Mystic Dominator

Chapter 450: Unexpected fate comes

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Go inside the building.

The three of Ronald immediately recognized that this was a place for the sale of dried meat.

Whether it's the layout of the rooms inside the building, or the decorations you can see on the walls from time to time, it's proving that it's not a serious place.

Of course, what they care about now is not the actual function of this place.

Since the swollen demon in the center of the ceremony was killed by Ronald, the situation in the building was also affected, and the strange magic power was scurrying around without any restraint.

If it is a lower-level caster.

Just being in such a harsh environment is enough to greatly reduce his combat effectiveness.

Facing the situation around her, Patricia also had a rare expression of disgust.


"It's really a chess place!"

The voice fell, and the girl with the sword was already walking towards the room in the center of the building.

Although the magic power fluctuations here are very chaotic, in the eyes of strong enough people, they can still tell where the core position of magic power is.

Standing behind Patricia, watching the other party move so decisively. Ronald frowned slightly, then whispered to Heloise:

"Phyllis, you follow Heloise, I'm more concerned about some things."


Heloise raised her eyebrows slightly without asking any further questions. She turned around and followed Patricia into the room in the center of the building.

The two companions went directly to the core hub of magic power.

Ronald turned his head and walked towards the house on the side of the building.

--the reason is simple.

With the help of the power of "Rage", the personnel screening has been initially completed during the period after he entered the building. Except for the vast majority of ordinary people who have fallen into the magical realm of swelling, just on the left side of this building, Ronald found a person who was obviously not affected by this situation!

Both sides act separately.


It took less than ten seconds.

The roars of monsters, the cracking of buildings, and the angry shouts of girls all rang out from Patricia and the others, and a battle destined for victory had already begun.

And with such a noisy voice.

Ronald also came to his goal.

This is an unremarkable room, indistinguishable from the rest of the building. If you have to find a little difference, it may be that the door of this room is locked tightly, and the people inside have no intention of coming out to find the bloated demon and ask for food.

Most of the events that happened tonight were of great importance, and Ronald would not deliberately delay time. He directly reached out and held it on the locked doorknob, and instantly exerted force.


With the force of the wrist, the door lock and the rear door frame were broken together.

The door, which was still functional, turned into a tattered piece of garbage.


Even so, no one in the room said a word.

He neither screamed in fear because the door lock was directly twisted, nor did he make any other actions. This kind of reaction is as if he is afraid of something so he doesn't dare to move at all.

Ronald glanced around.

In this room, there is only a place to entertain guests and a compartment for placing a bed. The area is not too large. You can see the whole picture of the room in two steps. The man under investigation was huddled on the bed, and there was clearly fear of something in his eyes.

Just as Ronald looked around.

The man who was curled up on the bed raised his head slightly, and finally saw the figure of the person who broke the door lock.


The moment he saw Ronald's appearance, the man was stunned.

With the help of the power of 'Rage', Ronald quickly confirmed the change in this guy's mentality. The other party's initial fear quickly turned into sluggishness, and finally evolved into a state of retaliatory venting of anger.

"At this time, it has to be delivered to the door, so don't blame me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man raised his hand while sitting on the bed, and the magic in his body began to quickly gather at his fingertips.

Driven by the anger and fear in his heart, he immediately wanted to kill the man in front of him, and then let his nervousness slow down a little.

But see the other side's actions.

Ronald's expression didn't change at all, but he calmly activated the law power of [Angel of Dominion]:

"To shut up!"


The spell prepared by the caster on the bed was interrupted instantly.

Under the decree of Ronald's original level, he could hardly make any decent resistance, just the beginning of the spell was stuck in his throat, and the magic power mobilized was scurrying in his body in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the guy was left with nothing but a daze.

He originally thought that the magic of the swelling demon had mutated, so the ordinary people who caused the changes in their bodies fled to the room where he was hiding. At this moment, to kill such a person, it can only be said that the other party is unlucky.

But it's such a powerful spell...

To be honest, it was completely beyond his expectations.

The man imagined that the plan went wrong, and then the higher-ups in the school came to deal with the problem, and slapped himself to death; he also thought that all the human beings affected by the swelling demon went crazy, and finally drowned themselves in the sea of ​​people; even investigating It is not impossible for the bureau to come to the door and directly press him and send him to prison.

But the current situation...

A handsome young man who has mastered such a powerful spell, came to him alone at this moment?

Of course he knew people from his own school, but of course he couldn't be his own.

It is not easy for a human being affected by the swollen demon to look like a person, let alone a sane, young and handsome appearance.

As for the Bureau of Investigation...

It has not been a day or two to be chased by this group of people.

Investigators who act in teams of two or three have no chance of coming alone.

So... who the **** is this guy?

In Ronald's eyes, the situation was completely different.

A law order forced the opponent to terminate the spell, and the evil magic power that failed to cast the spell immediately overflowed.

In the ritual node of the cult with one-handed evil magic, the moment you see someone, you immediately shoot. Combining the three points, no matter how stupid people are, they can guess that this guy is a cult warlock!

"Come here for me-"

Confirming this in his heart, Ronald immediately made a move with one hand.

The cult warlocks, who were all panicked, flew straight from the bed and landed in Ronald's hands. There was even a black mist attached to it during the period to ensure that this guy was completely under control.

Finally, the cult warlock had a look of sudden realization on his face.

It’s just that he didn’t recognize it before. Now Ronald’s most famous black fog, the power of hell, appeared in front of him. How could he still not realize that this is Ronald, the holder of the original book, who is in the limelight in Springs City what!

It was at this time.

Ronald smiled at the stunned cult warlock.

"Friend, we really have a fate."

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