Mystic Dominator

Chapter 509: puppet guard


Looking at the 'girl' who was dragged up by his spell, Ronald frowned slightly.

Although the appearance is exactly the same as when he saw it, but now this Rumir has an indescribable sense of disobedience, just like the uncanny valley effect brought by a robot.

Think about how the other party can give his real name to Mosan Paper...

If nothing else, this should not be Rumir's body.

While Ronald looked at the other party, Lumir, who was controlled in the air, continued to speak:

"Mr. Ronald, it seems that you have already seen it. My current body is indeed not a normal human body."

As Rumil's voice came out, Ronald immediately asked sarcastically in a solemn tone:

"I'm afraid not only this body is not human, but you are not necessarily human, right?"


Rumil's expression froze, and the cowardice that was disguised completely disappeared:

"Do you need to care about this kind of thing?"

"No one didn't know that night at White Shore Castle, but I can understand what happened to the magic fluctuations in you. Ronald Adler, don't think I'm still the weakling you ravaged before. The reason why I want to return to Sri Lanka Prince, I just want to avenge you, that woman, and the [Nine Rings Secret Society]!"


That's right, it's like he's the villain.

Looking at Rumier, who was a little excited in front of him, Ronald complained about the other party's speech in his heart, and at the same time organized the words for temptation:

"Of course I know that."

"And I also know that you dare to release news in the city in order to lure me here. Now that I am standing here, and I am here today with this kind of substitute, you should do it too, right?"


Hearing this, Rumil's expression changed.

Ronald confirmed his guess in his heart.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

Lumire returned to Springs. In order to protect his own safety as much as possible, he should have kept his name anonymous, and this matter was a choice that had all the benefits and no harm.

But in reality, she chose to reveal her real name.

Although it is still difficult to trace her traces, after all, it was Lumire who exposed herself.

The truth of this choice.

It's only possible that this guy is trying to achieve a certain purpose!

Knowing the name of 'Rumiel', will persevere and even put in a lot of effort, and even combine the external influence of the [Twelve Witches] sending people...

The purpose of this risky behavior by Rumier.

It was probably only the one that brought Ronald here.

After analyzing Rumil's behavior in his heart, Ronald continued to provoke:

"Why, haven't you started yet?"

"You've already taken security measures to this extent, do you still plan to continue chatting with me?"


"Ronald! Don't think you can get out of here today!"

He was ridiculed one after another by Ronald, and even revealed his true intentions. Rumil's expression was low and full of hatred, and then he raised his right hand high and waved it down.


Following Rumir's movements, a wave of magic power spread from the ground.

There was no prelude, and no sign of the spell being activated.

Ronald thought for a moment and realized that this was the ambush the other party had done before. According to the records of the Bureau of Investigation, some very powerful spellcasters of certain schools can prepare spells in advance and hide them seamlessly.

Wait until these spells are really needed.

It can be activated by some specific actions or settings.

After this special arrangement, it can often bring unexpected surprise effects, so as to strike the enemy quickly and effectively.

Looking down slightly, Ronald was also observing the true effect of Rumir's spell.

Ronald didn't forget that Rumir's spell mastery speed was far better than that of the natives of this world, he lost "The Divine Comedy - Purgatory", and was imprisoned by Heloise for a long time...

So in the few months left.

Rumir, a 'monster' who can also learn classic spells at an unbelievable speed, what kind of abilities has he acquired now?

Soon, Ronald's doubts were answered.

The location where the magic power appears on the ground, whether it is the ground or the wall, the interior of the manor or the wasteland in the suburbs, or even the sporadic trees and ponds. Regardless of location or terrain, wooden dolls whose bodies are entirely made of wood climbed out of nothingness, and in a blink of an eye, they were all over the mountains and plains.

The moment he saw these puppets, Ronald's pupils shrank.

The main color of bright red and the wooden body, especially the flintlock musket in his hand, are clearly the puppet guards in the fairy tale!

As for the rest...

These puppet guards created by Rumil have a swiftness in their movements that is completely inconsistent with the puppet structure. After appearing on the ground for less than two seconds, they raised their muzzles in unison, targeting Ronald in the air!

face such a situation.

Ronald also makes choices in a rapidly changing reality.

"come over!"

First, he manipulated the spell to throw Heidi, who was innocently implicated, far away, and then he directly pulled Rumir, who was unable to move, to the front, and pulled it down to touch it directly under his body.

bang bang bang bang-

The next second, a series of dense flintlock shots sounded.

Heidi, who was thrown far away by Ronald, happened to see this scene completely in the air.

As a magic creation, the puppet guards have no chance of missing the target when shooting on the head. The uncountable number of puppet guards present fired an equally uncountable number of bullets, all of which fell on Ronald at the same time.

So, Rumil was miserable.

Being caught directly under Ronald as a shield, the bullets of these puppets hit her immediately. This is a stark reality, and the bullets fired will not change their power due to the identities of both parties.

Rumir, who was still clamoring with Ronald just, was instantly shot into a hornet's nest by countless bullets. And these bullets were so numerous and powerful that they even came to Ronald after penetrating Lumire's body.

If it is not for protection with protection spells.

I am afraid that even with Rumil as a buffer, Ronald himself will not be in much better condition. this the battle of the original holder?

Heidi subconsciously looked at the puppet guards on the ground like a sea of ​​people, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

There are only a few of these puppet guards.

It took a lot of effort for her to figure it out on her own.


Suddenly, the dazzling light and the sound of the explosion attracted the depressed Heidi to look up.

Just in the distance where Ronald was flying, the sudden change reappeared, and at the same time directly interrupted the self-mockery in Heidi's heart.

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