Mystic Dominator

Chapter 526: block the door

"You guys are really nasty."

Ronald reached out and rubbed his temples, his eyes swept around.

He could understand what Lalaye was thinking.

This Entrod's spy chief, brought himself to find Rumil tonight not for actual interests, but simply to test his attitude in this regard.

His gaze finally settled on Lalaye's face beside him.

Ronald, who wanted to understand everything, paused, and finally spoke:

"Does my attitude matter to you?"

"Very important!" Lalaiye replied without hesitation, and then he continued, "Mr. Ronald, although I have collected some information about you before, I am always a little bit uncertain about your actual situation. ."

"Today is a rare opportunity. In addition to showing goodwill, I can also see with my own eyes what kind of person you are."


Ronald pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head and replied:

"I won't be soft on Rumil."

When the voice fell, Ronald turned his head and walked towards the depths of the building.

The buildings on the ground and the first and second floors are filled with these poor children.

As the magician on the mysterious side, Lumir could only hide in the underground part of this building.

At this time, Lalaye was still following Ronald.

He still had a smile on his face, and he was still talking about his views on Ronald:

"Normal casters, whether Baproul or Arya, or even me or Heloise, will not think about these children at all when faced with today's situation."

"Ronald, you thought and hesitated just now. It's a rare reaction I've never seen before."


Ronald stopped suddenly and turned his head sharply to look at Lalaiye:

"I'm sorry, I think in the face of this situation, hesitation and thinking are the normal reactions that a person should have. They don't care about everything around them, they can only see their own people, and sooner or later they will only have to kill themselves."

Laleye had no idea that Ronald would react in this way.

He took two steps back decisively, and a smile of concession appeared on his face:

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ronald."

"I just think people like you will be very satisfying to work with."

How could Ronald not know the thoughts of people like Lalaiye.

He retracted his indifferent gaze, turned his head and continued to walk into the building:

"It's better to forget this kind of unintentional scene."

"It is enough to maintain our relationship at the level of cooperative transactions."


Lalaiye also stopped talking.

But the smile still followed behind Ronald.

Continuing deeper into the building, it didn't take long for Ronald to find the entrance to the basement. Most of the basements of such buildings are placed in the side rooms, and this is no exception.

The entrance is still the trapdoor that the world likes to use, covered with a layer of well-concealed spells.

At this moment, Ronald's last doubt was the underground.

He didn't sense Rumir's psychological fluctuations, but standing at this distance, the magic power that was spilling from below also proved that someone was indeed 'working' below.

Shouldn't it be a puppet again?

Or after fighting with him a few times, Rumir found a way to hide his tracks from himself?

I thought so in my heart.

Ronald let the magic power linger at his fingertips, and quickly locked on the vigilance spell arranged at the entrance.


The palm simply poked down, and the spell set on the trapdoor was directly disrupted by Ronald.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for Rumir to set only one spell.

So he simply opened the trapdoor, and the black mist of the power of 'Rage' poured in directly below.

But this action is not over yet.

With his eyes fixed on the scene as if pouring water into a mouse hole, Ronald recited the incantation:

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.

It boils and boils criminals who use violence to hurt people..."

The power of Hell's Blood River begins to manifest in Ronald's hands. These summoned 'rape' power mists quickly mixed with 'rape' and rushed into the basement together.

The magic power possessed by classical spells is amazing.

The several spells that were set up later were instantly drowned by the madly pouring black mist.

Simple, straightforward, and efficient!

This is currently the most applicable approach to the situation at hand.

Then, feeling the feedback from the fog in the basement, Ronald was even more convinced that tonight's trip would definitely be rewarding. Just at the place where the power of **** spreads, several puppets who have been involved in it have appeared.

Another few seconds passed, and the basement was completely filled with fog.

A total of twelve puppet guards, as well as a humanoid creature are below at the moment.

Ronald felt the result, and at the same time separated a wisp of mist and flew to other locations.

He has no intention of ignoring the principle of confidentiality on the mysterious side.

It is more appropriate for these innocent children in the building to fall asleep before the battle officially begins.


"Ronald, it's you again!"

Another few seconds passed, and Ronald's familiar voice came from the basement.

Rumil scolded Ronald's name in her angry tone, then controlled her puppet and rushed towards the first floor.


Inside the pitch-black building, a black arc of light belonging to the Sword of Santa Caterina flashed.

In front of the sharp sword that the saint left behind, the puppets that Rumil sent to open the way could not raise any storms at all. Ronald hadn't even used the power of the sun to restrain himself, and the two puppets walking in front had already been split into pieces.


At this moment, the basement returned to calm.

After the initial anger, Rumil also realized what a disadvantageous situation he was in. The exit to the ground was directly guarded by Ronald, and the black mist formed by the opponent's spells was all around him.

Thankfully, it was her Rumil.

To change to someone who has not done targeted treatment, I am afraid that it is an extravagant hope to even make a decent resistance now.

This guy Ronald is really her biggest...

No... it shouldn't be like this!

While thinking about countermeasures, Lumir suddenly woke The information about her hiding here is almost completely kept secret, neither the Bureau of Investigation nor the [Nine Rings Secret Society] could find out about her. As for these children... the little ones who are completely dependent on their own lives are directly monitored by her with magic.

So how did Ronald find his place?

With this in mind, Rumil was left with only the last candidate.

So she roared outside:

"Lalaye, it's you!"

"You betrayed me, right!"

Ronald heard this voice and looked behind him subconsciously.

However, where someone should be standing, now there is only an empty room.

I don't know when.

Lalaye has disappeared here.

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