Mystic Dominator

Chapter 593: completely liberated

That cloud of gray glowing gas.

Like colored clouds falling into the mountains.

After the temporary structure was destroyed by Katarina's blow, the Well of Judgment was about a kilometer away from the top of the mountain. Ronald's line of sight could see such a thing floating in the air.

At the same time feel a little.

It is easy to feel the huge magic power gathered here.

Under the guidance of the magic array embedded in the mountain, the magic pools of the towers gathered energy here, and then formed such a thing. While maintaining the fortress mountain floating, it seems to be communicating somewhere within the Well of Judgment.

- A teleportation point to the outside world.

Seeing this scene, Ronald understood this without any explanation.

As long as he and Baproul pass through here, theoretically, they can leave the [Infinite Negative Field] immediately. After all, not long ago in this world, the artificial gods and wizards left here.

"Um... is there something bad about my spell?"

At this moment, Baproul pointed his finger at the gas below.

An important issue that cannot be ignored is currently taking place below the Well of Judgment, and is inseparable from Baproul.

During the time when he lost consciousness.

The tentacles created by Baproul's spells launch all attacks on the surroundings regardless of the target, and at the same time, the erosion and destruction of inorganic and organic substances also have a great impact on the mountain of the barrier itself.

the consequences of such a thing.

There is a considerable degree of instability within this channel.

Even in the worst case scenario, it is not impossible for this gas cloud to collapse completely now that the mountain structure is constantly collapsing.

"You wait, I'll test it first."

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before.

Or should I say, he didn't really come..."

Facing the scene in front of her, Katerina stepped forward and chanted a spell.

At this moment, it is just a simple assumption of fact, and there are almost no unexpected factors. With the powerful speculation ability of [Psychohistory], Katerina can predict the future situation almost immediately.

"No big deal..."

Katarina was only halfway through speaking when she was interrupted by the situation in front of her.

A purple-black diamond-shaped mirror appeared abruptly in the air, and an old man in a silver robe immediately emerged from it, and a disc was stepped on his feet to help him fly in the air.

——The person from Barrier Mountain.

It's just a few other bad judgments.

The only thing Ronald had seen on Sinovi was the tool that could fly under the opponent's feet.

This old the enemy?

Could it be that because of the destruction of the temporary six-member council building, the great wizard who stayed behind at Fortress Mountain noticed this situation and came to stop them?

Ronald thought about preparing for a surprise attack.

But before he started, Katerina called out the old man's name in a nostalgic tone:

"Mr. Simmons..."


The two should have been close acquaintances.

After all, it is clear to each other that their positions are already opposed, and now they do not have the first shot when they meet.

Then the old man moved first.

He looked at the three of them with complex eyes, but there was no sign of casting spells, and he continued to speak to Katarina:

"Katrina, things have come to this point... Are you sure your inference is correct? What if the spell is wrong?"

Katerina's expression was firm, and at the same time she raised her right finger and pointed at her head:

"My conclusion is drawn from here, and there is no influence of magic mixed in it. Besides, Simmons - if you don't think like me, why don't you leave with the false god?"

"Although you have rarely shown your abilities, as a great wizard who once ruled the Technology Development Section, no one doubts whether you have enough strength."

Hearing Katerina's rhetorical question, the old man closed his eyes in pain.

This question seems to hit an unavoidable pain point.

"We may be able to find other ways..."

"Enough, I'm not going to waste time with you here!" Katarina simply interrupted the old man's words, and the magic on her body became active in the next second, "A world where people around are all idiots—this kind of fun , I've seen enough!"

"The opportunity to change all this is at hand!"

"I will definitely do it!"


In the next second, unreserved powerful magic burst out from Katarina.

As soon as the indestructible stable magic power appeared, Ronald understood that this was the phenomenon that Katarina had activated the Perfection Technique.

However, it was different from what he had seen before.

After Katarina activated the spell without reservation, the world around the entire Barrier Mountain instantly became dark, and then messy stars and light mist appeared, responsible for embellishing the light of this dark world.

At this moment, Ronald's position was slightly higher.

At this moment, he felt the phenomenon of weightlessness similar to entering space, and he adjusted the flying spell to ensure balance.

Katerina herself has also undergone dramatic changes.

The camouflage previously given by Baproul was torn with the robe on her body, and then a simple and capable mechanical armor that covered a small number of important bodies in a streamlined shape was revealed. Arc lights and bright energy sources sneak into these metals, leaving no one doubting the strength of this outfit.

- But the change is not just that.

After showing her strongest fighting stance, a red and purple arc stretched out from Katarina's hand, and then turned into a dangerous weapon that could change shape at will.

If Ronald was to express his thoughts now...

The wizard is completely different from the current Katarina, perhaps it is more appropriate to call her a technological warrior from the future.

"Katerina, I also have my own responsibilities." Seeing Katerina entering this extremely threatening posture, the old man no longer discouraged anything, but persuaded himself to say the same, "In this world, I must also guard."

The voice fell, and the old man also began to emerge powerful magic.

The same purple-black rhombus mirrors that he had when he appeared began to appear one by one in the air around Barrier Mountain.

——This is also a powerful technique of Although the details are not clear, Ronald is very sure of one thing-this has become one of the most dangerous battlefields!

"In the end, the difference between you and other idiots is that you know more." Katarina sneered at the other party's spell, and did not choose to block it.

On the contrary, at such a most important and critical time.

Katerina looked back at Ronald:

"Ronald, that's not your real name."

Ronald understood the meaning in Katarina's eyes, and felt the 'goodbye' that was about to happen. Ronald said in his native language: "You... call me Lao Yang."

Katarina smiled with satisfaction.

While her body flew in the direction of the old man, she finally said to Ronald:

"Old Yang, it's very good."

"Now go downstairs, you also have things you have to do."

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