engraved the runes of forbidden magic on these people, the new noble handed it to Ronald. A pleading look:

"Mr. Ronald, please wake them up."


Ronald clapped his hands with both hands, and immediately released the power of 'Rage' from suppressing them. The four cult warlocks, including the driver, also opened their eyes immediately.

Because of the encounter on the carriage, immediately after regaining consciousness, someone immediately began to moan and whine. There are also cult warlocks who wake up and start looking around.

After seeing the gloomy Sir Phelps.

The cult warlock endured the pain and asked with a distorted expression:

"You... how did you catch up with us? The plan should not have leaked out... ah ah ah!"

It's a pity that Phelps didn't want to let him talk directly.

Staring at the cult warlock who was the first to react, he walked over and kicked the opponent's stomach with one kick. The protruding shoe toes clung to the opponent's stomach like this, and the painful expression on his face did not reveal any false pretence.

" let go... let go!"

Listening to the other party's pain and wailing for a few seconds, Sir Phelps finally put down his leg.

"Tell me, who told you to do it?"

"Dare to come to my banquet to make trouble!"


After taking a breath of cold air, the cult warlock slowly raised his head, and then stared at Philpusu in front of him with wicked eyes, "Who ordered it? I don't know who ordered it, and no one can instruct me! "

"If you have to say it, I think you should thank me, if not... Ha!"

The cult warlock had intended to continue clamoring.

But Sir Phelps would not give him such an opportunity.

Only when he heard the other party's tone change, the new noble stepped up with another kick. And this time, unlike the last time, he even smashed the opponent's lower abdomen with his toes, but then he withdrew again.

"No one here will thank you, but they might be more interested in torturing you. Be honest, tell the purpose, and you can at least get out of this basement alive."


"Purpose... I have never, concealed my purpose..."

After a violent breath, the cult warlock raised his head with difficulty and looked at Phelps with an indifferent expression in front of him:

"Everything we do is for your own good."

"If you can't think of a way now... to get close to a great existence, when the dark age comes again, you will only become sacrifices to the monsters of the old era. If you want to survive, you can only find the true **** in the universe now and rely on it in time to get it. …”



This time it wasn't Sir Phelps who shot.

Seeing that the cult warlock was about to publicize his beliefs in the basement with great fanfare, the investigator who was standing by the side came straight over and slapped the guy in the face with a slap in the face.

"You still want to promote your evil beliefs? Dream!"

The investigator's slap was really powerful.

Standing in the basement, Ronald clearly saw that with the slap, the cult warlock's eyeballs even started to jump left and right. In the most optimistic case, it is estimated that the lightest one can't run with a concussion.

And with the actions of the investigator, a small doubt also popped up in Ronald's mind.

In the end he resented the attitude of the cult warlock.

Or...the investigator doesn't want the other party to finish his sentence?

Ronald was quietly analyzing the situation, but the cult warlock had no intention of resting. Seeing that they thought that their companion was slapped with a slap in the face, the others who were relieved immediately began to answer the words and continued:

"Idiot! If I were you, let the bloated demon cook the food now, and then eat the gifts. Otherwise, when the whole city is baptized, you will look out of place!"


"whole city?"

Just now Ronald could calmly watch the group of guys being interrogated, and he still had time to analyze the situation. But now that he heard the word from the other party's mouth, he was no longer calm.

"What do you mean by the whole city?"

"Is there not only one place to do this tonight?"

The cult warlock looked at Ronald who was asking the question, and after he memorized the man's face, he grinned quite freely:

"My friend, this is redemption!"

"Beautiful things should be shared with everyone. Don't you even understand this most basic virtue?"


For a moment, except for the cult warlock who was still there grinning wildly.

Several other people in the basement didn't say a word, and they all looked at each other with serious eyes.

If it's just Sir Phelps making trouble here, then their actions have successfully prevented the accident from happening.

But if this cult warlock isn't lying, he's telling the truth...

There are definitely a lot of related things in Springs tonight. Even thinking about it badly, there may have been a problem a few days ago!

"Everyone, I destroyed that flesh and blood aggregate just now. I don't know what will happen to this kind of thing."

"Out of the duties of our Bureau of Investigation..."

Faced with the situation in front of him, the investigator immediately began to describe his previous actions. After the explanation was completed, he turned his attention to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, I'm going to inform other colleagues to carry out the relevant investigation work. Sir Phelps will continue to torture them, and then let Miss Elaine be in charge."

When the voice fell, the investigator turned his head and walked out of the basement.

When the sound of his footsteps disappeared up the Ronald turned his head and said to Sir Phelps:

"Sir Phelps, would you please inform my two female companions?"


Listening to Ronald's words, Phelps first looked in the direction where the investigator left, and then waved his hand with a sigh:

"Lane, go to the banquet and call Miss Elaine over."

"Miss Phyllis too."

Hearing the order, the men on the side left immediately.

And watching his men leave, Sir Phelps is no longer in the mood to continue torturing the cult warlock. He found a chair in the basement and sat down. The leader of the emerging aristocracy listened to the cult warlock's wild laughter, and then showed a helpless expression to Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, it seems our business is not over tonight."

"I'm really bothering you..."

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