Mystic Dominator

Chapter 520: break up

More than to understand or to make it clear.

As far as Ronald is concerned, he can face it directly before the surgery is complete, and then it is time to kill the person who masters this ability.

[Nine Precepts Secret Society] The holder of The Wealth of Nations.

From any point of view, it is the strongest existence among the enemies that Ronald faces.

But speaking of the details of the complete art...

What Ronald understood at the moment was some superficial knowledge.

First of all, not all the original books have the complete technique. Some of the original books with relatively simple functions can master all the spells through trials. This kind of complete technique basically does not appear.

And the conditions that can be met…

- A tome that has multiple spells and needs to be activated in multiple ways at the same time.

- Ownership of the original text must belong to oneself.

- Master all spells.

After completing the above three points, some of the scriptures will liberate their essential abilities, giving the holder the most core and most powerful spell of the scriptures.

As far as Ronald's own experience is concerned.

When the three original classics of "The Divine Comedy - Heaven", "The Divine Comedy - Hell" and "The Divine Comedy Purgatory" were combined into one, he vaguely sensed the strongest ability that "The Divine Comedy" would eventually show.

- A spell that is closely related to people.

It is a pity that Ronald, who has not yet fully mastered all the spells of "The Divine Comedy", has not yet had the opportunity to see what this ability really looks like.

At the same time, Fanny in the living room continued to tell the information she knew:

"Sir Arya, one of the original holders known to the mysterious side, must have learned the perfection technique. When I came to Springs, this was what the teacher told me to pay great attention to. "


"I understand the general situation." After listening to Fanny say what she knew, Ronald thought for a few seconds and nodded slowly, but the questioning in his eyes still did not end, "Then about this original text of Rumir, do you really There is no other information to provide."


Fanny was silent.

And the silence this time was longer than every time before.

After considerable thought, she hesitantly continued:

"That kind of puppet might be able to completely replace humans?"

Hearing the words that Fanny herself was not quite sure about, Heloise couldn't help but say:

"To completely replace humans, is this too vague?"

"Can you be more precise?"

Asked by Heloise, Fanny was stunned for a moment.

Thinking that the information has been revealed to this level, she doesn't need to continue to hide it, so she simply said:

"I'm referring to the complete art of this original text."

"According to the records of our school, the last holder of this original book, he was able to use perfection to create a puppet that was exactly the same as a living person, and his memory emotions were also a perfect replica of himself. Because of the result of this terrible ability , the predecessors paid a lot of money to solve it successfully, so…”

"So you can't help the temptation of this ability, and you want to try to control this original book by breaking the seal. And the final result is to make a mess of Lumir!"

Heloise has absolutely no idea of ​​saving face for Fanny now.

She uttered the actions of the [Twelve Witches], and then continued to mock:

"Then if you succeed, who do you want to replace with puppets?"

Looking at Heloise, Ronald was a little surprised.

In his impression, Heloise's ability to manage emotions is excellent, and her actions are even more cautious. It's a rare situation to be a little emotional like now.

Immediately, speculation about Heloise's state popped into his mind.

Was it because of the fact that he worked for the spy agency in Entrod, and then changed identities frequently, that led to the current attitude of Heloise?

Just when Ronald silently analyzed.

Hearing Heloise's sarcasm, Fanny's tone also became stiff:

"Miss, we just don't want to be left behind by the times!"

"Since the split of the witch society, the [Twelve Witches] school's position has been very firm, and there is no idea of ​​becoming a wicked way!"

"But what the world looks like today is for everyone to see."

"If we don't want to get more and stronger abilities, it is difficult for us to guarantee the future after we arrive."


Seeing that Heloise and Fanny were tit-for-tat, Ronald had no choice but to stand up to ease the atmosphere:

"Okay, okay, we are now on a united front against Rumir."

"It's better to focus on solving problems than arguing with your own people."

Ronald's face still has to be given.

Hearing these few words of dissuasion, Heloise stopped speaking, but turned her arms around her chest and turned to the side, seeing that she did not want to continue to ask about these things.


After Fanny calmed down for a few seconds, her eyes returned to their normal clarity:

"Mr. Ronald, it's my rudeness."

"It's just that this matter is related to the school, so I'm a little impulsive."

Ronald shook his head sympathetically:

"It does not matter."

Ronald himself is quite authentic.

Although the bottom of my heart is still not very optimistic about the experiment of the [Twelve Witches], but the other party has accepted the three meteorites that he took out, so I can help as much as possible.

After making a decision in his heart, Ronald continued to speak to the girl in front of him:

"Next, let me tell you about tonight's experience. You must be in a hurry."

"In the beginning, it was the problem that I and my companions noticed together."


It's still the same set of rhetoric facing the guards and investigators.

Ronald finished the story somewhat skillfully, and the expression on Fanny's face gradually became complicated. Especially when he heard that dolls can produce dolls by themselves, the investigator's sense of crisis could not be concealed.

"Self-made, how is this possible!"

"When I checked the information in the school, I didn't see such a thing at all."

Ronald shrugged helplessly:

"Fanny, you said just now that times have changed."

"There will be more and more people like Rumil who can go beyond common sense. If it continues to develop... I can suggest that you prepare in advance. UU reading"


During the conversation, the things that can be talked about are reduced a little bit.

After the two of them had nothing to say, Fanny took the initiative to stand up:

"Mr. Ronald, the information you provided tonight is very important. On behalf of the Twelve Witches, I would like to thank you for your help."

"After that, I will submit the materials and choose the future work method according to the feedback from the teacher. I hope we can continue to cooperate at that time."

After some polite words came out, Fanny turned her head and left.

And when he left Ronald's house, he didn't forget to close the door.

But seeing the witch leaving, Heloise turned around and cursed again:


"These schools are all the same."

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