Mystic Dominator

Chapter 513: ask the maid

The two booklets that Heloise was holding in her hand.

One recorded the differences in making puppets from different woods, and the other recorded the problems encountered in some spell experiments.

Just like Ronald's curious point in the previous battle.

According to the experiment of the maker, Rumil, these puppets have a certain degree of resistance to flames, and they are not as easy to burn as ordinary wood. However, for attacks of corrosion or light attributes, they show almost zero defense ability.

"Can you make spells of dark creatures..."

While muttering, Ronald quickly finished reading the contents of the two booklets.

After reading it for a few minutes, the results gradually became clear.

Just as Ronald guessed, it really didn't take long for Rumir to get this spell.

Hiding in the suburbs and studying spells quietly, the handwriting in the two booklets is relatively new, and the content is only about ten pages. As a research manuscript of a mysterious side character, it can only be said that there is no problem with reluctantly making a beginning.

"It's a pity not to use wood that is not afraid of fire to build houses."

Just walking beside Ronald, Heloise did not hide her mocking tone at all.

According to the experimental results in the manual.

The puppets made by Lumil have two characteristics: [the older the wood is, the stronger the corresponding puppets will be], and [the puppets made of rare and high-value woods will be significantly stronger than ordinary puppets].

Other behaviors, such as the use of magic power, or whether to strengthen the summoning ability when casting spells, have little to do with the puppet's combat effectiveness.

With this information in mind, Ronald immediately spoke:

"Heloise, I think..."


The words are just the beginning and end abruptly.

Ronald, who had found something, suddenly raised his head to look at the night sky with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Heloise asked cautiously, "Ronald, what did you find?"

In reality Ronald didn't need to explain to Heloise.

In just a few breaths, the things he cared about fell from the sky.

Arya, the holder of the original scripture, who once had several encounters with Ronald and was extremely combative, landed in front of the two of them. While putting away the umbrella, she politely saluted Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, good evening."

"Alia, why are you leaving the city so late?"

When Ronald opened his mouth to ask questions, there was already a vague hunch in his heart. Arya will appear in the suburbs so late, I am afraid that this behavior itself has nothing to do with the battle just now.

Otherwise, the time and place where the other party appeared.

It's a bit too coincidental.

What's more, since she fell on the ground, Arya's eyes have been staring at the puppet on her back, and all the signs indicate what the 'girl' in front of her cares about.

At the same time, Arya also retracted her gaze from looking at the puppet.

He nodded slightly to Ronald and replied:

"I sensed some strange magic fluctuations outside the city just now. I came to check because I was very concerned about this thing."


Hearing what Arya said, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other.

Both of them could see what the other was thinking at the moment.

——It's definitely right to make trouble for Rumir!

So Ronald also put on a polite smile, and immediately explained to Arya:

"It's like this, tonight my companions and I are looking for a guy named Lumil, so..."

Ronald recounted what happened bit by bit, and his statement was no different from what he told the investigator. However, Arya's reaction to this matter was not like the two investigators.

The expression on Arya's face was extremely solemn after hearing that Rumir summoned a large number of puppet guards, and then Ronald annihilated them with divine magic.

She couldn't even wait for Ronald to finish speaking.

He interrupted very directly:

"Ronald, you are carrying this puppet, which was captured in the battle just now?"

"Can you show me?"


- Less anxiety and tension.

On the face of the original holder, Ronald saw both expressions at the same time.

In the past few meetings, whether it was the indifference to the battle during the crusade against the [Nine Rings Secret Society] in the suburbs, or the [Book Scroll Research Society] discussion room taunting other spellcasters, Arya had never reacted like this.

The spells that Rumir mastered must be very important to the girl in front of him.

The relationship between the two parties is good, Ronald explained naturally:

"This puppet was indeed captured by me in battle."

"But because Lumir has cancelled the spell, it's better to be sealed. If you look at it now, it will only turn into a useless piece of wood."

Arya immediately replied:

"I just need to touch it, I don't need to break the seal."

Having said that, Ronald naturally has no opinion. He untied the puppet from his back and poked the ground:


"Thank you." Arya didn't hesitate, she reached out and pressed it on the wooden head. After such a simple action, the last conscious doubt in Arya's eyes turned into a long sigh.

Looking at Arya's appearance, Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"Alia, do you care about this matter?"

"Responsibility lies..."

Arya immediately answered Ronald.

But then she raised her head again, and glanced at Ronald suspiciously.

"Why, didn't your father, Ronald, tell you?"

"My school is in charge of all aspects of the dream fairy tale system spell. Now that the puppet army has appeared, how can I ignore it."

Arya's simple rhetorical question brought Ronald quite complicated information. He organized the language in his mind as quickly as possible, and then said as much as possible without making Arya suspicious:

"In fact, my father passed away very early. I actually know very little about many things that I should know."


Arya was visibly stunned.

She hesitated for a few seconds, and finally opened the umbrella and spread the magic over it.

"I'll go to the scene to see the situation I'll talk about it after the details."

"Anyway, if there is a problem with the work of my school, some rumors of fairy tales that are passed down by word of mouth may also cause trouble. Ronald, you better remember this."

The voice fell, and Arya's body was also carried into the air by the umbrella.

It looked obvious that he was going to the suburban manor pointed out by Ronald.

I don't know what the owner of the original book is about what he said just now...

Ronald turned the puppet back with a subtle expression.

At this moment, Alia, who flew out a distance, heard two reminders in a small voice in the air:

"By the way, I suggest you ask your maid more."

"I heard that although that thing has a bad attitude towards humans, it is still loyal enough to the Adler family."

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