Mystic Dominator

Chapter 576: 1 night in the wild

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Meanwhile, the six wizards had just left Fortress Hill.

Because this operation is a reconnaissance and message type task, all six of them are wizards who are good at flying and have flexible thinking.


Then they encountered the first crisis of the day.

The flight at the beginning was safe and sound.

However, when two hours passed, and after they left the barrier mountain more than 100 kilometers according to the instructed exploration trajectory, the sudden pain instantly occupied all the consciousness in the minds of these six people.

Defense spells function normally, and scout spells do not detect any approaching enemies.

It wasn't even time to report back what happened to him.

The six of them fell to the ground in unison, and it seemed that they fell to the ground and died.

Unfortunately, the bad luck doesn't stop there.

In the process of this desperate and painful fall, the bodies of the six wizards began to twist and deform in the air, their flesh and blood grew uncontrollably, and frantically eroded the wizard's physical strength and magic power.

The final result-

It was six sarcomas that were completely invisible and hit the ground, followed by a few irregular bloodstains. The whole scene was like an evil sacrifice place.


At this time, the six sarcomas began to wriggle on the ground.

They are not dead!

Although the original body shape and consciousness have been lost, the strength of this 'body' is extremely high, so the wizard who lost his human appearance did not die directly.

It is because of this situation.

The stress spell buried in their bodies could not be activated, and Barrier Mountain could not receive news of the annihilation of this team.


At this time, six birds flew in a neat formation in the sky.

However, in just a few seconds, the six birds exploded in the air together, and then turned into six green flowers of flesh and blood and fell.

So far, only six 'Wizards' were left wriggling on the ground at night.

There was no trace of any other living creatures to be seen.


"Oh, it's over."

Farther away from the barrier mountain, Baproul grinned.

At this time, the three of Ronald had already set up camp in the wild, and at the same time dealt with their own spells or adjusted their status.

The spell of the cult warlock's mind takes effect.

Of course he immediately leaned over to Ronald and boasted:

"Ronald, I've got the first wave of pursuers!"

"I guarantee they have no chance to pass the news back, and they haven't killed this group of people, it's foolproof!"


Ronald lowered his head, and the reconnaissance result passed on by the power of 'Rage' was also the same as what Baproul said: "The mood swings of these six people have become very chaotic, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing that Baproul was praised, he moved back to his original position with satisfaction.

Ronald then turned to look at Katarina:

"The physical aberration caused by mental pollution has completely dealt with the first wave of chasing soldiers. Can the result be determined?"

Katerina fully understood Ronald's caution now.

So she didn't say much, and activated her spell to start predicting the next situation.

This time the work was simple, and Katarina was naturally quick.

In the blink of an eye, she confirmed the result of Baproul's action.

"The results are very good. The barrier mountain will only be aware of the situation of these people tomorrow afternoon. As for the chasing troops... they will be dispatched at noon the day after tomorrow, all of whom have learned the original spells."

"the day after tomorrow……"

Ronald murmured softly.

Katerina's predictions are very reasonable.

The day after tomorrow is the sixth day when he and Baproul entered the [Infinite Negative Realm].

At the same time, the outside world will also come to November.

In order to prevent them from interfering with the plan on the day of breaking the seal, it is naturally the best solution to send out chase troops at this point in time, and then entangle the three of them.

For Ronald and the other three, the choice was simple and clear.

Kill the wizard who came out to chase them as soon as possible, or try to avoid the pursuit and get close to Fortress Mountain.

Thanks to the help of Baproul's series of spells.

Not only were they not discovered by the first wave of wizards in charge of reconnaissance, but the ordinary people they met in the wild in the past few days couldn't recognize the true identities of the three, so the probability of exposure was very small.

Ronald analyzed the situation and made a plan in his mind, while Baproul in the camp was not to be outdone by Katarina.

"Hey, I said the strongest, what type of perfection is your technique?"

"We are all comrades in arms, let's get to know each other."

Katerina gave Paprolle a condescending smile.

"You're really welcome. You ask this kind of information that involves the top secret of the school. Did the outside wizards want to tear your mouth apart?"

"I have a good relationship and everyone likes me very much." Baproul explained sincerely, "Not only do my subordinates in the optical sect respect me, but the leaders of other sects, and even the sectarians of hostile forces, are very happy when they meet me. It's rare to call directly!"

Facing Baproul's statement, Katerina did not have the slightest trust in her eyes, and the tone of her mouth revealed a clear sarcasm:

"The wizard outside has a really good temper."

Baprol nodded with satisfaction:

"That's right, I also like the magicians outside."

"If you have a chance, I'll introduce you to a few ace investigators of the Bureau of Investigation. All of them are absolute elite trump cards!"


The conversation between Baprol and Katerina continues.

However, at this time, Ronald suddenly raised his arm to interrupt their conversation:

"Stop, someone is coming."


The two people in the conversation immediately stopped, and then looked in the direction Ronald looked at.

In just a few minutes, a small convoy with only two carriages came from the west and approached the camp that Ronald and the others had set up along the road at night.

The next moment, evil magic emerged behind Ronald.

Ronald immediately stopped:

"Stop, Paprol!"

"It's an ordinary person!"


The cult warlock respected Ronald's only when a hint of a spell appeared and was instantly extinguished, and the expression on Baproul's face changed from seriousness to smile.

And on the other side of the road.

The man who didn't know he had just experienced the catastrophe of life and death came over.

After saying hello with the etiquette in the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], the man opened his mouth and asked:

"Three, would you like to have a partner together?"

"It's getting late now, and it may take a lot of time for us to set up our own camp."

"As a reward, I can treat you all to dinner."

Ronald smiled like a real traveler, and then pointed his finger aside:

"Of course no problem, please come over."

"Everyone walks outside just to help each other."

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