Mystic Dominator

Chapter 60: people are still there

Putting aside the complacency and pride that shouldn't be there, Ronald rearranged the clues of the whole thing.

A lonely data room.

The original book, whose face is still unclear, is the culprit that caused everything to happen.

He and Patricia went to the reference room, and even after entering it.

The whole process is unguarded, no one interferes, and no one stops it.

Looking at the dust on the original book, you can understand that this thing has existed for a long time at Burrenwich Railway Station, and no one has ever found it.

So there is a high probability that something accidentally stimulated the magic book, which triggered the runaway of power.

In this way, the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes can be temporarily ruled out.

All he has to do is stop the magic book rampage.

From the previous part of the two people's exploration, it can also be understood that the time at Burrenwich Railway Station is neatly arranged...


Recalling this, Ronald suddenly turned his head to look at the train track.

I just cleaned the wound with self-reflection. Although it didn't take much time, it should have taken more than 4 minutes and 48 seconds.


Why hasn't Dongfeng come back yet!

When he was thrown around by the power of the original text just now, this train was still going back in time!

Has the train station changed again?


After a few seconds of silence, Ronald carried the kettle back to the edge of the platform.

Then he simply jumped down.

At this moment, the Dongfeng had already disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

The winter sun shines on the quiet station. The spacious platform has only a few trains that are still replenishing. Without the work of station workers, they can only stay in place quietly.

He walked to the position of the previously measured time division line in one go.

Ronald stopped, his eyes swept across the seemingly empty place in front of him.

He remembered it clearly.

Because when they were looking for the location of the time division, he and Patricia had determined the trajectory of this line many times in order to ensure the accuracy of the data.

This position is right in front of you.

"I hope things don't happen again..."

Muttering as if to convince himself, Ronald handed out the water bottle in his hand.


The kettle is half gone—

This act of safety has served its purpose.

At this time, Ronald was only holding the upper half of the kettle, and the lower half was directly hidden in the air, completely disappearing.

Take back your hand—

The complete kettle was immediately returned to the eyes, and there was no trace of incompleteness on the surface.

This situation is exactly the same as Patricia's experiment in the reference room.


"Is that so..."

He looked thoughtfully at the empty air in front of him.

Ronald made a rough estimate based on the structure of the train station in his mind, and moved the position before extending the kettle.

After confirming that there was no obstacle on the other side, he stepped forward.


Stand on your feet.

What followed was a sudden change in the scenery in front of him.

Ronald was still on the platform of the train before, but now he is only one step away, and he is already on the square in front of Burrenwich Railway Station.


"That's true..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ronald couldn't help but sigh.

His previous actions had caused the time warp of the train station to turn into a space warp; and the current data room has a high probability of changing from a space warp to a time warp.

The time and space difference between the two has been reversed!


"Anyway, we still have to go to the data room first."

Bowing his head and sighing, Ronald then walked towards the office building.

In any case, since the rules for dividing the area in a fan shape have not changed, the central position of this force probably will not change either.

Just go inside.

The daily commute to and from get off work feels completely different now.

In less than five minutes, Ronald returned to the office building that he hadn't left for too long.

Since the last time I saw them.

There were no noticeable changes to the office building or the database.

The sun poured down obliquely from the top of the station, casting long shadows on the buildings and the ground, and everything around was eerily quiet.

There is no one here either.

To be more precise, the empty train station could not even see a single sparrow, just like the opening scene of a horror movie.

On the first floor, the door to the database was still open.

It was as if after being thrown out by the power of the magic book, nothing changed here.

But compared to the worst case.

It's actually fine now.

The space surrounding a database divided into 24 equal parts was not as crowded as the room. Without having to suffer the awkward experience of being physically divided, Ronald walked to the door of the warehouse intact.

After adjusting his position outside the corridor, he looked over.

Look at this.

A white-gold figure came into view.

Unlike herself who was thrown around, Patricia was in the room at the moment, and she was also alone.

Because the distortion of space was changed to time, this girl broke away from the curious look that was separated before, and instead stood in the room in the state of a complete human being.

Facing the magic book placed in front of her, the girl still frowned.

She couldn't decipher the power of the original.

At this time, the sound of Ronald's approaching footsteps outside the house echoed in his ears.

Patricia immediately turned to look out the door:


"Why did you suddenly disappear just now?"

"My previous method was a bit too so I was thrown out by the power of the original text."

Step forward to the door.

Seeing that his companion was intact, Ronald breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time did not forget to ask:

"How have you been inside during this time?"

"Anything new to discover?"


Just as the girl was about to answer, her figure suddenly flashed across the room.

There was no process in between, she went directly from facing Ronald to facing the magic book.


An exclamation-

The girl jumped back abruptly, as if she had encountered something incomprehensible.

Jumping away from her previous position, she first looked down at her hands, then quickly looked up at the surrounding environment.

Seeing this, Ronald, who had just walked to the door, also caught his eye as he should.

Immediately, Patricia took two steps back and asked nervously, as if she had discovered Ronald standing outside the database for the first time.


"Aren't you in front of me just now, why did you just run outside?"

"And the space division in this room!"


"Patricia, calm down first!"

Seeing the defensive look on the girl's face, how could Ronald not understand what the scene in front of him meant.

He showed his hands and took two steps back to show that he was not malicious.

Then he explained aloud:

"The distorted state of the data room and train station has changed, and now the time in the data bank is going back!"

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