Mystic Dominator

Chapter 447: ceremony host

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

In order to seize the time, Ronald and Heloise chose to split up.

Ronald rescued these innocent employees by taking away their consciousness with the power of "rage", thereby freeing these people in maddening pain.

Heloise is more straightforward.

Being proficient in human body structure, she can quickly locate the position, and she can knock people unconscious when she crosses the staff with just one face-to-face.

This three-story office building.

In fact, the number of staff working overtime at night is about twenty-five.

With Ronald's outstanding personal abilities, it took just over five minutes after the processing was over.

However, things are not so simple.

As the work of the two came to an end, doubts that could not be ignored also appeared in front of them.

— What about the cult warlock?

The current position of Ronald and Heloise, but the center of the entire ceremony, is undoubtedly an extremely important node in the cult warlock plan. And thinking back to the cult warlock who confessed before, there was no mention of his actions in this office building in his confession.

The results are obvious.

This shows that the cult warlocks have also carried out information control, and divided into two or even more action groups responsible for their respective tasks to maintain the confidentiality of their plans.

But such a well-planned plan...

There is no one guarding the most important center of the ceremony?

Even taking a step back, assuming that this group of cult warlocks have problems with their minds and are unwilling to guard them, the person who presides over the entire ceremony should be here, right?

However, the result is no.

Not to mention the cult warlock who presided over the ceremony, Ronald and Heloise searched the entire building, and they didn't even encounter a mysterious side caster other than them!

This is still the result obtained by them, who are quite good at reconnaissance activities, after personally checking it.

Completely incomprehensible situation.

If there is no person who presides over the ceremony, even if the entire spell is completed, it will only randomly throw magic power like a headless fly. In the end, it will really be a child's play.

With such doubts in mind.

The two who dealt with the ordinary staff in the office building met again from the first floor.

As soon as we met, Ronald immediately asked:

"Heloise, how are you over there?"

"Well, I've dealt with it as well. But although the task is completed, I haven't found anything more, neither the cult warlock nor the props that can remotely control the ritual. What about you?"


Ronald was silent for a few seconds, with a serious look on his face.

"I'm in the same situation as you." In order to ensure that there was no problem with his own ideas or knowledge reserves, Ronald specifically asked, "Heloise, normally... the ceremony on the mysterious side is usually required. Is it hosted by someone?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the girl smiled bitterly as she deserved:

"Of course, the normal mysterious side ritual must be presided over by someone. Take the situation we encountered on the island as an example. It is also the process of other people's remote control of rituals and spells. Even these cult warlocks with problems in their minds No matter how strange things they develop, they can't go against the rules of the normal world!"

Speaking of this, Heloise's tone couldn't help but turn into a complaint:

"A ceremony that no one presides over... What a joke, how could this group of lunatics be able to do such a thing!"


Facing the deadlocked reality, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other.

Then fell into silence.


Suddenly, the sound of wood cracking came from the front desk of the office building.

Immediately after that, various shouts with different functions and purposes came in at the same time:

"Pull the cordon—"

"Pay attention to rescue the victims, don't let ordinary citizens come to watch, it is very dangerous!"

"Notify the Police Department and let them also come to maintain order!"


Ronald and Heloise both possessed very good perception ability, and the movement only reached their ears, and the two of them could see each other's thoughts in each other's eyes at the same time.

—It's someone from the Bureau of Investigation!

Ronald and the others occupied the convenience of personal activities, so they were able to find the central position of the ritual of the cult warlock in a short period of time.

And the investigators protecting the security of Springs.

They also use practical actions to prove that they are not ordinary people.

After the loss of time such as information transmission and detailed analysis, these investigators, who are dragged down by official procedures, can even arrive at the place in time at night to start an investigation of the office building.

Judging from the speed of information transmission in this era, this is definitely a very powerful work efficiency!

Listening to the constant movement from the front desk, Heloise immediately asked Ronald, "Ronald, are we going directly?"


"Just wait."

After thinking for two breaths, Ronald chose to stay here.

After all, the two of them were the first witnesses to the scene, and they also took irreversible and destructive measures here. It is also their responsibility to communicate with the investigation bureau responsible for protecting the safety of the city.

The investigator who was the first to enter the office building moved quickly.

Ronald and Heloise had not finished their discussion for twenty seconds when the two leading investigators found their positions and rushed into the kitchen where they were.

Two investigators, one left and one right, entered with guns, and with a swipe of their seasoned eyes, they confirmed the general situation in the kitchen.

There was food with strange magic power on the table, the ashes that had just been burnt out on the floor, and Ronald and Heloise, a man and a woman, just like this, the old **** stood on the ground in the room...

"Put down your weapons and stop any of your acts of resistance!"

"Listen, hand over the school mark on your body, and then squat down and don't move!"

The shout-outs from the two investigator partners were standard.

The range of motion is also quite skilled. UU reading

Even though they could see their nervousness in the depths of their eyes, and the aiming pistols and the prepared spells were ready to go, they were still able to suppress their inner impulses and take the safest way to deal with them.

Out of the most basic respect, Ronald is of course prepared to cooperate with the orders issued by the two investigators.

Then right at this time.

Immediately behind the two pioneers, the three investigators responsible for providing the strongest military support also walked in from the door. One of them saw the appearance of Ronald and Heloise, and his eyes changed immediately!

"Mr. Ronald, why are you here?"

"Wait... Mir, Caitlin, you two put down your guns first, these two can't be cult warlocks!"

In fact, one of the investigators who did the main job in the middle of the team.

It was Elaine who had not parted for a long time at night!

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