Mystic Dominator

Chapter 573: quick response

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The huge magic field spreads out with the mountainside as the center.

After Katarina fully deployed her spell, a field covering an area of ​​several kilometers descended near Fortress Mountain.

Its spell effects are strongest near Katarina herself.

The longer the distance, the less the effect.

As far as Ronald, who was searching for the enemy from the top of the mountain, immediately felt a strong sense of nausea. It wasn't that Katarina's spells had a direct effect on his body, but that this spell domain changed common sense and human cognition within the range.

But soon, Ronald found that the nausea began to subside.

Katarina somehow locked Ronald's position, so the domain took Ronald out of this common sense and cognition.

As for apart from them...

In the observation of Ronald's "Rage" power.

Many wizards with weak protection methods have completely lost their ability to fight.

Because at the moment of seeing the enemy, a strong discomfort is enough to cause them to have an obvious physiological response, not to mention casting a spell to fight - immediately fleeing to a place with few people is the only way to avoid direct shock.

The great wizard who was stopped by Katerina was able to maintain his combat ability.

It's just that in their current state, their strength will definitely be greatly reduced.


At this moment, an icy voice came from the ruins of the mountain obliquely below Ronald. Although it was only a very low whisper, Ronald's keen hearing still caught the slightest movement.


Recognizing that this was a movement from an artificial god, Ronald snapped his fingers and activated the [Archangel Archangel] to press him.


The earth and rocks under the control of the spell suddenly began to compress.

In the [Infinite Negative Field], the ability of the [Archangel Chief] to manipulate objects has also been greatly enhanced. The impact of the ordinary level has simply become the oppression of the deep-sea pressure level.

After that, however, the dust-splattered mountaintop ruins remained silent.

The earth and stone dominated by the spell even pressed into an indestructible whole, but Ronald didn't see any other movement.


The artificial deity did not fight back, nor resist.

As if being suppressed by Ronald's spell is a matter of course.

——This can’t be the enemy who just fought with him!

Instantly judging that this was the bait for his own attack, Ronald turned his hand and let the black mist of the power of **** cover a distance of more than ten meters around him, and at the same time, the souls stored in the blood river were immediately released.

And under the surveillance of this airtight spell.

Ronald really found the trail of the enemy.

Just seven meters away from him, a completely transparent figure was approaching Ronald in the smoke. If it weren't for the black fog of **** that completely enveloped every space, this would definitely be an extremely difficult enemy to find.

It was at this moment that Ronald confirmed one thing.

Even if the black mist formed by the power of **** touches the body of the artificial god, it cannot exercise its power. Under the judgment of the spell, not only are the artificial gods not human, they are not even living creatures!


With his eyes lowered, Ronald reacted extremely quickly.

The moment the sword of St. Catalina was swung, I also rushed towards him.


On the other side, the artificial **** snorted coldly.

Seeing that his sneak attack plan failed, he decisively activated the spell that was brewing in his hand, and punched Ronald's sword.


It was the sound of a sharp object hitting again.

It was clearly a fist on one side and a blade on the other, but this time, this unique sound was made.

Ronald's eyes locked on the hand of the artificial god.

What this guy used—— was undoubtedly some kind of spell to correct the concept. If he was directly hit by such a fist, I am afraid that the damage he would suffer would also be caused by a sharp weapon.

Then, the artificial deity turned around and jumped up.

Several different spell marks flashed across his hand one after another.

It remembered the fighting ability Ronald showed on the island last time.

Although it seems that the close combat ability of the two is on par, but the actual situation is not the case.

The power of thunder in the artificial god's body is always weakening at a gentle rate, and it itself steadily improves its combat ability.

Keep the fight within the realm of hand-to-hand combat.

It is sure to take down the enemy in front of it!

On the other side, Ronald's eyes were still locked on the artificial **** in front of him.

He also has no reason to back down. As long as he steadily grasps the rhythm of the battle, Ronald also has the confidence to defeat the enemy!



Figures staggered, swords and fists collided.

The battle beyond the limit of ordinary people's reaction speed occurred here.

Every moment of confrontation is as quick and elusive as lightning.

It's just that this high-intensity battle is not static—

After more than ten rounds of fierce fighting.

Ronald's hand holding the sword suddenly crooked.


this moment.

He realized it was bad.

Just now, he was able to be on an equal footing with the artificial gods, which was based on the strengthening of the body by the quadruple spell.

But now?

The morning is over and the sun is up!

The protection of "The Great Completion of Astronomy" changed from [Lunar Eclipse] to [Solar Eclipse], and his physical strength weakened in an instant.

This kind of weakening is not simply a quarter of the numerical weakening. In reality, the effects of various aspects will only make it more difficult to handle the battle.

And this result...

It is when facing the fist of the artificial god.

Ronald actually found it difficult to hold the gift of the saint in his hand!


At this moment, everything changed in an instant.

The artificial **** realized Ronald's reaction, and his red eyes shrank suddenly.

And above--

Baprol has been paying attention to the battle below.

Seeing that Ronald was at a disadvantage, this time he waved three tentacles and smashed at the artificial god. The huge tentacles forced the opponent to deal with it.

at the same time.

Baprol threw out two green tentacles again.

One of them was wrapped around Ronald, while the other came to Katerina on the mountainside. Then, the huge tentacles rolled up the two of them and then bent suddenly, and threw them into the air with all their might.


Baproul is quite particular about this.

At the optimum speed and force, a powerful whiplash effect appears at the tip of his tentacles.

And at the moment when the tentacle was given extremely terrifying the tentacle broke.

The huge kinetic energy almost pulled the air into pieces, and the tentacles that rolled Ronald and Katarina flew directly into the air like cannonballs, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

The tentacles that wrapped him began to deform.

The cult warlock's head appeared on the tentacles, then grinned at Ronald.

"Hush hush-"

Although the violent wind made Ronald unable to hear what Pablo was saying.

But by recognizing the mouth shape.

He also guessed what this guy wanted to express:

"Can't beat-"


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