Mystic Dominator

Chapter 600: conjecture and reality

Ronald organized everything that happened in his head.

The trajectory of the sun, the city on the opposite side of the mainland when flying out to sea, and the changes in the trajectories of the stars last night...

A lot of information comes together.

In Ronald's mind, a bold and outrageous guess began to emerge.

Based on the knowledge gained from current experience, Ronald knew that in this world, the existence of information itself can change the nature of the world, which is particularly prominent in the manifestation of spellcasting ability.

When it comes to this, one has to think of [Alienation of the World].

This thing distorted the truth by the predecessors, and at the same time verifies the fact that the information spread between human beings will have an impact on the composition of the world.

- So is there a possibility?

When the artificial gods returned to this world with a large number of wizards.

Katarina, who is located in the [Infinite Negative Realm], has made some very important changes to that strange world.

So under the influence of double action.

The outer world where Ronald and the others are now has finally undergone some structural change, and has even affected the shape of the world under their feet?

Thinking in this direction, more things that can make sense emerge one by one.

Just like the S-shaped trajectory of the sun.

In fact, if the surface of a planet is unfolded according to a plane, the global straight line at a certain angle will become a curve that continuously bends and turns, which is a classical phenomenon in geometry.

If we go further...

At this time, a result that was even more unbelievable for Ronald than the matter of crossing, slowly emerged in his mind.

In case... in case the spatial structure of this world.

What about unfolding into a single-sided structure similar to a Mobius ring?

When the space faults that are connected and curved are combined, this geographical change can be explained, and even the changes in the trajectory of the starry sky and the route of the sun can also be understood as the result of opening the screen!

"Sir...what's the matter with you?"

Ronald was lost in his own thoughts.

And the little boy who had just been rescued from danger by him finally couldn't help but speak.

"What's wrong with my answer?"

"I can swear to the great **** Bornamo that all the answers just now are true."

Ronald came to his senses immediately.

Looking back at the little boy with an apologetic look, he continued:

"It's nothing, I just remembered something."

"It's not very safe in the city now, you should go home quickly."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, the little boy's eyes were still a little uneasy:

"Sir, are you really all right?"

Ronald smiled and patted the little boy's head:

"Don't worry, think about how I saved you just now."


With such a reminder, the little boy got rid of the thought of dialogue.

He thought about Ronald's heroic gesture of knocking down the villain with three punches and two feet just now, and then looked down at his thin hands and feet.

Finally bowed to Ronald in thanks.

He then turned his head and ran towards the city.

It's really not very safe in the city right now, considering practical issues, it's more appropriate for a child like him to go home quickly.


On the other side, Ronald watched the little boy leave before turning his head away.

Relying on the convenience of the power of 'Rage' in exploration, Ronald knew very well what the situation in the city was now. Acts of simply venting emotions through violence are being staged almost all the time.

If it happened to happen, Ronald would not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

As for calming the city down right now...

This is not appropriate.


Leaving the main body of the city, Ronald took one last look at the city.

Then he chanted the incantation in his mouth, and he immediately flew into the distance under the influence of the spell.

Ronald stayed in Sekkolo for a few hours, and now he was flying over the sea again, and he also paid special attention to the speed of his flight when he left.

- The speed and the time of arrival have not changed.

At least during this period of time, the status quo of spellcasting in this world has not continued to change.

gradually away from the mainland.

The first thing Ronald took off this time was to go straight back.

After a period of flying, the land where Purvikta was located appeared in Ronald's eyes again.

"That's true..."

Ronald murmured, did not move on and landed.

Actually this is enough.

Pulvik Tower, appearing on the fringes of the field of vision, proves a point.

The result of Ronald's successful flight to Seclolo was not an accidental spatial dislocation, but a problem with the spatial structure of this world.

Otherwise, the geographic locations of the two cities are marked on the normal map.

Ronald would never experience what happened today.

Floating in the air a few kilometers away from the land, Ronald bowed his head slightly, and began to construct a preliminary map in his heart.

This map is not the original world map.

Instead, after unfolding the map in a manifold manner, the sun's trajectory is marked on it.

Analyze specific issues.

The old way of recognizing the way is not available, but what about making a corresponding change?

If the changes in the world are in line with speculation, it is still possible to follow the trajectory after the map is unfolded and find a way.

- The sun in the sky.

It can still be used as a road sign when moving forward.


Ronald's computing ability can only be said to be average, and his geometry is not very good.

Just like that biting the bullet and simulating it for a long time.

He finally figured out a route that might work.

With the constant adjustment of the sun's trajectory, it shouldn't go wrong-probably?

"If there is a next time, I will listen carefully in class..."

He sighed softly.

Ronald's figure left the place.

This flight is not simply galloping in the direction of the target. Every time Ronald flew a certain distance, he had to constantly adjust his direction according to the distorted trajectory of the sun in the sky, so as to ensure that his general direction would not deviate.

There is only the sky above the head.

Everything below is ocean.

The dull and unchanging scene is kept by my side, and when I observe the position of the sun, I just feel dazzling.

That's how it took a few days.

I don't know if it's because of God's or because Ronald's guess is extremely accurate.

At the end of the journey in computing.

Ronald saw an island - or the ruins of an island.

It's here that Ronald and Baproul returned to the world a few days ago; it's here a few months ago that Ronald first fought off the artificial gods that caused everything when Typhoon Springs that island.

——Actually, Ronald's conjecture is very simple.

This kind of spatial change had already happened before the abnormality appeared in the air. He and Baproul were in the exact opposite direction. In fact, it was because of these initial changes that the so-called spatial dislocation point was just a misunderstanding.

However, at this moment, I saw the imaginary destination appear in front of me.

His conjecture was also confirmed.

Ronald's face was not very good-looking.

Because in the broken center of the island, the gas cloud that was originally used to escape the [Infinite Negative Field] has now completely disappeared!

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