Mystic Dominator

Chapter 542: little william

"My dear little William, can't you honestly let me slaughter?"

"Head, you should really go and see your brain!"

On the messy sea, two figures were standing in the air and facing each other.

None of the casters on the original ship were left.

under night.

There are only two people in this world.

Baprol's body is no longer a monster like before. Now his upper body has returned to a human appearance, and his dark red robe is intact. However, six thick tentacles stick out from under the robe, still telling people about this cult warlock. danger.

Compared to that, William's side is much simpler.

The caster is just standing in the air with the support of the spell, sporadic magic power flashes on him, and there is nothing special about the simple and plain appearance.

And after this little William opened his mouth to ridicule.

Baproul also continued to speak:

"Little William, can you be more reasonable and consider the overall situation first!"

"I cut off everything with you when I was outside. Now as long as you can die honestly, everything will be fine!"


"Then I have to thank you?!"

Baproul's 'hard-hearted' has a very reasonable effect.

After Little William let out a loud shout full of anger, several light gray rings were thrown out of his hands and threw directly at Baproul.


The sharp magic attack instantly severed the tentacles under Baproul's robes.

But Baprol himself didn't care.

The flesh and blood transformed by magic is completely under the control of the cult warlock himself.

Even if it has been completely separated from the body.

But the pink tentacles jumped up on their own, directly merging with the original fractured wound. In such a blink of an eye, the injury that can cause great pain completely disappears.

Baproul - has incredible physical repair ability.

He even continued nonchalantly:

"By the way, little William, the magic tool you sealed just now is quite interesting."

"It was made in our Holy Land, can you tell me about it too?"

"Also, why did you seal Ronald instead of attacking me? Do you look down on me?"


After the attack just now, Little William's expression softened slightly at the moment.

When he heard Baproul's question, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face:

"Ha ha--"

"Paprol, your arrogance really hasn't changed at all."

"You really think you know everything?"

"Why did I choose to seal Ronald? Think for yourself!"

The voice landed, and the three magic nodes on Little William activated simultaneously, and straight black cracks appeared in the space on the sea.

There is no obvious pattern of such cracks.

However, once it appears, whether it is sea water or air, it will be directly cut off by this kind of thing.

Even Baproul's tentacles with great recovery ability.

After being cut, it cannot be restored under the interference of the crack, and can only adjust its position to avoid it.

"Little William, the spell you prepared in these few minutes is pretty good."

"It's not too far from me."


Baproel still looked at William with confidence.

Although he didn't come up with a way to deal with this guy, the certainty of victory in his eyes did not diminish at all.

And the fact...

It was also little William who was indeed watching Paproul very cautiously.

This man is the leader that William once served for, and he knows the opponent's strength better than anyone else.

If it wasn't for Little William hiding his cards...

Don't say why you didn't escape with the others just now.

Maybe in the beginning, he wouldn't even think about betraying Baproul!


Suddenly, William's eyes changed.

Thinking of this, he realized something he had just subconsciously ignored.

Look up.

His originally normal-skinned arm has now begun to grow honeycomb-shaped tiny holes, which is not what a human can have!

Just now……

No, it should have been at the moment when the two began to confront each other.

Baproul activated his own perfection technique, and then performed an imperceptible physical transformation on him!

"Paproul, you are trying to trick me!"

Baproul's smile did not change:

"Didn't I just say, you're just a little worse than me."

"Then since I am stronger than you, I will naturally prepare spells earlier than you?"


Little William's expression sank.

There was no room for further thinking at this point.

Even for their own survival!

With a ruthless heart, he took out an ice-blue sphere from his body and threw it directly at Baproul's discovery.

"You'll regret it, Paprol!"


The ice-blue sphere came out of his hand and flew into the air.

If someone is strong enough, you can see that its internal structure begins to burst into countless tiny bubbles, and these bubbles are rapidly multiplying and expanding themselves.

It's just limited by the shell of the ice blue sphere.

All this is firmly locked in it.


Suddenly, the sound of flesh tearing sounded.

Even when his expression changed and he began to stand in awe, Baprol was stunned.

Opposite this cult warlock, the betrayer William looked down with dull eyes, and then realized that he had been cut off by Yes, there was no sign.

A sharp blade that could not be seen or caught cut him in two.

Little William didn't even understand what happened and how he was attacked!


At this time, it was Baprol who reacted first.

He turned his head to the sea in the other direction and narrowed his eyes.

If I remember correctly, this is where Ronald was sealed just now.

Then, Baproul saw a figure floating there.

——It was a figure with pure white wings.

——Holding a pure black charm long sword in his hand, the blood red blood was burned by the power of the sun light on the sword.

—It's Ronald.

I don't know when, Baproul's companion tonight has returned here.

So here comes the question.

More than one person saw the success of Little William's seal just now!

Without any magic fluctuations and no violent movements, how did Ronald escape the seal?

It was impossible that there was something wrong with Little William's seal.

Then it exploded?

Even Baproul, the leader of the cult warlock, couldn't find any ideas at this moment.

Little William knew him at a glance.

Baprol also understands the ability of his subordinate.

Little William was not, and could not be, the man who fell off the hook in this sort of thing.

—Look at Little William again.

The caster whose body was cut in half did not die immediately.

He turned his head following Baproul's gaze, and then saw Ronald standing there at the moment, as if nothing had happened.

Finally, little William couldn't help shouting.

The voice was full of disbelief:

"This... this is impossible!"

"This is the strongest space seal!"

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