Mystic Dominator

Chapter 460: teacher and student

After Baproul's "visit", the response of the Bureau of Investigation was very intriguing.

Although Elaine led someone to pursue the cult warlock that night, she did not catch the target and did not mention it. In the last two days, the young investigator even terminated the work of 'protecting' Ronald.

The investigator post on the block returned to normal, and the office in Baixing District no longer saw Elaine.

And the reason for this change.

There was no doubt that it was Baprol's appearance that night.

It can only be said that as things developed, more and more doubts appeared in front of Ronald, and everything that might have happened behind him became more and more intriguing.

Just three days after everything around Ronald was back to normal.

New problems also take the initiative to come to the door.

In early August, Ronald, who had already handled his affairs, walked to the Baixing District office as usual. On the way, he also bought two bottles of fruit-flavored sodas that were said to have just become popular in other continents, but actually tasted like fermented cough syrup.

In line with the basic principle of not wasting, Ronald drank the drink with a sullen expression, the expression on his face was speechless:

"This taste... have I tasted it somewhere?"


Eyes tangled to move on.

It wasn't too long before Ronald walked into the White Star District when a young man, a woman in her thirties, came to Ronald and asked respectfully:

"Excuse that Mr. Ronald?"

"Ah, I am."

Ronald has maintained a minimum of 'rage' as an early warning when he recently went out. The man and woman in front of him were not hostile, and they didn't seem to come to trouble him.

Sure enough, the lady said with a smile on her face:

"Mr. Ronald, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Mr. Teresa's student Fanny, and I've just arrived at Springs. Because of the teacher's request, I came here to meet you—ah, by the way, this is my student Eddie."

"Eddie, come and meet Mr. Ronald, this is the lord that Teacher Teresa has mentioned many times!"

The young man took a step forward with a nervous expression:

"Hello Mr. Ronald, I... I'm Eddie Alt."

"Hello, my name is Ronald Adler."

Looking at the two people in front of him, Ronald greeted with a friendly attitude, and two questions appeared in his heart at the same time.

The first question is that there is probably no problem with the other party being the great witch Teresa, but why did you come to Springs to find yourself specifically?

The [Original Witches Guild] has come to an end, and the [Twelve Witches Guild] has no reason to come here to find me.

As for the second question...

That was the student of the witch Fanny.

This mysterious side school called the [Twelve Witches] actually recruits male apprentices?

Ronald was thinking about these miscellaneous things in his mind, and Fanny in front of him had bowed respectfully to him again:

"Mr. Ronald, it may be presumptuous to interrupt so suddenly, but according to the teacher's request, we have to communicate with you about some matters here. I wonder when you have time?"

Ronald replied to himself:

"I'm usually free, you can just pick a time that is convenient for you."

"In that it convenient for you tonight?"


Ronald was stunned for a moment.

Although he really doesn't care much, this witch of the [Twelve Witches] is so anxious about the next thing?

The power of 'Rage' helped Ronald sense the other party's emotions.

At least while talking to himself, this spellcaster named Fanny's emotions are very normal, and there is no information that makes people feel suspicious.

So Ronald continued to speak:

"No problem, then tonight."

"When I get home from get off work... After eight o'clock in the evening, I must be there."

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. I won't disturb you here for now."

After receiving Ronald's agreeable answer, the witch immediately took her students to say goodbye to Ronald. There was undisguised happiness and excitement on her face when she left.


Watch the person walk away for a few seconds.

Ronald shrugged slightly, then turned his head to continue his pace to the workplace.

Not to mention the rest of the bottle of 'delicious soda' in his hand.

I'll have to invite Heloise to taste it later.


The afternoon work at the White Star District Office went well.

On time and right in the evening, Ronald and Heloise went home together after get off work.

Then they went up the spiral staircase to the third floor, and they immediately saw the shadows of Fanny and Eddie standing at the door.

Ronald's expression was a little hesitant, but he took the initiative to step forward:

"Ms. Fanny...?"

The witch of the [Twelve Witches] seemed very unwilling that Ronald misunderstood her intention, and almost immediately explained:

"Mr. Ronald, this is Teacher Teresa's order."

"The teacher suggested that we live in the place where she lived before. Some of the arrangements she left behind are the basic points of the magic circle that can save a lot of steps for us."

"Is that so..."

Just as Ronald nodded to show his understanding, the witch in front of him opened his mouth and invited:

"That... After all, we didn't mention this in advance. As an apology, Mr. Ronald came to sit with us. The teacher specially ordered me to bring some tea."

Ronald didn't answer directly this time, but opened his mouth to dodge:

"I just got off work and got a little dirty, so let's change clothes and come back."


The two sides nodded to each other and said goodbye to each other, and then each went back to their apartment.

Ronald went in and took off his coat, and Heloise closed the door and asked in a low voice:

"Ronald, you didn't do anything terrible to that great witch, right? The attitude of these two guys is not like a witch's normal attitude."

Hearing Heloise's words, Ronald asked curiously:

"Witches look normal? Is there anything to say?"

Heloise nodded and said:

"Of This is the [Twelve Witches]. Although it is not as big as the Bureau of Investigation, it is also a huge school in other places. All these witches are very proud!"

Ronald contrasted Heloise's description with Fanny's.

My companion had no reason to deceive him, so the problem could only be the witch.

After taking off his coat and changing into a clean shirt, Ronald then ordered:

"If that's the case, then we'll be more careful in the future."

"At least within my spell detection, both of them are fine."

Nodding with complicated eyes, Heloise also changed her clothes, and at the same time turned her head to open the door and walked to the next door:

"I hope so..."

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