Mystic Dominator

Chapter 562: invite

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The current Katarina is wearing an apron in front of her, holding two dinner plates firmly with one hand.

Simply asked Ronald.

Katarina immediately sat across from Ronald, placing two plates in front of them at the same time.

Caterina prepared the same type of food for the two of them.

It's all a fried egg, and a pasta with a red sauce.

Ronald made a simple visual inspection and could even see that the amount of food in front of Katarina was smaller than that in front of him.


Nodding his thanks to the red-haired girl in front of him, Ronald carefully put the manuscript aside before answering:

"I do have some interest in the above."

"Especially the stuff about productivity views."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Katerina raised her eyebrows subtly.

She took a bite of her fried egg first, and then said seriously:

"As expected of someone who can find someone from Barrier Mountain at this time."

"It was obvious at a glance what the central question of my research was."

Ronald nodded.

Then bent over to taste the lunch Katarina gave him.


Whether it's an omelette or this seemingly simple pasta, Katerina makes it so delicious that it's completely unimaginable that it was made by a wizard buried deep in spell research.

Feel the taste carefully.

Ronald weighed in his mind the weight of the inquiries and the manuscript in front of him.

So very simply, Ronald continued:

"I see that there are still thoughts on productivity in the manuscript. Can you tell me about it?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Katerina put down the cutlery and leaned back.

I saw the girl folded her arms and raised her legs, and then asked in a playful voice, "Drake, since you know the meaning of my research, you must also guess its weight."

"If you want me to continue to explain to you, what price are you going to pay?"


Ronald replied solemnly:

"What I hope is not a one-sided explanation, but I feel that we can exchange views with each other, and maybe we can all gain something."


Katarina didn't seem satisfied with Ronald's answer.

She smacked her lips, then stood up with her plate.

"Come on, let's go up and see."

Without waiting for Ronald to respond, Katerina left the living room and walked towards the spiral staircase in the tower.

See Katarina in action.

Ronald thought for a moment, then picked up his plate and followed.

Katarina kept her footsteps on her feet, and she didn't forget to enjoy the food on her plate.

Wait until this lunch is almost done.

She also brought Ronald behind to the top of the Astronomy Magic Tower.

There is no offensive magic circle that exists in imagination.

Apart from the constantly rotating and moving astronomical instrument overhead, there are only a few tables, chairs and a pot of tea.

Katerina casually walked to a chair and sat down, then waved to Ronald:

"Come on, sit down and talk."


Ronald responded and sat across from Katarina.

Then, the wizard pointed to the sky and asked:

"Drake, look at this sky, how do you feel?"

Ronald was somewhat alert, so he replied tentatively:

"It's just an ordinary sky..."

"No, it's not normal." Katerina decisively denied Ronald. But there was no anxiety or any other negative emotions in the girl's tone. She just said in a calm tone like a normal conversation:

"You know, this sky is fake."

"Going up, beyond the gas layer is the dark void; even though the bottom has not been dug to the bottom, the black mist void will inevitably be waiting below. In such a limited world, resource exhaustion is only a matter of time."


After listening to this paragraph.

Ronald felt a little arrogant and reflected deeply on it.

Before entering the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], Ronald imagined the situation of the people in the seal, and clearly defined it as an "organization of casters with the intention of revenge".

But actually?

As long as you pick a dozen people at random, you can meet all kinds of people with different personalities, not to mention the world of [Infinite Negative Number Field].

The complexity of human beings has never been something that can be easily generalized.

While Ronald reflected on himself, Katerina continued:

"Drake, I'm not sure what the outside world is like now. But according to the records in the academy, there is actually a world where wizards occupy the absolute upper classes of society."

How far has Katerina's thinking reached?

Hearing this, Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"When you say the outside world, you are metaphorically referring to it too..."

"That's right, that's what I meant." Katarina's tone was still as calm as before, but the thoughts contained in it were absolutely extraordinary, "Whether it's our seal or the outside, it's essentially a finite world of different sizes."

"In any case, the reality of limited resources and land needs to be faced."

"If you want to keep moving towards the future... Either you have to open up your way to other worlds, or you have to look up."

Ronald went on to ask:

"About these two paths, which one do you prefer?"

Katerina poured a glass of water for the two of them and drank it all in one gulp before explaining:

"Although it was not their original intention, the way to go to other worlds has been verified by the people of Summoning Section. Due to the differences between different worlds, human beings going to other worlds are basically dead ends."

"So...there is only one right path."

At this point, Katarina put down the teacup and pointed to the sky with her finger.

Ronald praised from the bottom of his heart:

"This is really... in line with the view of the person in charge of the Astronomy Department."

Suddenly, Katarina smiled.

And this time, the smile didn't have the joking feeling it had before.

"From yesterday until now..."

"Drake, this is the first time you've flattered me from the bottom of your heart."

Ronald was alert.

Mind reading?

Katerina's judgment was too but Ronald didn't feel any magic power to probe himself.

The wizard in front of him used a spell similar to a [lie detector]?

Or is there some special magic item?

In a magical world like the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], Ronald could only face the situation with as much caution as possible.

at this time.

Katerina got up and walked over, patting Ronald on the shoulder lightly.

"I have everything you need to join the Astronomy Department ready, you can get it on the seventh floor."

After saying a word, Katarina bent down again and put her mouth to Ronald's ear.

Inviting in a playful tone:

"I'm going to teach those lovely wizard apprentices now."

"If you are interested, you can come and have a look~"

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