Mystic Dominator

Chapter 462: Results and buying and selling

"I swear this guy will never appear hostile to you in any situation in the future."

Read through the information provided by Fanny.

After Ronald and Heloise went back to the room and closed the door, they immediately put on a mocking expression to the girl next to him:

"If I remember correctly, where have I heard this sentence?"


Without any exaggerated description.

When Ronald's voice fell, Heloise's face turned black.

"I... I kept it in the dungeon well! If your dear Queen Daantrian came to destroy our base, how could Rumir never escape!"


Ronald waved his hand feebly.

Of course he knew that this was an accident. When he handed Rumir to Heloise, Heloise could never have imagined that within a few months, her organization would be taken over by someone.

But now the problem lies ahead.

Even if the people from the [Twelve Witch] didn't come to the door today, they wouldn't be able to let Rumir go if they knew about it. Without any earth-shaking changes, the relationship between the two parties will be dead in this state.

Thinking of this, Ronald suddenly recalled something:

"Heloise, what happened to the people who were handed over to you before, wouldn't they be locked in the dungeon too?"

"I don't do human experiments, so why should I lock them up?" Hearing Ronald's question, Heloise rolled her eyes before continuing to explain, "Lumir is in a special situation, and it's not convenient to take the seat out before he locks them up. in the dungeon."

"Ordinary people like the little maid are, in principle, sent to other cities to do some unimportant things."

"Is that so..."

Ronald nodded in understanding, before lying down in his chair.

"So now we not only need to be on guard against the [Nine Rings Secret Society], but also find the whereabouts of Lumir in the city."

Heloise sat down with Ronald's movements, and then analyzed in a low voice:

"You also saw it in the document just now. This guy doesn't know where to learn a new school of spells. It's not easy to deal with."

"You have an idea?" Ronald raised his eyebrows.

According to Heloise's character, she usually only feels so emotional when she feels that the plan is not going well. If you really haven't made up your mind, then it's time to ask your own opinion.

The next second, Heloise nodded as Ronald guessed:

"Yes, I found a way to start."

"Lumir stole things from the [Twelve Witch] in other cities, and then deliberately returned to Springs. Its purpose was not to seek revenge on us, but because of its relationship with the [Nine Rings Secret Society], she also wanted to do so this time. Something in the upheaval."

Ronald nodded in approval of Heloise's idea.

"That's right."

"But I think it's better to be careful. After all, we haven't figured out the source of the new spell that Rumir has mastered. Combined with that guy's ability to change his appearance, this is definitely not an easy thing."

Hearing Ronald's reminder, Heloise showed a confident smile, turned over and stepped in front of Ronald:

"Change your appearance?"

"Ronald, I am also a professional in this area, just leave it to me."

"Next, you should work hard and don't show your faults. Believe in my professional ability."



The next morning, Ronald got out of bed.

He was accustomed to touching his side, only to find that there was nothing next to him.

"What about people...?"

After being stunned for a while, Ronald realized that Heloise had gone out early.

Sooner or later, the two of them discussed the matter, and finally decided that Heloise would go out in the morning to investigate the situation and try to find out the traces of Rumil in the city, while Ronald kept his behavior as usual, using his regular life to numb possible prying eyes.

After all, it is the habit of people to side with mystery.

When facing a powerful original holder, most of the eyes will be focused on the caster himself, not the beautiful girl apprentice beside him.


"Don't read books today."

Shaking his head and sighing, he got up from the bed. Ronald simply washed himself and sat at the table. After eating the breakfast that Heloise had prepared long ago, he also put on his coat and walked out the door.

It was very simple this morning, go out and spend money.

After getting new meteorite fragments from Fanny last night, Ronald naturally had to find a professional to make a prop and get the latest original spell.

The destination is also very simple, the shop that Heloise introduced earlier.

Most of Ronald's current props are made there. Although technology is not a miraculous top-level method in the world, the old man's calm personality and simple work habits are ideal partners.

After finishing his appearance, Ronald left the apartment and walked slowly along the Wes River.

The time he got up was actually a little late. Most of the students in the riverside area had already started class, and there were few pedestrians on the road.

After walking leisurely for more than half an hour, Ronald came to a small street in the business district next door.

It didn't take long for Ronald to find his purpose here.

——The entrance of that humble herbal shop.

——【Elon's Cabin】

At this time, the commercial area was busy with work, and through the glass of the window, you could see someone in the herbal shop discussing business with Elon.

With a polite smile on his face, Ronald also pushed the door into the shop.

Hearing the movement from the door, the shop owner behind the counter cast his gaze and immediately recognized Ronald, who had visited him several times.

"Well... Mr. Ronald?"

"You talk about business first, I'll just wait here."

Hearing Ronald's words, Elon turned his head and continued to focus on the guests in front of him.

After five or six minutes passed, he discussed the details of the business with the person in front of him, and then walked out from behind the counter.

"Mr. Ronald, do you have any commission today?"

"It's about my brooch." Ronald took off the brooch from his chest, and took out the new three meteorites from his I hope that the shape can be changed without much change. Under the premise of size, these three stones are also inlaid on it. "


Elon silently took the thing from Ronald.

Looking at the brooch and meteorite in front of him, he thought for a few seconds before asking:

"Mr. Ronald, you use precious metal in this brooch. Is it really okay to cut some?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"You just do it and fulfill my request."


"I see."

Confirming with his eyes that Ronald wasn't joking, Elon walked to the back of the store with his things. As a member of the mysterious side, he knows the current identity and ability of the man in front of him.

Today's business, some made a profit.

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